Isis 3 Programmer Reference
1#include "MosaicGridToolConfigDialog.h"
3#include <QCheckBox>
4#include <QComboBox>
5#include <QDebug>
6#include <QDialog>
7#include <QDoubleValidator>
8#include <QElapsedTimer>
9#include <QGridLayout>
10#include <QLabel>
11#include <QLineEdit>
12#include <QMessageBox>
13#include <QPushButton>
14#include <QSlider>
15#include <QtWidgets>
17#include "Angle.h"
18#include "IException.h"
19#include "Latitude.h"
20#include "Longitude.h"
21#include "MosaicGridTool.h"
22#include "MosaicGridToolConfigDialog.h"
23#include "MosaicSceneWidget.h"
24#include "Projection.h"
25#include "PvlGroup.h"
27namespace Isis {
35 MosaicGridTool *tool, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) {
37 /*
38 * What's This' provided here were written by Tammy Becker (2011-12-05) with
39 * help from Steven Lambright.
40 */
41 m_tool = tool;
43 setWindowTitle("Grid Options");
45 QGridLayout *mainLayout = new QGridLayout;
46 setLayout(mainLayout);
48 int row = 0;
50 QString showGridWhatsThis =
51 "Check or uncheck to draw or clear the grid.";
52 QLabel *showGridLabel = new QLabel("&Show Grid");
53 showGridLabel->setWhatsThis(showGridWhatsThis);
54 mainLayout->addWidget(showGridLabel, row, 0, 1, 2);
56 m_showGridCheckBox = new QCheckBox;
57 showGridLabel->setBuddy(m_showGridCheckBox);
58 m_showGridCheckBox->setWhatsThis(showGridWhatsThis);
59 connect(m_showGridCheckBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
60 this, SLOT(refreshWidgetStates()));
61 mainLayout->addWidget(m_showGridCheckBox, row, 3, 1, 2, Qt::AlignRight);
62 row++;
64 QString autoGridWhatsThis =
65 "Draws a grid based on the current lat/lon extents (from the cubes, map, or user).";
66 QLabel *autoGridLabel = new QLabel("Auto &Grid");
67 autoGridLabel->setWhatsThis(autoGridWhatsThis);
68 mainLayout->addWidget(autoGridLabel, row, 0, 1, 2);
70 m_autoGridCheckBox = new QCheckBox;
71 autoGridLabel->setBuddy(m_autoGridCheckBox);
72 m_autoGridCheckBox->setWhatsThis(autoGridWhatsThis);
73 connect(m_autoGridCheckBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
74 this, SLOT(refreshWidgetStates()));
75 mainLayout->addWidget(m_autoGridCheckBox, row, 3, 1, 2, Qt::AlignRight);
76 row++;
78 QString baseLatWhatsThis =
79 "The origin for the first latitude line. The first line of the grid "
80 "will be drawn at the base latitude. Successive latitude lines will "
81 "then be drawn relative to base latitude at an increment defined by "
82 "the latitude increment. Base latitude can be outside the range of "
83 "the image data.";
84 m_baseLatLabel = new QLabel("Base Latitude");
85 m_baseLatLabel->setWhatsThis(baseLatWhatsThis);
86 mainLayout->addWidget(m_baseLatLabel, row, 0, 1, 2);
88 m_baseLatSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
89 m_baseLatSlider->setRange(0, 100);
90 m_baseLatSlider->setWhatsThis(baseLatWhatsThis);
91 connect(m_baseLatSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
92 this, SLOT(onBaseLatSliderChanged()));
93 mainLayout->addWidget(m_baseLatSlider, row, 2, 1, 1);
95 m_baseLatLineEdit = new QLineEdit("0");
96 m_baseLatLineEdit->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(-90.0, 90.0, 99, this));
97 m_baseLatLineEdit->setWhatsThis(baseLatWhatsThis);
98 connect(m_baseLatLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
99 this, SLOT(refreshWidgetStates()));
100 mainLayout->addWidget(m_baseLatLineEdit, row, 3, 1, 1);
102 m_baseLatTypeLabel = new QLabel("Degrees");
103 mainLayout->addWidget(m_baseLatTypeLabel, row, 4, 1, 1);
104 row++;
106 QString baseLonWhatsThis =
107 "The origin for the first longitude line. The first line of the grid"
108 " will be drawn at the base longitude. Successive longitude lines will"
109 " then be drawn relative to base longitude at an increment defined by"
110 " the longitude increment. Base longitude can be outside the range of"
111 " the image data.";
112 m_baseLonLabel = new QLabel("Base Longitude");
113 m_baseLonLabel->setWhatsThis(baseLonWhatsThis);
114 mainLayout->addWidget(m_baseLonLabel, row, 0, 1, 2);
116 m_baseLonSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
117 m_baseLonSlider->setRange(0, 100);
118 m_baseLonSlider->setWhatsThis(baseLonWhatsThis);
119 connect(m_baseLonSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
120 this, SLOT(onBaseLonSliderChanged()));
121 mainLayout->addWidget(m_baseLonSlider, row, 2, 1, 1);
123 m_baseLonLineEdit = new QLineEdit("0");
124 m_baseLonLineEdit->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(this));
125 m_baseLonLineEdit->setWhatsThis(baseLonWhatsThis);
