1#ifndef QnetFixedPointDialog_h
2#define QnetFixedPointDialog_h
36 QString defaultPointId,
QWidget *parent = 0);
40 bool isConstrained()
41 QString pointId()
50 QLineEdit *m_ptIdValue;
51 QRadioButton *m_fixed;
52 QRadioButton *m_constrained;
53 QListWidget *m_fileList;
56 QRadioButton *m_select;
59 QPushButton *m_okButton;
void enableOkButton(const QString &text)
void setFiles(QStringList pointFiles)
Set files found containing selected point.
QnetFixedPointDialog(QnetTool *qnetTool, QString defaultPointId, QWidget *parent=0)
QnetNewPointDialog constructor.
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