Defines an angle and provides unit conversions.
The set of usable angle measurement units.
@ Radians
Radians are generally used in mathematical equations, 0-2*PI is one circle, however these are more di...
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Longitude.
double positiveWest(Angle::Units units=Angle::Radians) const
Get the longitude in the PositiveWest coordinate system.
void setPositiveEast(double longitude, Angle::Units units=Angle::Radians)
Set the longitude given a value in the PositiveEast longitude system.
Possible longitude directions: Is a positive longitude towards east or towards west?
@ PositiveWest
As the longitude increases the actual position is more west.
@ PositiveEast
As the longitude increases the actual position is more east.
void setPositiveWest(double longitude, Angle::Units units=Angle::Radians)
Set the longitude given a value in the PositiveWest longitude system.
Create a blank Longitude object with 0-360 domain.
This cleans up the Longitude class.
Use LongitudeDomain360 if 0-360 is the primary range of the longitude values with 180 being the 'cent...
@ Domain180
As the longitude increases the actual position is more west.
@ Domain360
As the longitude increases the actual position is more east.
Longitude force180Domain() const
This returns a longitude that is constricted to -180 to 180 degrees.
static QList< QPair< Longitude, Longitude > > to360Range(Longitude startLon, Longitude endLon)
Calculates where the longitude range is in 0-360.
Longitude force360Domain() const
This returns a longitude that is constricted to 0-360 degrees.
Domain m_currentDomain
This is necessary for converting to PositiveWest and back.
double positiveEast(Angle::Units units=Angle::Radians) const
Get the longitude in the PositiveEast coordinate system.
Longitude & operator=(const Longitude &longitudeToCopy)
Same as positiveEast.
bool inRange(Longitude min, Longitude max) const
Checks if this longitude value is within the given range.
Contains multiple PvlContainers.
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