126 connect(m_baseLonLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
127 this, SLOT(refreshWidgetStates()));
128 mainLayout->addWidget(m_baseLonLineEdit, row, 3, 1, 1);
130 m_baseLonTypeLabel = new QLabel("Degrees");
131 mainLayout->addWidget(m_baseLonTypeLabel, row, 4, 1, 1);
132 row++;
134 QString latIncWhatsThis =
135 "The latitude increment is how often a line is drawn as the latitude "
136 "values change. A latitude increment of 45 will result in a line at "
137 "latitude = -90, -45, 0, 45, 90 for the entire longitude range.";
138 m_latIncLabel = new QLabel("Latitude Increment");
139 m_latIncLabel->setWhatsThis(latIncWhatsThis);
140 mainLayout->addWidget(m_latIncLabel, row, 0, 1, 2);
142 m_latIncSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
143 m_latIncSlider->setRange(1, 180);
144 m_latIncSlider->setWhatsThis(latIncWhatsThis);
145 connect(m_latIncSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
146 this, SLOT(onLatIncSliderChanged()));
147 mainLayout->addWidget(m_latIncSlider, row, 2, 1, 1);
149 m_latIncLineEdit = new QLineEdit("45");
150 m_latIncLineEdit->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(0, 180.0, 15, this));
151 m_latIncLineEdit->setWhatsThis(latIncWhatsThis);
152 connect(m_latIncLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
153 this, SLOT(refreshWidgetStates()));
154 mainLayout->addWidget(m_latIncLineEdit, row, 3, 1, 1);
156 m_latIncTypeLabel = new QLabel("Degrees");
157 mainLayout->addWidget(m_latIncTypeLabel, row, 4, 1, 1);
158 row++;
160 QString lonIncWhatsThis =
161 "The longitude increment is how often a line is drawn as the longitude "
162 "values change. A longitude increment of 180 will result in a line at "
163 "longitude = 0, 180, 360 for the entire latitude range.";
164 m_lonIncLabel = new QLabel("Longitude Increment");
165 m_lonIncLabel->setWhatsThis(lonIncWhatsThis);
166 mainLayout->addWidget(m_lonIncLabel, row, 0, 1, 2);
168 m_lonIncSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
169 m_lonIncSlider->setRange(1, 360);
170 m_lonIncSlider->setWhatsThis(lonIncWhatsThis);
171 connect(m_lonIncSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
172 this, SLOT(onLonIncSliderChanged()));
173 mainLayout->addWidget(m_lonIncSlider, row, 2, 1, 1);
175 m_lonIncLineEdit = new QLineEdit("45");
176 m_lonIncLineEdit->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(this));
177 m_lonIncLineEdit->setWhatsThis(lonIncWhatsThis);
178 connect(m_lonIncLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
179 this, SLOT(refreshWidgetStates()));
180 mainLayout->addWidget(m_lonIncLineEdit, row, 3, 1, 1);
182 m_lonIncTypeLabel = new QLabel("Degrees");
183 mainLayout->addWidget(m_lonIncTypeLabel, row, 4, 1, 1);
184 row++;
185 mainLayout->setRowMinimumHeight(row, 10);
186 row++;
188 QString latExtentWhatsThis =
189 "The longitude range determines the extents of the grid. The \"Read Map File\" option will "
190 "derive the extents from the loaded map's projection. The \"Compute From Images\" option "
191 "will use the ranges covered by the open cubes. The \"Manual\" option allows you to enter "
192 "values of your choice.";
193 m_latExtentLabel = new QLabel("Latitude Range");
194 m_latExtentLabel->setWhatsThis(latExtentWhatsThis);
195 mainLayout->addWidget(m_latExtentLabel, row, 0, 1, 2);
197 m_latExtentCombo = new QComboBox;
198 m_latExtentCombo->addItem("Read Map File", MosaicGridTool::Map);
199 m_latExtentCombo->addItem("Compute From Images", MosaicGridTool::Cubes);
200 m_latExtentCombo->addItem("Manual", MosaicGridTool::Manual);
201 m_latExtentCombo->setCurrentIndex(m_latExtentCombo->findData(m_tool->latExtents()));
202 m_latExtentCombo->setWhatsThis(latExtentWhatsThis);
203 connect(m_latExtentCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),
204 this, SLOT(onExtentTypeChanged()));
205 mainLayout->addWidget(m_latExtentCombo, row, 2, 1, 2);
206 m_latExtentTypeLabel = new QLabel(m_tool->latType());
207 mainLayout->addWidget(m_latExtentTypeLabel, row, 4, 1, 1);
208 row++;
211 QString minLatWhatsThis =
212 "The minimum latitude will be the lower edge of the grid. This parameter currently "
213 "expects degree input.";
214 m_minLatExtentLabel = new QLabel("Minimum Latitude");
215 m_minLatExtentLabel->setWhatsThis(minLatWhatsThis);
216 mainLayout->addWidget(m_minLatExtentLabel, row, 1, 1, 1);
218 m_minLatExtentSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
219 m_minLatExtentSlider->setRange(-90, 90);
220 m_minLatExtentSlider->setWhatsThis(minLatWhatsThis);
221 connect(m_minLatExtentSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
