19 const QString trackingTableName =
File name manipulation and expansion.
Class for storing Table blobs information.
Table to store tracking information for a mosaic.
QString pixelToSN(unsigned int pixel)
Returns the serial number that corresponds to a pixel value.
Table toTable()
Constrcts and returns a Table object based on values in m_fileList.
FileName pixelToFileName(unsigned int pixel)
Returns the FileName that corresponds to a pixel value.
Default constructor.
Destroys the TrackingTable object.
QList< QPair< FileName, QString > > m_fileList
The list to keep track of images.
int fileNameToIndex(FileName file, QString serialNumber)
Returns the index of the filename/serialnumber combination.
unsigned int fileNameToPixel(FileName file, QString serialNumber)
Returns the pixel value of the filename/serialnumber combination.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.