Isis 3 Programmer Reference
1#ifndef InlineCalculator_h
2#define InlineCalculator_h
8/* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 */
10// parent class
11#include "Calculator.h"
13#include <QList>
14#include <QMap>
15#include <QString>
16#include <QVector>
18class QVariant;
20namespace Isis {
22 class CalculatorVariablePool;
23 class FxBinder;
24 class ParamaterFx;
25 class VoidFx;
31 #define CALL_MEMBER_FN(object, ptrToMember) ((object).*(ptrToMember))
51 public:
54 InlineCalculator(const QString &equation);
55 virtual ~InlineCalculator();
57 int size() const;
59 QString equation() const;
60 bool compile(const QString &equation);
62 QVector<double> evaluate(CalculatorVariablePool *variablePool);
63 QVector<double> evaluate();
65 protected:
69 // Implementations of local/new functions
70 void scalar(const QVariant &scalar);
71 void variable(const QVariant &variable);
73 void floatModulus();
74 void radians();
75 void degrees();
76 void logicalOr();
77 void logicalAnd();
78 void pi();
79 void eConstant();
81 virtual QString toPostfix(const QString &equation) const;
82 bool isScalar(const QString &scalar);
83 bool isVariable(const QString &str);
85 // Derived classes can be added with these methods for customization.
86 // See FxBinder().
87 bool fxExists(const QString &fxname) const;
90 virtual bool orphanTokenHandler(const QString &token);
92 private:
94 typedef QVector<FxTypePtr> FxEqList;
96 typedef QMap<QString, FxTypePtr> FxPoolType;
98 void pushVariables(CalculatorVariablePool *variablePool);
100 void popVariables();
102 FxTypePtr find(const QString &fxname);
103 void initialize();
104 void destruct();
108 QString m_equation;
109 QList<CalculatorVariablePool *> m_variablePoolList;
111 };
122 public:
126 virtual bool exists(const QString &variable) const;
127 virtual QVector<double> value(const QString &variable,
128 const int &index = 0) const;
129 virtual void add(const QString &key, QVector<double> &values);
130 };
140 class FxBinder {
141 public:
142 FxBinder(const QString &name);
143 virtual ~FxBinder();
145 QString name() const;
146 void execute();
147 void operator()();
153 virtual void dispatch() = 0;
154 virtual QVariant args();
156 private:
157 QString m_name;
158 };
169 class InlineVoidFx : public FxBinder {
170 public:
172 typedef void (InlineCalculator::*calcOp)();
174 InlineVoidFx(const QString &name, calcOp function,
175 InlineCalculator *calculator);
176 virtual ~InlineVoidFx();
177 void dispatch();
179 private:
182 };
193 class ParameterFx : public FxBinder {
194 public:
196 typedef void (InlineCalculator::*calcOp)(const QVariant &arg);
198 ParameterFx(const QString &name, calcOp function,
199 InlineCalculator *calculator);
200 virtual ~ParameterFx();
201 void dispatch();
203 private:
206 };
217 class VoidFx : public FxBinder {
218 public:
220 typedef void (Calculator::*calcOp)();
222 VoidFx(const QString &name, calcOp function,
223 InlineCalculator *calculator);
224 virtual ~VoidFx();
225 void dispatch();
227 private:
230 };
232 // this is a global method, outside of all classes.
233 double floatModulusOperator(double a, double b);
235} // Namespace Isis
Calculator for arrays.
Definition Calculator.h:55
This is a simple class to model a Calculator Variable Pool.
Constructs a CalculatorVariablePool object.
virtual void add(const QString &key, QVector< double > &values)
Add a parameter to the variable pool.
virtual QVector< double > value(const QString &variable, const int &index=0) const
Return vector of doubles for Calculator functions.
virtual bool exists(const QString &variable) const
Returns true so the real error can be reported.
Destroys the CalculatorVariablePool object.
This is the parent class to the various function classes.
QString m_name
Name of function.
void operator()()
Executes the function.
virtual ~FxBinder()
Destroys the FxBinder object.
void execute()
Executes the function.
FxBinder(const QString &name)
Constructs a function binder given a name.
virtual void dispatch()=0
This method defines how to execute this function.
virtual QVariant args()
Accesses the arguments for this function.
QString name() const
The name assigned to this function binder.
Provides a calculator for inline equations.
virtual QString toPostfix(const QString &equation) const
Converts the given string from infix to postfix format.
void degrees()
Pops the top vector off the current stack and converts from radians to degrees.
