Isis 3 Programmer Reference
7/* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 */
9#include "LoMediumDistortionMap.h"
11#include <iostream>
12#include <iomanip>
14#include "CameraFocalPlaneMap.h"
15#include "IString.h"
17using namespace std;
19namespace Isis {
74 void LoMediumDistortionMap::SetDistortion(const int naifIkCode) {
75 // Get the distortion center (point of symmetry of distortion)
77 double boreS = p_camera->FocalPlaneMap()->DetectorSample();
78 double boreL = p_camera->FocalPlaneMap()->DetectorLine();
79 QString centkey = "INS" + toString(naifIkCode) + "_POINT_OF_SYMMETRY";
80 p_sample0 = boreS - p_camera->Spice::getDouble(centkey, 0);
81 p_line0 = boreL + p_camera->Spice::getDouble(centkey, 1);
83 // Get the distortion coefficients
85 }
103 const double dy) {
105 // Set sRef needed for lo medium distortion algorithm
106 double sRef = 5000.;
108 // lo medium distortion algorithm is applied in the image plane so convert back to sample/line
109 p_focalPlaneX = dx;
110 p_focalPlaneY = dy;
112 // Test for extraneous data. Maximum x is about 38.045 and maximum y is about 31.899.
113 // First tried adding 10% and it was sufficient to trim off extraneous data, but
114 // also prevented lat/lons from being calculated to the images edges. Increased x to
115 // 20.361224% to pick up image edges. 3171 was the test image.
116 // 17.5% to pick up image edges. 3171 was the test image.
117 if(fabs(dx) > 45.79142767 || fabs(dy) > 35.09) return false;
120 double ds = p_camera->FocalPlaneMap()->DetectorSample();
121 double dl = p_camera->FocalPlaneMap()->DetectorLine();
123 // Translate the focal plane x/y coordinate to be relative to the
124 // distortion point of symmetry
125 double dists = ds - p_sample0;
126 double distl = dl - p_line0;
128 // Get the distance from the focal plane center and if we are close
129 // skip the distortion
130 double origr2 = dists * dists + distl * distl;
131 double sp = sqrt(origr2); // pixels
132 if(sp <= .000001) {
135 return true;
136 }
138 // Otherwise remove distortion
139 // Use the distorted radial coordinate, rp (r prime), to estimate the ideal radial coordinate
140 double nS = sp / sRef;
141 double dS = p_odk[0] * nS + p_odk[1] * pow(nS, 3) + p_odk[2] * pow(nS, 5);
142 double prevdS = 2 * dS;
143 double pixtol = .000001;
144 int numit = 0;
145 double s;
147 // Now use the estimate to compute the radial coordinate and get an improved estimate
148 while(fabs(dS - prevdS) > pixtol) {
150 if(numit > 14 || fabs(dS) > 1E9) {
151 dS = 0.;
152 // if (numit > 14) cout<<"Too many iterations"<<endl;
153 // if (fabs(dS) > 1E9) cout<<"Diverging"<<endl;
154 break;
155 }
157 prevdS = dS;
158 s = sp - dS;
159 nS = s / sRef;
160 dS = p_odk[0] * nS + p_odk[1] * pow(nS, 3) + p_odk[2] * pow(nS, 5);
161 numit++;
162 }
164 s = sp - dS;
165 double ratio = s / sp;
166 double undistortedSample = dists * ratio + p_sample0;
167 double undistortedLine = distl * ratio + p_line0;
168 p_camera->FocalPlaneMap()->SetDetector(undistortedSample, undistortedLine);
171 return true;
172 }
194 const double uy) {
199 // Test for data outside of image (image bounds plus 10% for y and 20.361224% for x)
200 if(fabs(ux) > 45.79142767 || fabs(uy) > 35.09) return false;
201 if(fabs(ux) > 41.85 || fabs(uy) > 35.09) return false;
203 // Set sRef needed for lo medium distortion algorithm
204 double sRef = 5000.;
206 // The algorithm is applied in the image plane so convert back to sample/line
208 double us = p_camera->FocalPlaneMap()->DetectorSample();
209 double ul = p_camera->FocalPlaneMap()->DetectorLine();
211 // Translate the distorted x/y coordinate to be relative to the
212 // distortion point of symmetry
213 double distus = us - p_sample0;
214 double distul = ul - p_line0;
216 // Compute the distance from the focal plane center and if we are
217 // close to the center then no distortion is required
218 double rp2 = (distus * distus + distul * distul); // pixels squared
220 if(rp2 < 1.0E-6) {
223 return true;
224 }
226 // Add distortion. First compute fractional distortion at rp (r-prime)
227 rp2 = rp2 / sRef / sRef;
228 double drOverR = (p_odk[0] + rp2 * p_odk[1] + rp2 * rp2 * p_odk[2]) / sRef;
230 // Compute the focal plane distorted s/l
231 double ds = p_sample0 + (distus * (1. + drOverR));
232 double dl = p_line0 + (distul * (1. + drOverR));
237 return true;
238 }
Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates.
double p_focalPlaneX
Distorted focal plane x.
double p_undistortedFocalPlaneX
Undistorted focal plane x.
std::vector< double > p_odk
Vector of distortion coefficients.
virtual void SetDistortion(int naifIkCode)
Load distortion coefficients.
double p_undistortedFocalPlaneY
Undistorted focal plane y.
Camera * p_camera
The camera to distort/undistort.
double p_focalPlaneY
Distorted focal plane y.
virtual bool SetDetector(const double sample, const double line)
Compute distorted focal plane coordinate from detector position (sampel,line)
virtual bool SetFocalPlane(const double dx, const double dy)
Compute detector position (sample,line) from focal plane coordinates.
CameraFocalPlaneMap * FocalPlaneMap()
Returns a pointer to the CameraFocalPlaneMap object.
Definition Camera.cpp:2866
virtual bool SetUndistortedFocalPlane(const double ux, const double uy)
Compute distorted focal plane x/y for Lo Medium Resolution Camera.
virtual bool SetFocalPlane(const double dx, const double dy)
Compute undistorted focal plane x/y for Lo Medium Resolution Camera.
void SetDistortion(const int naifIkCode)
Load LO Medium Resolution Camera perspective & distortion coefficients.
double p_line0
Center of distortion on line axis.
double p_sample0
Center of distortion on sample axis.
LoMediumDistortionMap(Camera *parent)
Constructor for LunarOrbiterMediumDistortionMap class.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition Apollo.h:16
QString toString(bool boolToConvert)
Global function to convert a boolean to a string.
Definition IString.cpp:211
Namespace for the standard library.