1#ifndef ScatterPlotConfigDialog_h
2#define ScatterPlotConfigDialog_h
9template <
typename A,
typename B>
struct QPair;
16 class MdiCubeViewport;
17 class ScatterPlotTool;
63 QList<Cube *> itemsToRemove);
IO Handler for Isis Cubes.
Cube display widget for certain Isis MDI applications.
This configuration dialog is for users to determine the scatter plot parameters required to create a ...
int xAxisCubeBand() const
The current user selection for the band in the x-axis cube to get data from.
QwtInterval sampleRange() const
This is the sample range from which the scatter plot should be created.
QPointer< QSpinBox > m_yAxisCubeBandSpinBox
A user-selection for the y axis cube's band to plot.
Cube * yAxisCube() const
The current user selection for a cube for the x-axis data for a scatter plot.
QwtInterval lineRange() const
This is the line range from which the scatter plot should be created.
QPointer< QSpinBox > m_yAxisBinCountSpinBox
A user-selection for the y axis cube's resolution.
void refreshWidgetStates()
Update the enabled/disabled states of the various widgets based on the current user inputs' states.
virtual QSize sizeHint() const
This is overridden to give a better default size than what Qt calculates by default.
Cube * m_oldXAxisCube
This is used to detect when a user changes the x-axis cube.
int yAxisCubeBand() const
The current user selection for the band in the y-axis cube to get data from.
QPointer< QSpinBox > m_xAxisCubeBandSpinBox
A user-selection for the x axis cube's band to plot.
Cube * xAxisCube() const
The current user selection for a cube for the x-axis data for a scatter plot.
int yAxisBinCount() const
The current user selection for the resolution of the scatter plot's y data.
QPointer< QComboBox > m_yAxisCubeCombo
A user-selection for the y axis cube.
MdiCubeViewport * yAxisCubeViewport() const
This returns a viewport which contains the y-axis cube.
QPointer< QCheckBox > m_useViewportRangesCheckBox
A user-selection for using only the visible range of the viewport.
This is used internally to differentiate range accessors.
@ SampleRange
This is used to get the sample range in a generic way.
@ LineRange
This is used to get the line range in a generic way.
Workspace * m_workspace
This is the workspace containing all of the viewports.
QPointer< QComboBox > m_xAxisCubeCombo
A user-selection for the x axis cube.
QPointer< QPushButton > m_createButton
This button triggers an accepted() signal.
QList< Cube * > removeFromList(QList< Cube * > list, QList< Cube * > itemsToRemove)
This is a helper method.
QwtInterval range(RangeType) const
This returns the sample/line ranges indicated by the user for the scatter plot to be created on.
MdiCubeViewport * xAxisCubeViewport() const
This returns a viewport which contains the x-axis cube.
ScatterPlotConfigDialog(MdiCubeViewport *activeViewport, Workspace *workspace, QWidget *parent=NULL)
This method creates all the dialog boxes required for the scatter plot window.
QPointer< QSpinBox > m_xAxisBinCountSpinBox
A user-selection for the x axis cube's resolution.
int xAxisBinCount() const
The current user selection for the resolution of the scatter plot's x data.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.