58 QString strng =
59 if (strng ==
return Predicted;
60 if (strng ==
return Nadir;
62 if (strng ==
return Smithed;
182 return static_cast<Kernel::Type>(
static_cast<int>(a) |
This class stores Kernel information, including Type and kernel file names.
void setType(const Type &type)
Sets the Kernel type.
Destructs Kernel object.
void push_back(const QString &str)
Adds the string (file name) to the kernel data file list.
QStringList kernels()
Returns the list of kernel data file names.
QStringList m_kernels
List of kernel file names.
static Type typeEnum(const QString &type)
Converts the given string to a character as follows.
Type m_kernelType
Enumeration value indicating the kernel type.
int size()
Accessor method to determine the number of kernel files.
Constructs a Kernel object with "Unknown" Type.
QString & operator[](const int index)
Returns the value (file name) in the kernel data list at the given index value.
Type type()
Returns the stored Kernel::Type.
bool operator<(const Kernel &other) const
Compares which Kernel object has a higher quality Type, i.e.
void setKernels(QStringList data)
Sets the kernel data file names to the given list.
Enumeration for type of kernel.
@ Predicted
Predicted Kernels are based on predicted location of the spacecraft.
@ Reconstructed
Reconstructed Kernels are supplemented with information on the actual position of targets and/or spac...
@ Smithed
Smithed Kernels are generally reconstructed kernels that have been corrected.
@ Nadir
Nadir Kernels mimic spacecraft pointing.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Kernel::Type operator|(Kernel::Type a, Kernel::Type b)
Logical operator for combining Type flags.
Namespace for the standard library.