51 void SetText(
const QString &text);
Program progress reporter.
QString p_text
Text string to output at the initial call to CheckStatus (0% processed)
void AddSteps(const int steps)
If the initial step size was a guess, it can be modified using this method.
int p_currentPercent
The current percent we are checking against.
Destroys the Progress object.
int MaximumSteps() const
Returns the maximum number of steps of the progress.
int p_maximumSteps
Number of steps in your processing sequence.
Constructs a Progress object.
void SetMaximumSteps(const int steps)
This sets the maximum number of steps in the process.
void SetText(const QString &text)
Changes the value of the text string reported just before 0% processed.
void DisableAutomaticDisplay()
Turns off updating the Isis Gui when CheckStatus() is called.
int p_currentStep
The current step in the processing sequence.
QString Text() const
Returns the text to output.
int p_percentIncrement
How much to increment the currentPercent by.
void CheckStatus()
Checks and updates the status.
int CurrentStep() const
Returns the current step of the progress.
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