Isis 3 Programmer Reference


class  Isis::FourierTransform
 Fourier Transform class. More...
class  Isis::GaussianDistribution
 gaussian distribution class More...
class  Isis::GroupedStatistics
 Grouped Statistics. More...
class  Isis::Histogram
 Container of a cube histogram. More...
class  Isis::ImageHistogram
 Container of a cube histogram. More...
class  Isis::MultivariateStatistics
 Container of multivariate statistics. More...
class  Isis::OverlapStatistics
 Calculates statistics in the area of overlap between two projected cubes. More...
class  Isis::PrincipalComponentAnalysis
 Principal Component Analysis class. More...
class  Isis::QuickFilter
 Container for boxcar statistics. More...
class  Isis::StatCumProbDistDynCalc
 This class is used to approximate cumulative probibility distributions of a stream of observations without storing the observations or having any apriori knowlege of the range of the data. More...
class  Isis::Statistics
 This class is used to accumulate statistics on double arrays. More...
class  Isis::VecFilter
 This class is used to perform filter operations on vectors. More...

Detailed Description

The Objects in this module are used to generate a variety of statistics from cube data.