58 void clicked(
const int &);
63 const Tab & operator=(
A Tab is a QAction which shows or hides some other QWidget, which we call associatedWidget.
void handleTriggered()
This SLOT is executed when the Tab is clicked, and emits its own clicked SIGNAL (which contains its i...
bool isSelected()
A selected Tab will look visually pressed and have its associatedWidget visible.
const int & getRadioGroup() const
Tabs which share a radio group have the property that only only one Tab in the group can be selected ...
const int & getPosition() const
get the position of the Tab within a TabBar
void setSelected(bool newStatus)
A selected Tab will look visually pressed and have its associatedWidget visible.
void setRadioGroup(const int &newRadioGroup)
Tabs which share a radio group have the property that only only one Tab in the group can be selected ...
void setPosition(const int &newPosition)
set the position of the Tab within a TabBar
Tab(QWidget *associatedWidget, QWidget *parent=0)
constructs a Tab
virtual ~Tab()
destructs a Tab
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