222 this, SLOT(onMinLatExtentSliderChanged()));
223 mainLayout->addWidget(m_minLatExtentSlider, row, 2, 1, 1);
225 m_minLatExtentLineEdit = new QLineEdit("0");
226 m_minLatExtentLineEdit->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(this));
227 m_minLatExtentLineEdit->setWhatsThis(minLatWhatsThis);
228 connect(m_minLatExtentLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
229 this, SLOT(refreshWidgetStates()));
230 mainLayout->addWidget(m_minLatExtentLineEdit, row, 3, 1, 1);
231 m_minLatExtentTypeLabel = new QLabel("Degrees");
232 mainLayout->addWidget(m_minLatExtentTypeLabel, row, 4, 1, 1);
233 row++;
235 QString maxLatWhatsThis =
236 "The maximum latitude will be the upper edge of the grid. This parameter currently "
237 "expects degree input.";
238 m_maxLatExtentLabel = new QLabel("Maximum Latitude");
239 m_maxLatExtentLabel->setWhatsThis(maxLatWhatsThis);
240 mainLayout->addWidget(m_maxLatExtentLabel, row, 1, 1, 1);
242 m_maxLatExtentSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
243 m_maxLatExtentSlider->setRange(-90, 90);
244 m_maxLatExtentSlider->setWhatsThis(maxLatWhatsThis);
245 connect(m_maxLatExtentSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
246 this, SLOT(onMaxLatExtentSliderChanged()));
247 mainLayout->addWidget(m_maxLatExtentSlider, row, 2, 1, 1);
249 m_maxLatExtentLineEdit = new QLineEdit("0");
250 m_maxLatExtentLineEdit->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(this));
251 m_maxLatExtentLineEdit->setWhatsThis(maxLatWhatsThis);
252 connect(m_maxLatExtentLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
253 this, SLOT(refreshWidgetStates()));
254 mainLayout->addWidget(m_maxLatExtentLineEdit, row, 3, 1, 1);
255 m_maxLatExtentTypeLabel = new QLabel("Degrees");
256 mainLayout->addWidget(m_maxLatExtentTypeLabel, row, 4, 1, 1);
257 row++;
258 mainLayout->setRowMinimumHeight(row, 10);
259 row++;
261 QString lonExtentWhatsThis =
262 "The longitude range determines the extents of the grid. The \"<b>Read Map File</b>\" "
263 "option will derive the extents from the loaded map's projection. The"
264 "\"Compute From Images\" option will use the ranges covered by the open cubes. The "
265 "\"Manual\" option allows you to enter "
266 "values of your choice. The domain is that of the map projection.";
267 m_lonExtentLabel = new QLabel("Longitude Range");
268 m_lonExtentLabel->setWhatsThis(lonExtentWhatsThis);
269 mainLayout->addWidget(m_lonExtentLabel, row, 0, 1, 2);
271 m_lonExtentCombo = new QComboBox;
272 m_lonExtentCombo->addItem("Read Map File", MosaicGridTool::Map);
273 m_lonExtentCombo->addItem("Compute From Images", MosaicGridTool::Cubes);
274 m_lonExtentCombo->addItem("Manual", MosaicGridTool::Manual);
276 m_lonExtentCombo->setCurrentIndex(m_lonExtentCombo->findData(m_tool->lonExtents()));
277 m_lonExtentCombo->setWhatsThis(lonExtentWhatsThis);
278 connect(m_lonExtentCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),
279 this, SLOT(onExtentTypeChanged()));
280 mainLayout->addWidget(m_lonExtentCombo, row, 2, 1, 2);
282 m_lonDomainLabel = new QLabel(m_tool->lonDomain() + " Domain");
283 mainLayout->addWidget(m_lonDomainLabel, row, 4, 1, 1);
284 row++;
286 QString minLonWhatsThis =
287 "The maximum longitude will be the left edge of the grid. This parameter currently "
288 "expects degree input.";
289 m_minLonExtentLabel = new QLabel("Minimum Longitude");
290 m_minLonExtentLabel->setWhatsThis(minLonWhatsThis);
291 mainLayout->addWidget(m_minLonExtentLabel, row, 1, 1, 1);
293 m_minLonExtentSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
294 m_minLonExtentSlider->setRange(0, 360);
295 m_minLonExtentSlider->setWhatsThis(minLonWhatsThis);
296 connect(m_minLonExtentSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
297 this, SLOT(onMinLonExtentSliderChanged()));
298 mainLayout->addWidget(m_minLonExtentSlider, row, 2, 1, 1);
300 m_minLonExtentLineEdit = new QLineEdit("0");
301 m_minLonExtentLineEdit->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(this));
302 m_minLonExtentLineEdit->setWhatsThis(minLonWhatsThis);
303 connect(m_minLonExtentLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
304 this, SLOT(refreshWidgetStates()));
305 mainLayout->addWidget(m_minLonExtentLineEdit, row, 3, 1, 1);
306 m_minLonExtentTypeLabel = new QLabel("Degrees");
307 mainLayout->addWidget(m_minLonExtentTypeLabel, row, 4, 1, 1);
308 row++;
310 QString maxLonWhatsThis =
311 "The maximum longitude will be the right edge of the grid. This parameter currently "
312 "expects degree input.";
