57 QString toString()
Defines an angle and provides unit conversions.
Buffer for reading and writing cube data.
Calculate light intensity reflected off a local slope of DEM.
Hillshade & operator=(const Hillshade &rhs)
Assignment operator.
Angle zenith() const
Get the current zenith angle.
void setResolution(double resolution)
The resolution is the meters per pixel of the input to shadedValue().
void setAzimuth(Angle azimuth)
The azimuth is the direction of the light.
Angle * m_zenith
This is the altitide of the light, with 0 directly overhead and 90 at the horizon.
void swap(Hillshade &other)
Swap class data with other; this cannot throw an exception.
Angle * m_azimuth
This is direction of the light, with 0 at north.
Create a default-constructed Hillshade.
double m_pixelResolution
meters per pixel
Angle azimuth() const
Get the current azimuth angle.
double resolution() const
Get the current resolution (meters per pixel).
void setZenith(Angle zenith)
The zenith is the altitude/solar elevation of the light.
double shadedValue(Buffer &input) const
Calculate the shaded value from a 3x3x1 window.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const Hillshade &hillshade)
Print this class out to a QDebug object.