1#ifndef StatisticsTool_h
2#define StatisticsTool_h
This class is used to accumulate statistics on double arrays.
Tool to visualize statistics in an n * m box.
void showText(bool b)
Show/Hide text.
bool p_showPixels
Display pixels?
void updateSize()
Update the size of the box.
Statistics p_stats
Stats used for calculating stretch and deviation.
int p_boxSamps
Sample size for box.
void showDeviation(bool b)
Show/Hide deviation.
int p_boxLines
Line size for box.
bool p_set
Boolean to see if data is set.
int p_oldWidth
Previous box width in pixels.
QSize sizeHint() const
Size hint for this widget.
void setLines(int lines)
Set box line size.
void showPixels(bool b)
Show/Hide pixels.
void paintPixmap()
Paint the pixmap.
QVector< QVector< double > > p_pixelData
Stored pixel values.
Stretch p_stretch
Stretch used to display pixels.
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
Paint pixmap to the widget.
bool p_showText
Display text?
void setDn(const QString st)
Signal to set the DN label to st.
bool p_showDeviation
Display deviation?
int p_ulLine
Upper left line of region captured.
void setSamples(int samps)
Set box sample size.
QPixmap p_pixmap
Pixmap used for drawing.
void leaveEvent(QEvent *event)
Mouse left widget, update labels.
int p_oldHeight
Previous box height in pixels.
void setBoxSize(int size)
Set box size in pixels.
int p_boxHeight
Box height in pixels.
VisualDisplay(QWidget *parent=0)
Constructor for visual display.
void setSample(const QString st)
Signal to set the Sample label to st.
int p_ulSamp
Upper left sample of region captured.
void setLine(const QString st)
Signal to set the Line label to st.
int p_boxWidth
Box width in pixels.
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
Called when the mouse moves over this widget.
void setPixelData(QVector< QVector< double > > data, int samp, int line)
Set pixel data and upper left sample/line.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.