313 m_maxLonExtentLabel = new QLabel("Maximum Longitude");
314 m_maxLonExtentLabel->setWhatsThis(maxLonWhatsThis);
315 mainLayout->addWidget(m_maxLonExtentLabel, row, 1, 1, 1);
317 m_maxLonExtentSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
318 m_maxLonExtentSlider->setRange(0, 360);
319 m_maxLonExtentSlider->setWhatsThis(maxLonWhatsThis);
320 connect(m_maxLonExtentSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
321 this, SLOT(onMaxLonExtentSliderChanged()));
322 mainLayout->addWidget(m_maxLonExtentSlider, row, 2, 1, 1);
324 m_maxLonExtentLineEdit = new QLineEdit("0");
325 m_maxLonExtentLineEdit->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(this));
326 m_maxLonExtentLineEdit->setWhatsThis(maxLonWhatsThis);
327 connect(m_maxLonExtentLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
328 this, SLOT(refreshWidgetStates()));
329 mainLayout->addWidget(m_maxLonExtentLineEdit, row, 3, 1, 1);
330 m_maxLonExtentTypeLabel = new QLabel("Degrees");
331 mainLayout->addWidget(m_maxLonExtentTypeLabel, row, 4, 1, 1);
332 row++;
333 mainLayout->setRowMinimumHeight(row, 10);
334 row++;
336 QString densityWhatsThis =
337 "The density is the estimated total number of straight lines used "
338 "to create the grid. Increasing this number will significantly slow "
339 "down the drawing of the grid while making curves more accurate. If "
340 "the grid does not look accurate then try increasing this number.";
341 m_densityLabel = new QLabel("Grid Line Density");
342 m_densityLabel->setWhatsThis(densityWhatsThis);
343 mainLayout->addWidget(m_densityLabel, row, 0, 1, 2);
345 m_densityEdit = new QLineEdit("10000");
346 m_densityEdit->setValidator(new QIntValidator(1, INT_MAX, this));
347 m_densityEdit->setWhatsThis(densityWhatsThis);
348 connect(m_densityEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
349 this, SLOT(refreshWidgetStates()));
350 mainLayout->addWidget(m_densityEdit, row, 2, 1, 2);
351 row++;
352 mainLayout->setRowMinimumHeight(row, 10);
353 row++;
355 QHBoxLayout *buttonsAreaLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
356 mainLayout->addLayout(buttonsAreaLayout, row, 0, 1, 4);
358 QString autoApplyWhatsThis =
359 "Automatically updates the grid when parameters are changed.";
360 m_autoApplyCheckBox = new QCheckBox("Auto Apply");
361 m_autoApplyCheckBox->setChecked(true);
362 buttonsAreaLayout->addWidget(m_autoApplyCheckBox);
364 buttonsAreaLayout->addStretch();
366 QPushButton *okayButton = new QPushButton("&Ok");
367 okayButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("dialog-ok"));
368 connect(okayButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
369 this, SLOT(applySettings()));
370 connect(okayButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
371 this, SLOT(accept()));
372 buttonsAreaLayout->addWidget(okayButton);
374 QPushButton *applyButton = new QPushButton("&Apply");
375 applyButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("dialog-ok-apply"));
376 connect(applyButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
377 this, SLOT(applySettings()));
378 buttonsAreaLayout->addWidget(applyButton);
380 QPushButton *cancelButton = new QPushButton("&Cancel");
381 cancelButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("dialog-cancel"));
382 connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
383 this, SLOT(reject()));
384 buttonsAreaLayout->addWidget(cancelButton);
386 connect(m_tool, SIGNAL(boundingRectChanged()), this, SLOT(readSettings()));
388 readSettings();
389 }
402 void MosaicGridToolConfigDialog::applySettings(bool shouldReadSettings) {
404 int cursorPos = 0;
406 // Validate base latitude value
407 QString baseLatitude = m_baseLatLineEdit->text();
408 if (m_baseLatLineEdit->isEnabled()) {
409 QValidator::State validBaseLat =
410 m_baseLatLineEdit->validator()->validate(baseLatitude, cursorPos);
411 if (validBaseLat != QValidator::Acceptable) {
413 "Base Latitude value must be in the range -90 to 90",
414 _FILEINFO_);
415 }
416 }
418 // Validate base longitude value
419 QString baseLongitude = m_baseLonLineEdit->text();
420 QValidator::State validBaseLon =
421 m_baseLonLineEdit->validator()->validate(baseLongitude, cursorPos);
422 if (validBaseLon != QValidator::Acceptable) {
424 "Base Longitude value must be a double",
425 _FILEINFO_);
426 }
428 // Validate latitudeInc value
429 QString latitudeInc = m_latIncLineEdit->text();
430 QValidator::State validLatInc = m_latIncLineEdit->validator()->validate(latitudeInc,
431 cursorPos);
432 if (validLatInc != QValidator::Acceptable) {
434 "Latitude increment must be in the range 0 to 180",
