Isis 3 Programmer Reference
1#ifndef ProjectItemProxyModel_h
2#define ProjectItemProxyModel_h
10/* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 */
12#include <QList>
13#include <QMap>
15#include "ProjectItem.h"
16#include "ProjectItemModel.h"
18class QItemSelection;
19template <typename T> class QList;
20class QMimeData;
21class QModelIndex;
22class QStandardItem;
24namespace Isis {
74 public:
75 ProjectItemProxyModel(QObject *parent = 0);
77 QModelIndex mapIndexFromSource(const QModelIndex &sourceIndex);
78 QModelIndex mapIndexToSource(const QModelIndex &proxyIndex);
80 QItemSelection mapSelectionFromSource(const QItemSelection &sourceSelection);
81 QItemSelection mapSelectionToSource(const QItemSelection &proxySelection);
91 virtual bool canDropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action,
92 int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const;
93 virtual bool dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action,
94 int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent);
96 signals:
97 // This signal was added to speed up the Footprint2DView. Previously images were added one at a
98 // time which was extremely slow. This not the ideal handling, but without re-writing
99 // ProjectItemModel and ProjectItemProxyModel to add insertRows method so that beginInsertRows
100 // and endInsertRows are called which would automatically emit the signal rowsInserted after
101 // alls items are inserted into the model rather than calling after each row that is inserted.
102 void itemsAdded();
103 void itemRemoved(ProjectItem *);
105 public slots:
106 ProjectItem *addItem(ProjectItem *sourceItem);
107 void addItems(QList<ProjectItem *> sourceItems);
109 protected slots:
110 void updateItem(ProjectItem *sourceItem);
111 void updateProxyCurrent();
112 void updateSourceCurrent();
116 protected:
117 ProjectItem *addChild(ProjectItem *sourceItem, ProjectItem *parentItem);
119 private slots:
122 private:
125 QMap<ProjectItem *, ProjectItem *> m_sourceProxyMap;
126 };
Represents an item of a ProjectItemModel in Qt's model-view framework.
Provides access to data stored in a Project through Qt's model-view framework.
ProjectItem * item(int row)
Returns the top-level item at the given row.
Allows access to items in a ProjectItemModel through a proxy model.
ProjectItemProxyModel(QObject *parent=0)
Constructs the proxy model.
void updateItem(ProjectItem *sourceItem)
Given an item in the source model, this method changes the data of the corresponding item in the prox...
ProjectItemModel * m_sourceModel
The source model. Map of items from the source model to the proxy model.
void updateProxySelection()
Slot that updates the selection in the proxy model only if it is different than the corresponding sel...
QModelIndex mapIndexFromSource(const QModelIndex &sourceIndex)
Returns the QModelIndex of an item in the proxy model that corresponds with the QModelIndex of an ite...
ProjectItemModel * sourceModel()
Returns the source model.
ProjectItem * addItem(ProjectItem *sourceItem)
Adds an item and its children to the proxy model.
ProjectItem * addChild(ProjectItem *sourceItem, ProjectItem *parentItem)
Creates an item in the proxy model corresponding to an item in the source model as a child of a paren...
QModelIndex mapIndexToSource(const QModelIndex &proxyIndex)
Returns the QModelIndex of an item in the souce model that corresponds with the QModelIndex of an ite...
void removeItem(ProjectItem *item)
Removes an item and its children from the proxy model.
void updateSourceCurrent()
Slot that updates the current item in the proxy model only if it is different than the corresponding ...
void onItemChanged(QStandardItem *item)
Signal to connect to the itemChanged() signal from a ProjectItemModel.
QItemSelection mapSelectionToSource(const QItemSelection &proxySelection)
Returns a QItemSelection of items in the source model that corresponds with a QItemSelection of itesm...
void updateProxyCurrent()
Slot that updates the current item in the proxy model only if it is different than the corresponding ...
virtual bool dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent)
Adds the data (selected items) from the source model to the proxy model.
void addItems(QList< ProjectItem * > sourceItems)
Adds a list of items to the proxy model.
QItemSelection mapSelectionFromSource(const QItemSelection &sourceSelection)
Returns a QItemSelection of items in the proxy model that corresponds with a QItemSelection of items ...
void updateSourceSelection()
Slot that updates the selection in the source model only if it is different than the corresponding se...
virtual bool canDropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
Returns true.
ProjectItem * mapItemToSource(ProjectItem *proxyItem)
Returns the ProjectItem in the source model that corresponds with a ProjectItem in the source model.
void setSourceModel(ProjectItemModel *sourceModel)
Sets the source model.
ProjectItem * mapItemFromSource(ProjectItem *sourceItem)
Returns the ProjectItem in the proxy model that corresponds with a ProjectItem in the source model.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition Apollo.h:16