14#include "kdu_stripe_decompressor.h"
17#define MIN_STRIPE_HEIGHT 256
18#define MAX_STRIPE_HEIGHT 8192
97 inline int GetSampleDimension()
const {
102 inline int GetLineDimension()
const {
107 inline int GetBandDimension()
const {
112 inline int GetPixelBytes()
const {
117 inline bool GetSignedData()
const {
122 void Read(
unsigned char **inbuf);
125 void Read(
short int **inbuf);
127 static bool IsJP2(QString filename);
138 unsigned int p_resolutionLevel;
140 unsigned int p_highestResLevel;
142 int *p_maxStripeHeights;
148 int *p_stripeHeights;
151 unsigned int p_pixelBits;
155 kdu_core::kdu_dims p_imageDims;
156 kdu_supp::jp2_family_src *JP2_Stream;
157 kdu_supp::jp2_source *JP2_Source;
158 kdu_core::kdu_codestream *JPEG2000_Codestream;
159 kdu_supp::kdu_stripe_decompressor p_decompressor;
unsigned int p_numBands
Number of bands in JP2 file.
void SetResolutionAndRegion()
Sets resolution of data that will be decompressed. Also determines the image dimensions at the reques...
bool p_signedData
Set to true if data in JP2 file is signed.
unsigned int p_numSamples
Number of samples in JP2 file.
void OpenFile()
Open the JPEG2000 file.
JP2Decoder(const QString &jp2file)
Constructs a JPEG2000 decoder object.
JP2Error * Kakadu_Error
JP2 Error handling facility.
unsigned int p_numLines
Number of lines in JP2 file.
unsigned int p_pixelBytes
Number of bytes per pixel in JP2 file.
QString p_jp2File
Input file name.
void Read(unsigned char **inbuf)
Read data from JP2 file containing 8-bit data.
JP2Decoder destructor.
Kakadu error messaging class.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.