Isis 2 Documentation

PVL Randlsq Parameter File Format

Written by Ben Atkin
June 15, 2005

The randlsq parameter format is the format understood by the perl script, runrandlsq. runrandlsq reads it in, generates an old-style parameter file that the Fortran program, randlsq, can understand, and runs randlsq.

File Contents

targetstringThe name of the target body
targdefstringThe location of the target definition file
longitude_typestringPositive Longitude Direction.
east, west, or tdef (look in target definition file)
use_planet_anglesstringyes/no. If yes, four lines will be read per Picture record in the Pole, Point, and Picture file. Currently only yes for Moon (due to irregular rotation rate).
solution_typestringgeneral, ellipsoid, or focal_length
solve_forlist of stringsVariables to solve for:
  - Any combination of: latitude, longitude, radius, alpha_angle,
        delta_angle, kappa_angle, right_ascension, declination, and
  - In ellipsoidal solutions, axis_a, axis_b, axis_c, and long_offset
        are also options.
  - For focal length solutions, there is a focal_length option.
fix_latitudelist of Point ID'sPoints where the latitude will be fixed during the solution
fix_longitudelist of Point ID'sPoints where the longitude will be fixed during the solution
fix_radiuslist of Point ID'sPoints where the radius will be fixed during the solution
fix_alphalist of FSC'sImages where the alpha angle will be fixed during the solution
fix_deltalist of FSC'sImages where the delta angle will be fixed during the solution
fix_kappalist of FSC'sImages where the kappa angle will be fixed during the solution
solution_methodstringmatrix_inversion or conjugate_gradient
Matrix inversion is the standard method, that provides full uncertainty information. The conjugate gradient method is faster, but uncertainty data is not available.
iterationsintegerMaxiumum number of iterations (solution will end sooner if uncertainty information shows that the solution converged)
conjugate_gradient_iterationsintegerNumber of conjugate gradient iterations



# This is a comment

Key = Value Pairs

Keys and values (except for filenames) are not case sensitive.

Key = Value


A special type of value is a list. Valid lists:

FIX_LONGITUDE = { 1001 }

FIX_LATITUDE = { A0004, A0005 }

Note: The opening curly brace must appear on the same line as the key and equals sign.

Sample Data

# randlsq parameter file

# Target body
target = Titan

# Target definition
targdef = /targets/titan.def.1

# Longitude type (east, west, or tdef)
longitude_type = tdef

# Use planet angles? (yes/no)
use_planet_angles = no

# Type of solution (general, ellipsoid, or focal_length)
solution_type = general

# Variables to solve for.
#   - Any combination of: latitude, longitude, radius, alpha_angle,
#         delta_angle, kappa_angle, right_ascension, declination, and
#         rotation_rate.
#   - In ellipsoidal solutions, axis_a, axis_b, axis_c, and long_offset
#         are also options.
#   - For focal length solutions, there is a focal_length option.
solve_for = (latitude, longitude, alpha_angle, delta_angle, kappa_angle)

# Lists are comma-separated

# Points to fix (point id's)
fix_latitude  = { }
fix_longitude = { }

# Images to fix (fsc's)
fix_alpha = { }
fix_delta = { }
fix_kappa = { }

# Solution method (matrix_inversion or conjugate_gradient)
solution_method = matrix_inversion

# Compute uncertainties?  (only available with matrix_inversion)
compute_uncertainties = yes

# Number of iterations
iterations = 10
conjugate_gradient_iterations = 1834

Last updated: Jun 21 2005
File: geodesy_format_pvl.html

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