Base class for the Qisis main windows.
void openList()
Opens a list of cube files instead of one at a time.
void loadProject()
Allows users to select a project which is then read in and displayed in the qmos window.
QProgressBar * m_progressBar
The mainwindow's progress bar.
void setupMenus()
Sets up the menus on the menu bar for the qmos window.
void saveProjectAs()
Allows the user to save a project file.
void open()
Calles MosaicWidget's open method which opens a cube file and displays the footprint in the graphics ...
void readSettings(QSize defaultSize=QSize(800, 600))
This overriden method is called from the constructor so that when the Mosaicmainwindow is created,...
ToolPad * m_toolpad
Tool pad on this mainwindow.
QToolBar * m_permToolbar
Tool bar attached to mainwindow.
bool eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e)
This event filter is installed in the constructor.
QToolBar * m_activeToolbar
The active toolbar.
void saveSettings2()
This overriden method is called when the MosaicMainWindow is closed or hidden to write the size and l...
void saveProject()
Called from the file menu to save a project file.