FxTypePtr find(const QString &fxname)
Gets a pointer to the function from the current pool that corresponds to the given function name.
void initialize()
Adds the recognized functions to the function pool.
QVector< double > evaluate()
Evaluate compiled equation with existing variable pool.
bool isVariable(const QString &str)
Determines whether the given string is a variable.
void pushVariables(CalculatorVariablePool *variablePool)
Push the given variable pool onto the current variable pool list.
QList< CalculatorVariablePool * > m_variablePoolList
The list of variable pool pointers.
CalculatorVariablePool * variables()
Accesses the last variable pool in the current pool list.
void logicalOr()
Pops the top two vectors off the current stack and performs a logical or on each pair.
void scalar(const QVariant &scalar)
Pushes the given value onto the stack as a scalar.
virtual bool orphanTokenHandler(const QString &token)
Default token handler if it is undefined during parsing/compilation.
void floatModulus()
Pops the top two vectors off the current stack and performs the floatModulusOperator() on the corresp...
QVector< FxTypePtr > FxEqList
Definition for a FxEqList, a vector of function type pointers.
void destruct()
Discard of all the function pool and class resources.
void pi()
Pushes the PI constant onto the current stack.
void logicalAnd()
Pops the top two vectors off the current stack and performs a logical and on each pair.
void eConstant()
Pushes the Euler constant (e) onto the current stack.
virtual ~InlineCalculator()
Destroys the InlineCalculator object.
void variable(const QVariant &variable)
Pushes the given value onto the stack as a variable.
FxBinder * FxTypePtr
Defintion for a FxTypePtr, a pointer to a function binder (FxBinder)
int size() const
Accesses the number of functions, operators, variables, and scalars to be executed.
void popVariables()
Removes the last variable pool in the current variable pool list.
QMap< QString, FxTypePtr > FxPoolType
Definition for a FxPoolType, a map between a string and function type pointer.
void radians()
Pops the top vector off the current stack and converts from degrees to radians.
QString m_equation
The equation to be evaluated.
Constructs an InlineCalculator object by initializing the operator lookup list.
bool compile(const QString &equation)
Compiles the given equation for evaluation.
bool fxExists(const QString &fxname) const
Determines whether the given function name exists in the current function pool.
QString equation() const
Accesses the string representation of the current equation, in postfix format.
FxTypePtr addFunction(FxTypePtr function)
Adds a function to the function pool.
FxPoolType m_fxPool
The map between function names and equation lists.
FxEqList m_functions
The list of pointers to function equations for the calculator.
bool isScalar(const QString &scalar)
Determines whether the given string contains a scalar value (i.e.
This class is used to bind function names with corresponding InlineCalculator functions that do not t...
calcOp m_func
The InlineCalculator operator that takes no parameters.
InlineCalculator * m_calc
The InlineCalculator used to evaluate this function.
void(InlineCalculator::* calcOp)()
Defines an InlineCalculator function that takes no arguments.
InlineVoidFx(const QString &name, calcOp function, InlineCalculator *calculator)
Constructs an InlineVoid function from the given name, InlineCalculator operator, and InlineCalculato...
void dispatch()
Calls the function corresponding to this object using its stored InlineCalculator and InlineCalculato...
virtual ~InlineVoidFx()
Destroys the InlineVoidFx object.
This class is used to bind function names with corresponding Calculator functions that take a paramet...
InlineCalculator * m_calc
The InlineCalculator used to evaluate this function.
virtual ~ParameterFx()
Destroys the ParameterFx object.
calcOp m_func
The InlineCalculator operator that takes parameters.
void dispatch()
Calls the function corresponding to this object using its stored InlineCalculator,...
void(InlineCalculator::* calcOp)(const QVariant &arg)
Defines an InlineCalculator function that takes arguments.
ParameterFx(const QString &name, calcOp function, InlineCalculator *calculator)
Constructs a Parameter function from the given name (containing the appropriate parameters),...
This class is used to bind function names with corresponding Calculator functions that do not take pa...
void(Calculator::* calcOp)()
Defines a Calculator function that takes no arguments.
InlineCalculator * m_calc
The Calculator used to evaluate this function.
virtual ~VoidFx()
Destroys the VoidFx object.
void dispatch()
Calls the function corresponding to this object using its stored Calculator and Calculator operator.
calcOp m_func
The Calculator operator that takes no parameters.
VoidFx(const QString &name, calcOp function, InlineCalculator *calculator)
Constructs a Void function from the given name, Calculator operator, and Calculator.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition Apollo.h:16
double floatModulusOperator(double a, double b)
Determines the remainder of the quotient a/b whose sign is the same as that of a.