435 _FILEINFO_);
436 }
438 // Validate longitudeInc value
439 QString longitudeInc = m_lonIncLineEdit->text();
440 QValidator::State validLonInc =
441 m_lonIncLineEdit->validator()->validate(longitudeInc, cursorPos);
442 if (validLonInc != QValidator::Acceptable) {
444 "Longitude increment must be a double",
445 _FILEINFO_);
446 }
448 // Validate minLatExtent value
449 QString minLatExtent = m_minLatExtentLineEdit->text();
450 QValidator::State validMinLatExtent =
451 m_minLatExtentLineEdit->validator()->validate(minLatExtent, cursorPos);
452 if (validMinLatExtent != QValidator::Acceptable) {
454 "Minimum latitude extent must be a double",
455 _FILEINFO_);
456 }
458 // Validate maxLatExtent value
459 QString maxLatExtent = m_maxLatExtentLineEdit->text();
460 QValidator::State validMaxLatExtent =
461 m_maxLatExtentLineEdit->validator()->validate(maxLatExtent, cursorPos);
462 if (validMaxLatExtent != QValidator::Acceptable) {
464 "Maximum latitude extent must be a double",
465 _FILEINFO_);
466 }
468 // Validate minLonExtent value
469 QString minLonExtent = m_minLonExtentLineEdit->text();
470 QValidator::State validMinLonExtent =
471 m_minLonExtentLineEdit->validator()->validate(minLonExtent, cursorPos);
472 if (validMinLonExtent != QValidator::Acceptable) {
474 "Minimum longitude extent must be a double",
475 _FILEINFO_);
476 }
478 // Validate maxLonExtent value
479 QString maxLonExtent = m_maxLonExtentLineEdit->text();
480 QValidator::State validMaxLonExtent =
481 m_maxLonExtentLineEdit->validator()->validate(maxLonExtent, cursorPos);
482 if (validMaxLonExtent != QValidator::Acceptable) {
484 "Maximum longitude extent must be a double",
485 _FILEINFO_);
486 }
488 // Validate density value
489 QString density = m_densityEdit->text();
490 QValidator::State validDensity =
491 m_densityEdit->validator()->validate(density, cursorPos);
492 if (validDensity != QValidator::Acceptable) {
494 "Density must be a non-zero positive integer",
495 _FILEINFO_);
496 }
498 if (m_tool->sceneWidget()->getProjection()) {
499 PvlGroup mapGroup(m_tool->sceneWidget()->getProjection()->Mapping());
501 m_tool->setShowGrid(m_showGridCheckBox->isChecked());
502 m_tool->setAutoGridCheckBox(m_autoGridCheckBox->isChecked());
504 m_tool->setBaseLat(Latitude(baseLatitude.toDouble(), mapGroup, Angle::Degrees));
505 m_tool->setBaseLon(Longitude(baseLongitude.toDouble(), Angle::Degrees));
506 m_tool->setLatInc(Angle(latitudeInc.toDouble(), Angle::Degrees));
507 m_tool->setLonInc(Angle(longitudeInc.toDouble(), Angle::Degrees));
510 m_latExtentCombo->itemData(m_latExtentCombo->currentIndex()).toInt(),
511 Latitude(minLatExtent.toDouble(), mapGroup, Angle::Degrees),
512 Latitude(maxLatExtent.toDouble(), mapGroup, Angle::Degrees));
514 m_lonExtentCombo->itemData(m_lonExtentCombo->currentIndex()).toInt(),
515 Longitude(minLonExtent.toDouble(), Angle::Degrees),
516 Longitude(maxLonExtent.toDouble(), Angle::Degrees));
518 m_tool->setDensity(density.toInt());
520 if (m_showGridCheckBox->isChecked() && m_autoGridCheckBox->isChecked())
521 m_tool->autoGrid(m_autoGridCheckBox->isChecked());
522 else if (m_showGridCheckBox->isChecked())
523 m_tool->drawGrid();
524 else
525 m_tool->clearGrid();
527 if (shouldReadSettings)
528 readSettings();
529 }
530 }
546 if (m_tool->sceneWidget()->getProjection()) {
547 // Don't auto apply until we're done
548 bool autoApply = m_autoApplyCheckBox->isChecked();
549 m_autoApplyCheckBox->setChecked(false);
551 m_showGridCheckBox->setChecked(m_tool->showGrid());
552 m_autoGridCheckBox->setChecked(m_tool->autoGridCheckBox());
553 m_baseLonLineEdit->setText(QString::number(m_tool->baseLon().degrees()));
555 m_latIncLineEdit->setText(QString::number(m_tool->latInc().degrees()));
556 m_lonIncLineEdit->setText(QString::number(m_tool->lonInc().degrees()));
558 Latitude minLat = m_tool->minLat();
559 Latitude maxLat = m_tool->maxLat();
560 m_latExtentCombo->setCurrentIndex(m_latExtentCombo->findData(m_tool->latExtents()));
561 if (m_tool->sceneWidget()->getProjection()->Mapping()["LatitudeType"][0] ==
562 "Planetocentric") {
564 m_baseLatLineEdit->setText(QString::number(m_tool->baseLat().degrees()));
565 m_minLatExtentLineEdit->setText(QString::number(minLat.degrees()));
566 m_maxLatExtentLineEdit->setText(QString::number(maxLat.degrees()));
567 }
568 else {
569 m_baseLatLineEdit->setText(QString::number(
571 m_minLatExtentLineEdit->setText(QString::number(
573 m_maxLatExtentLineEdit->setText(QString::number(
575 }
577 Angle minLon = m_tool->minLon();
578 Angle maxLon = m_tool->maxLon();
