18#include <QUndoCommand>
19#include <QXmlStreamReader>
21#include <QElapsedTimer>
24#include "CorrelationMatrix.h"
27#include "TargetBody.h"
31class QXmlStreamWriter;
322 WorkOrderUnknownStatus = 0,
360 void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream)
363 virtual void setData(QString data);
398 static QString
549 QPointer<ImageList> m_imageList;
550 QPointer<ShapeList> m_shapeList;
551 QPointer<ControlList> m_controlList;
Maintains a list of Controls so that control nets can easily be copied from one Project to another,...
This is a container for the correlation matrix that comes from a bundle adjust.
Internalizes a list of images and allows for operations on the entire list.
The main project for ipce.
Represents an item of a ProjectItemModel in Qt's model-view framework.
Internalizes a list of shapes and allows for operations on the entire list.
Provide Undo/redo abilities, serialization, and history for an operation.
void enableWorkOrder()
Enables the work order.
QPointer< QTimer > m_progressBarUpdateTimer
A pointer to the QTimer which updates the ProgressBar.
QStringList m_imageIds
A QStringList of unique image identifiers for all of the images this WorkOrder is dealing with.
void setNext(WorkOrder *nextWorkOrder)
Sets the next WorkOrder in the sequence.
void updateProgress()
Updates the progress bar.
ShapeList * shapeList()
@briefReturns a pointer to the ShapeList for this WorkOrder.
bool m_isSavedToHistory
Set the work order to be shown in the HistoryTreeWidget.
This enum describes the current state of a Queued WorkOrder.
void setProgressRange(int, int)
Sets the progress range of the WorkOrder.
int progressMax() const
Gets the maximum value of the progress range of the WorkOrder.
QStringList m_shapeIds
A QStringList of unique shape identifiers for all of the shapes this WorkOrder is dealing with.
virtual void setData(Context)
Sets the context data for this WorkOrder.
WorkOrder * next() const
Gets the next WorkOrder.
bool modifiesDiskState() const
Returns the modified disk state.
bool m_isSynchronous
This is defaulted to true.
bool isUndoing() const
Returns the WorkOrderUndoing state.
void attemptQueuedAction()
Attempts to execute an action on the action queue.
virtual void undoExecution()
Execute the steps necessary to undo this workorder.
virtual void postUndoExecution()
Perform any steps necessary after an undo of a workorder.
Template * getTemplate()
Template * m_template
A QSharedPointer to the Template (A Template object but encapsulated within a Gui framework.
void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream) const
: Saves a WorkOrder to a data stream.
void clearShapeList()
Clears the list of shapes.
bool isRedone() const
Returns the WorkOrder redone status.
void executionFinished()
Signals the Project that the WorkOrder is finished, deletes the update time for the Progress bar,...
virtual void redo()
Starts (or enqueues) a redo.
This enumeration is used by other functions to set and retrieve the current state of the WorkOrder.
@ WorkOrderFinished
This is used for work orders that will not undo or redo (See createsCleanState())
virtual void undo()
Starts (or enqueues) an undo.
int progressMin() const
Gets the minimum value of the progress range of the WorkOrder.
bool isUndoable() const
Returns true if this work order is undoable, otherwise false.
WorkOrder * previous() const
Gets the previous WorkOrder.
bool m_isUndoable
Set the workorder to be undoable/redoable This is defaulted to true - his will allow the workorder to...
void setProgressValue(int)
Sets the current progress value for the WorkOrder.
static QString toString(WorkOrderStatus)
Gets the current status of the WorkOrder.
bool isUndone() const
Returns the WorkOrder undo status.
virtual bool setupExecution()
This sets up the state for the work order.
void setProgressToFinalText()
Sets the ProgressBar to display the final status of the operation.
QDateTime m_executionTime
This is the date/time that setupExecution() was called.
bool m_createsCleanState
This is defaulted to false.
bool isSavedToHistory() const
Returns true if this work order is to be shown in History, otherwise false.
bool isInStableState() const
Determines if the WorkOrder is in a stable state, or if it's busy doing something.
GuiCameraQsp m_guiCamera
A QSharedPointer to the GuiCamera (the Camera object but encapsulated within a Gui framework.
