1#ifndef PlotWindowBestFitDialog_h
2#define PlotWindowBestFitDialog_h
8#include "MultivariateStatistics.h"
11class QwtPlotSpectrogram;
This is a plot curve with information relating it to a particular cube or region of a cube.
QPointer< QLabel > m_equationLabel
A label populated with the resulting equation from a best fit.
QPointer< PlotWindow > m_plotWindowWithCurves
The plot window we're creating a best for line for.
QPointer< QLabel > m_correlationLabel
A label populated with the resulting correlation from a best fit.
PlotWindowBestFitDialog & operator=(const PlotWindowBestFitDialog &other)
Assignments with this class are not allowed.
PlotWindowBestFitDialog(PlotWindow *windowWithCurves, QWidget *parent)
Create a PlotWindowBestFitDialog.
QPointer< QPushButton > m_okayButton
The ok button which the user clicks to create the best fit curve.
QPointer< QComboBox > m_curvesCombo
A combo box for the user to select a curve/spectrogram to best fit.
PlotWindowBestFitDialog(const PlotWindowBestFitDialog &other)
Copy constructing this class is disabled.
void createBestFitLine()
This is called when the user wants the best fit line.
QScopedPointer< MultivariateStatistics > m_curveMultivariateStats
The MV stats which is doing our regression calculations.
void readCurvesFromWindow()
This populates the curve selection combo with all of the available information inside of the PlotWind...
QwtPlotSpectrogram * selectedSpectrogram()
If a spectrogram (scatter plot) is selected, this returns it.
void refreshWidgetStates()
This updates all of the widgets in this window's visibility and text data based on what the user has ...
QPointer< QLabel > m_determinationLabel
A label populated with the resulting determination from a best fit.
CubePlotCurve * selectedCurve()
If a curve is selected, this returns it.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.