579 m_lonExtentCombo->setCurrentIndex(m_lonExtentCombo->findData(m_tool->lonExtents()));
580 m_minLonExtentLineEdit->setText(QString::number(minLon.degrees()));
581 m_maxLonExtentLineEdit->setText(QString::number(maxLon.degrees()));
583 m_densityEdit->setText(QString::number(m_tool->density()));
585 // Now we can restore auto apply
586 m_autoApplyCheckBox->setChecked(autoApply);
587 }
588 else {
589 refreshWidgetStates(false);
590 }
591 }
609 QElapsedTimer timer;
610 timer.start();
612 bool enabled = m_tool->sceneWidget()->getProjection();
613 bool showGrid = enabled && m_showGridCheckBox->isChecked();
614 bool autoGrid = enabled && m_autoGridCheckBox->isChecked();
615 bool enableLatExtents = ( (MosaicGridTool::GridExtentSource)
616 m_latExtentCombo->itemData(m_latExtentCombo->currentIndex()).toInt() ==
617 MosaicGridTool::Manual ) && showGrid;
618 bool enableLonExtents = ( (MosaicGridTool::GridExtentSource)
619 m_lonExtentCombo->itemData(m_lonExtentCombo->currentIndex()).toInt() ==
620 MosaicGridTool::Manual ) && showGrid;
622 m_autoGridCheckBox->setEnabled(showGrid);
624 m_baseLatLabel->setEnabled(showGrid);
625 m_baseLatSlider->setEnabled(showGrid);
626 m_baseLatSlider->blockSignals(true);
627 m_baseLatSlider->setValue(
628 qRound(100 * m_baseLatLineEdit->text().toDouble() / m_latIncLineEdit->text().toDouble()));
629 m_baseLatSlider->blockSignals(false);
630 m_baseLatLineEdit->setEnabled(showGrid);
631 m_baseLatTypeLabel->setEnabled(showGrid);
633 m_baseLonLabel->setEnabled(showGrid);
634 m_baseLonSlider->setEnabled(showGrid);
635 m_baseLonSlider->blockSignals(true);
636 m_baseLonSlider->setValue(
637 qRound(100 * m_baseLonLineEdit->text().toDouble() / m_lonIncLineEdit->text().toDouble()));
638 m_baseLonSlider->blockSignals(false);
639 m_baseLonLineEdit->setEnabled(showGrid);
640 m_baseLonTypeLabel->setEnabled(showGrid);
642 m_latIncLabel->setEnabled(showGrid && !autoGrid);
643 m_latIncLineEdit->setEnabled(!autoGrid && showGrid);
644 m_latIncSlider->blockSignals(true);
645 m_latIncSlider->setEnabled(showGrid && !autoGrid);
646 m_latIncSlider->setValue(m_latIncLineEdit->text().toDouble());
647 m_latIncSlider->blockSignals(false);
648 m_latIncTypeLabel->setEnabled(showGrid && !autoGrid);
650 m_lonIncLabel->setEnabled(showGrid && !autoGrid);
651 m_lonIncLineEdit->setEnabled(showGrid && !autoGrid);
652 m_lonIncSlider->blockSignals(true);
653 m_lonIncSlider->setEnabled(!autoGrid);
654 m_lonIncSlider->setValue(m_lonIncLineEdit->text().toDouble());
655 m_lonIncSlider->blockSignals(false);
656 m_lonIncTypeLabel->setEnabled(showGrid && !autoGrid);
658 m_latExtentLabel->setEnabled(showGrid);
659 m_latExtentCombo->setEnabled(showGrid);
660 m_latExtentTypeLabel->setEnabled(showGrid);
662 m_minLatExtentLabel->setEnabled(enableLatExtents);
663 m_minLatExtentLabel->setEnabled(enableLatExtents);
664 m_minLatExtentSlider->blockSignals(true);
665 m_minLatExtentSlider->setValue(
666 qRound(m_minLatExtentLineEdit->text().toDouble()));
667 m_minLatExtentSlider->blockSignals(false);
668 m_minLatExtentLineEdit->setEnabled(enableLatExtents);
669 m_minLatExtentTypeLabel->setEnabled(enableLatExtents);
671 m_maxLatExtentLabel->setEnabled(enableLatExtents);
672 m_maxLatExtentSlider->setEnabled(enableLatExtents);
673 m_maxLatExtentSlider->blockSignals(true);
674 m_maxLatExtentSlider->setValue(
675 qRound(m_maxLatExtentLineEdit->text().toDouble()));
676 m_maxLatExtentSlider->blockSignals(false);
677 m_maxLatExtentLineEdit->setEnabled(enableLatExtents);
678 m_maxLatExtentTypeLabel->setEnabled(enableLatExtents);
680 m_lonExtentLabel->setEnabled(showGrid);
681 m_lonExtentCombo->setEnabled(showGrid);
682 m_lonDomainLabel->setEnabled(showGrid);
684 m_minLonExtentLabel->setEnabled(enableLonExtents);
685 m_minLonExtentSlider->setRange(m_tool->domainMinLon().degrees(),
686 m_tool->domainMaxLon().degrees());
687 m_minLonExtentSlider->setEnabled(enableLonExtents);
688 m_minLonExtentSlider->blockSignals(true);
689 m_minLonExtentSlider->setValue(m_minLonExtentLineEdit->text().toDouble());
690 m_minLonExtentSlider->blockSignals(false);
691 m_minLonExtentLineEdit->setEnabled(enableLonExtents);
692 m_minLonExtentTypeLabel->setEnabled(enableLonExtents);
694 m_maxLonExtentLabel->setEnabled(enableLonExtents);
695 m_maxLonExtentSlider->setRange(m_tool->domainMinLon().degrees(),
696 m_tool->domainMaxLon().degrees());
697 m_maxLonExtentSlider->setEnabled(enableLonExtents);
698 m_maxLonExtentSlider->blockSignals(true);
699 m_maxLonExtentSlider->setValue(m_maxLonExtentLineEdit->text().toDouble());
700 m_maxLonExtentSlider->blockSignals(false);