QPointer< WorkOrder > m_previousWorkOrder
A pointer to the previous WorkOrder in the queue.
static WorkOrderStatus fromStatusString(QString)
Attempts to query the current status of the WorkOrder.
bool isRedoing() const
Returns the redoing status of this WorkOrder.
int m_progressRangeMaxValue
The maximum value of the Progess Bar.
QStringList internalData() const
Gets the internal data for this WorkOrder.
QPointer< ControlList > controlList()
Returns the Control List for this WorkOrder (a list of control networks).
Directory * directory() const
return the workorder project directory Returns the Directory object of the Project this WorkOrder is ...
int m_progressValue
The current value of the Progress Bar.
GuiCameraQsp guiCamera()
void setCreatesCleanState(bool createsCleanState)
Declare that this work order is saving the project.
QString statusText() const
QDateTime executionTime() const
Gets the execution time of this WorkOrder.
virtual void execute()
Execute the workorder.
void setModifiesDiskState(bool changesProjectOnDisk)
QPointer< ProgressBar > m_progressBar
A pointer to the ProgressBar.
void setPrevious(WorkOrder *previousWorkOrder)
Sets the previous WorkOrder in the sequence.
void listenForShapeDestruction()
Checks to see if we have lost any shapes in the ShapeList.
virtual bool isExecutable(Context)
Re-implement this method if your work order utilizes controls for data in order to operate.
void disableWorkOrder()
Disables the work order.
bool createsCleanState() const
Returns the CleanState status (whether the Project has been saved to disk or not).
TargetBodyQsp targetBody()
double m_secondsElapsed
The seconds that have elapsed since the WorkOrder started executing.
void setInternalData(QStringList data)
Sets the internal data for this WorkOrder.
int m_progressRangeMinValue
The miniumum value of the Progess Bar.
virtual bool dependsOn(WorkOrder *other) const
Indicate workorder dependency This is a virtual function whose role in child classes is to determine ...
QElapsedTimer * m_elapsedTimer
A QElapsedTimer object holding the excecution time of the WorkOrder.
Project * project() const
Returns the Project this WorkOrder is attached to.
void clearImageList()
Clears the list of images.
QPointer< Project > m_project
A pointer to the Project this WorkOrder is attached to.
virtual ~WorkOrder()
The Destructor.
ProgressBar * progressBar()
Returns the ProgressBar.
QStringList m_internalData
A QStringList of internal properties for this WorkOrder.
bool m_modifiesDiskState
This is defaulted to false.
QMutex * m_transparentConstMutex
This is used to protect the integrity of data the WorkOrder is working on so that only one thread at ...
QPointer< WorkOrder > m_nextWorkOrder
A pointer to the next WorkOrder in the queue.
void addCloneToProject()
Runs a copy of the current WorkOrder and stores it in the project.
void startRedo()
WorkOrder::startRedo This function is currently empty.
void resetProgressBar()
Resets the ProgressBar.
FileItemQsp m_fileItem
A QSharedPointer to the FileItem.
ImageList * imageList()
Returns a pointer to the ImageList for this WorkOrder.
bool isSynchronous() const
Returns true if this work order is run synchronously, otherwise false.
This enumeration is for recording the context of the current Workorder (whether it is part of a proje...
QString bestText() const
Generate unique action names We don't use action text anymore because Directory likes to rename our a...
int progressValue() const
Gets the current progress value of the WorkOrder.
bool isFinished() const
Returns the finished state of this WorkOrder.
virtual void postExecution()
Perform any necessary actions after execution of a workorder.
QPointer< QFutureWatcher< void > > m_futureWatcher
A pointer to a QFutureWatcher object which monitors a QFuture object using signals and slots.
CorrelationMatrix correlationMatrix()
Returns the CorrleationMatrix for this WorkOrder.
QPointer< QTimer > m_progressBarDeletionTimer
A pointer to the ProgressBar deletion timer.
void listenForImageDestruction()
Checks to see if we have lost any images in the ImageList.
FileItemQsp fileItem()
WorkOrder(Project *project)
Create a work order that will work with the given project.
TargetBodyQsp m_targetBody
A QSharedPointer to the TargetBody (A Target object but encapsulated within a Gui framework.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.