IO Handler for Isis Cubes.
int getBin()
Returns the bin value, read as the value of the Summing keyword from the instrument group in the labe...
int p_channel
Value of the ChannelNumber keyword from the cube's Instrument group.
int getCcd()
Returns the value of the ccd from a lookup table based on the cpmm number.
int getChannel()
Returns the value of the ChannelNumber keyword read from the instrument group in the labels of a hiri...
HiLab(Cube *cube)
Constructs a HiLab Object.
int getCpmmNumber()
Returns the value of the CpmmNumber keyword read from the instrument group in the labels of a hiris c...
int p_cpmmNumber
Value of the CpmmNumber keyword from the cube's Instrument group.
int getTdi()
Returns the value of the Tdi keyword read from the instrument group in the labels of a hirise cube.
int p_bin
Value of the Summing keyword from the cube's Instrument group, if it exists.
int p_tdi
Value of the Tdi keyword from the cube's Instrument group, if it exists.
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