701 m_maxLonExtentLineEdit->setEnabled(enableLonExtents);
702 m_maxLonExtentTypeLabel->setEnabled(enableLonExtents);
704 m_densityLabel->setEnabled(showGrid);
705 m_densityEdit->setEnabled(showGrid);
707 if (m_autoApplyCheckBox->isChecked() && canAutoApply) {
708 try {
709 if(m_autoGridCheckBox->isChecked())
710 applySettings(true);
711 else
712 applySettings(false);
713 }
714 catch (IException &) {
715 }
717 //Time in milliseconds
718 if (timer.elapsed() > 250) {
719 m_densityEdit->setText(QString::number(
720 qMax(1000, qRound(m_densityEdit->text().toInt() * 0.75))));
721 }
722 }
723 }
729 m_baseLatLineEdit->setText(
730 QString::number( (m_baseLatSlider->value() / 100.0) * m_latIncLineEdit->text().toDouble() ));
731 }
738 m_baseLonLineEdit->setText(
739 QString::number( (m_baseLonSlider->value() / 100.0) * m_lonIncLineEdit->text().toDouble() ));
740 }
747 m_latIncLineEdit->setText(QString::number(m_latIncSlider->value()));
748 }
755 m_lonIncLineEdit->setText(QString::number(m_lonIncSlider->value()));
756 }
763 if (m_minLatExtentSlider->value() < m_maxLatExtentSlider->value()) {
764 m_minLatExtentLineEdit->setText(QString::number(m_minLatExtentSlider->value()));
765 }
766 else {
767 m_minLatExtentSlider->setValue(m_maxLatExtentSlider->value() - 1);
768 }
769 }
776 if (m_maxLatExtentSlider->value() > m_minLatExtentSlider->value()) {
777 m_maxLatExtentLineEdit->setText(QString::number(m_maxLatExtentSlider->value()));
778 }
779 else {
780 m_maxLatExtentSlider->setValue(m_minLatExtentSlider->value() + 1);
781 }
782 }
791 QElapsedTimer timer;
792 timer.start();
793 refreshWidgetStates(false);
794 applySettings(true);
795 //Time in milliseconds
796 if (timer.elapsed() > 250)
797 m_densityEdit->setText(QString::number(1000));
798 }
805 if (m_minLonExtentSlider->value() < m_maxLonExtentSlider->value()) {
806 m_minLonExtentLineEdit->setText(QString::number(m_minLonExtentSlider->value()));
807 }
808 else {
809 m_minLonExtentSlider->setValue(m_maxLonExtentSlider->value() - 1);
810 }
811 }
818 if (m_maxLonExtentSlider->value() > m_minLonExtentSlider->value()) {
819 m_maxLonExtentLineEdit->setText(QString::number(m_maxLonExtentSlider->value()));
820 }
821 else {
822 m_maxLonExtentSlider->setValue(m_minLonExtentSlider->value() + 1);
823 }
824 }
Defines an angle and provides unit conversions.
Definition Angle.h:45
double degrees() const
Get the angle in units of Degrees.
Definition Angle.h:232
@ Degrees
Degrees are generally considered more human readable, 0-360 is one circle, however most math does not...
Definition Angle.h:56
Isis exception class.
Definition IException.h:91
@ Unknown
A type of error that cannot be classified as any of the other error types.
Definition IException.h:118
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Latitude.
Definition Latitude.h:51
double planetographic(Angle::Units units=Angle::Radians) const
Get the latitude in the planetographic coordinate system.
Definition Latitude.cpp:315
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Longitude.
Definition Longitude.h:40
QPointer< QSlider > m_maxLonExtentSlider
Input for the maximum longitude.
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_lonIncLineEdit
Input for longitude increment.
QPointer< QLabel > m_latExtentLabel
Label for the latitude range Selection for the latitude extent source (Map, Cube, Manual)
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_baseLatLineEdit
Input for base latitude.
void onLonIncSliderChanged()
Updates the corresponding line edit when the lonIncSlider changes.
void onMinLonExtentSliderChanged()
Updates the corresponding line edit when the minLonSlider changes.
QPointer< QSlider > m_lonIncSlider
Input for longitude increment.
void applySettings()
Slot that calls applySettings with true to call readSettings also.
QPointer< QSlider > m_maxLatExtentSlider
Input for the maximum latitude.
QPointer< QLabel > m_baseLatTypeLabel
Label for the baselat type (degrees/radians)
QPointer< QCheckBox > m_autoApplyCheckBox
True to applySettings on state change.
QPointer< QLabel > m_minLatExtentLabel
Label for the minimum latitude.
void onMinLatExtentSliderChanged()
Updates the corresponding line edit when the minLatSlider changes.
void onMaxLonExtentSliderChanged()
Updates the corresponding line edit when the maxLonSlider changes.
void onMaxLatExtentSliderChanged()
Updates the corresponding line edit when the maxLatSlider changes.
void refreshWidgetStates()
Calls the private method refreshWidgetStates with true as the argument in order to have refreshWidget...
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_maxLonExtentLineEdit
Input for the maximum longitude.
QPointer< QLabel > m_lonDomainLabel
Label for the longitude domain.
QPointer< QLabel > m_maxLonExtentLabel
Label for the maximum longitude.
QPointer< QLabel > m_minLonExtentLabel
Label for the minimum longitude.
MosaicGridToolConfigDialog(MosaicGridTool *tool, QWidget *parent)
Create a config dialog that configures the given MosaicGridTool.
QPointer< QSlider > m_latIncSlider
Input for latitude increment.
QPointer< QCheckBox > m_showGridCheckBox
The tool we're configuring.
void onBaseLonSliderChanged()
Updates the corresponding line edit when the baseLonSlider changes.
void onLatIncSliderChanged()
Updates the corresponding line edit when the latIncSlider changes.
QPointer< QSlider > m_minLonExtentSlider
Input for the minimumlongitude.
void onExtentTypeChanged()
Updates the dialog when the lat or lon extent source is changed.
QPointer< QSlider > m_baseLonSlider
Input for base longitude.
QPointer< QSlider > m_minLatExtentSlider
Input for the minimum latitude.
QPointer< QLabel > m_densityLabel
Label for the grid density.
QPointer< QLabel > m_baseLatLabel
Label for the base latitude.
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_densityEdit
Input for grid density.
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_baseLonLineEdit
Input for base longitude.
QPointer< QLabel > m_lonIncTypeLabel
Label for the increment type (degrees/radians)
QPointer< QLabel > m_baseLonTypeLabel
Label for the baselon type (degrees/radians)
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_latIncLineEdit
Input for latitude increment.
void onBaseLatSliderChanged()
Updates the corresponding line edit when the baseLatSlider changes.
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_maxLatExtentLineEdit
Input for the maximum latitude.
QPointer< QSlider > m_baseLatSlider
Input for base latitude.
QPointer< QLabel > m_lonIncLabel
Label for the longitude increment.
QPointer< QLabel > m_maxLatExtentLabel
Label for the maximum latitude.
QPointer< QLabel > m_baseLonLabel
Label for the base longitude.
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_minLatExtentLineEdit
Input for the minimum latitude.
void readSettings()
Read the tool's current settings and set the widget states to match.
Clean up allocated memory.
QPointer< QLabel > m_latIncTypeLabel
Label for the increment type (degrees/radians)
QPointer< QCheckBox > m_autoGridCheckBox
True if grid properties come form open cubes.
QPointer< QLabel > m_lonExtentLabel
Label for the longitude range Selection for the longitude extent source (Map, Cube,...
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_minLonExtentLineEdit
Input for the minimum longitude.
QPointer< QLabel > m_latIncLabel
Label for the latitude increment.
This controls the 'Grid' abilities in the MosaicSceneWidget.
void setShowGrid(bool show)
Modify the check state of the checkbox.
Angle latInc()
The angle of the latitude increment.
void setLonExtents(GridExtentSource source, Longitude minLon, Longitude maxLon)
Set the maximum and minimum longitude of the grid.
MosaicSceneWidget * sceneWidget()
Latitude maxLat()
The maximum latitude used to determine the grid's extents and increments.
GridExtentSource lonExtents()
The extent type (Map, Cubes, Manual) for the longitude.
bool autoGridCheckBox()
True if checked.
void setDensity(int density)
Modify the density.
Longitude minLon()
The minimum longitude used to determine the grid's extents and increments.
Latitude minLat()
The minimum latitude used to determine the grid's extents and increments.
@ Cubes
The grid will be drawn using the extents from the bounding rectangle of the open cubes.
@ Manual
The grid will be drawn using the extents that the user specifies.
@ Map
The grid will be drawn using the extents from the map projection.
bool showGrid()
True if grid is displayed.
Latitude baseLat()
The base latitude.
void clearGrid()
Clears the grid from the scene.
Longitude baseLon()
The base longitude.
int density()
The density or resolution of the grid.
Angle lonInc()
The angle of the longitude increment.
void drawGrid()
Creates the GridGraphicsItem that will draw the grid.
void setLatExtents(GridExtentSource source, Latitude minLat, Latitude maxLat)
Set the maximum and minimum latitude of the grid.
void setAutoGridCheckBox(bool checked)
Modify the check state of the checkbox.
void setBaseLon(Longitude baseLon)
Modify the base longitude.
void autoGrid(bool draw)
Calculates the lat/lon increments from the bounding rectangle of the open cubes.
QString latType()
The latitude type (planetocentric/planetographic) of the projection of the scene.
void setLonInc(Angle lonInc)
Modify the longitude increment.
void setLatInc(Angle latInc)
Modify the latitude increment.
Longitude maxLon()
The maximum longitude used to determine the grid's extents and increments.
void setBaseLat(Latitude baseLat)
Modify the base latitude.
QString lonDomain()
The longitude domain of the projection of the scene.
GridExtentSource latExtents()
The extent type (Map, Cubes, Manual) for the latitude.
Contains multiple PvlContainers.
Definition PvlGroup.h:41
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition Apollo.h:16
int toInt(const QString &string)
Global function to convert from a string to an integer.
Definition IString.cpp:93