Isis 3 Programmer Reference
1#ifndef MosaicGridToolConfigDialog_h
2#define MosaicGridToolConfigDialog_h
4#include <QDialog>
5#include <QPointer>
7class QCheckBox;
8class QComboBox;
9class QLabel;
10class QLineEdit;
11class QPushButton;
12class QSlider;
14namespace Isis {
15 class MosaicGridTool;
40 public:
42 QWidget *parent);
45 public slots:
46 void applySettings();
47 void applySettings(bool shouldReadSettings);
48 void readSettings();
61 private:
62 Q_DISABLE_COPY(MosaicGridToolConfigDialog);
63 void refreshWidgetStates(bool canAutoApply);
65 MosaicGridTool *m_tool;
67 QPointer<QCheckBox> m_showGridCheckBox;
68 QPointer<QCheckBox> m_autoGridCheckBox;
70 QPointer<QLabel> m_baseLatLabel;
71 QPointer<QLineEdit> m_baseLatLineEdit;
72 QPointer<QSlider> m_baseLatSlider;
73 QPointer<QLabel> m_baseLatTypeLabel;
75 QPointer<QLabel> m_baseLonLabel;
76 QPointer<QLineEdit> m_baseLonLineEdit;
77 QPointer<QSlider> m_baseLonSlider;
78 QPointer<QLabel> m_baseLonTypeLabel;
80 QPointer<QLabel> m_latIncLabel;
81 QPointer<QLineEdit> m_latIncLineEdit;
82 QPointer<QSlider> m_latIncSlider;
83 QPointer<QLabel> m_latIncTypeLabel;
85 QPointer<QLabel> m_lonIncLabel;
86 QPointer<QLineEdit> m_lonIncLineEdit;
87 QPointer<QSlider> m_lonIncSlider;
88 QPointer<QLabel> m_lonIncTypeLabel;
90 QPointer<QLabel> m_latExtentLabel;
92 QPointer<QComboBox> m_latExtentCombo;
93 QPointer<QLabel> m_latExtentTypeLabel;
95 QPointer<QLabel> m_minLatExtentLabel;
96 QPointer<QLineEdit> m_minLatExtentLineEdit;
97 QPointer<QSlider> m_minLatExtentSlider;
98 QPointer<QLabel> m_minLatExtentTypeLabel;
100 QPointer<QLabel> m_maxLatExtentLabel;
101 QPointer<QLineEdit> m_maxLatExtentLineEdit;
102 QPointer<QSlider> m_maxLatExtentSlider;
103 QPointer<QLabel> m_maxLatExtentTypeLabel;
105 QPointer<QLabel> m_lonExtentLabel;
107 QPointer<QComboBox> m_lonExtentCombo;
108 QPointer<QLabel> m_lonDomainLabel;
110 QPointer<QLabel> m_minLonExtentLabel;
111 QPointer<QLineEdit> m_minLonExtentLineEdit;
112 QPointer<QSlider> m_minLonExtentSlider;
113 QPointer<QLabel> m_minLonExtentTypeLabel;
115 QPointer<QLabel> m_maxLonExtentLabel;
116 QPointer<QLineEdit> m_maxLonExtentLineEdit;
117 QPointer<QSlider> m_maxLonExtentSlider;
118 QPointer<QLabel> m_maxLonExtentTypeLabel;
120 QPointer<QLabel> m_densityLabel;
121 QPointer<QLineEdit> m_densityEdit;
123 QPointer<QCheckBox> m_autoApplyCheckBox;
124 };
Configure user's settings for the grid tool.
QPointer< QSlider > m_maxLonExtentSlider
Input for the maximum longitude.
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_lonIncLineEdit
Input for longitude increment.
QPointer< QLabel > m_latExtentLabel
Label for the latitude range Selection for the latitude extent source (Map, Cube, Manual)
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_baseLatLineEdit
Input for base latitude.
void onLonIncSliderChanged()
Updates the corresponding line edit when the lonIncSlider changes.
void onMinLonExtentSliderChanged()
Updates the corresponding line edit when the minLonSlider changes.
QPointer< QSlider > m_lonIncSlider
Input for longitude increment.
void applySettings()
Slot that calls applySettings with true to call readSettings also.
QPointer< QSlider > m_maxLatExtentSlider
Input for the maximum latitude.
QPointer< QLabel > m_baseLatTypeLabel
Label for the baselat type (degrees/radians)
QPointer< QCheckBox > m_autoApplyCheckBox
True to applySettings on state change.
QPointer< QLabel > m_minLatExtentLabel
Label for the minimum latitude.
void onMinLatExtentSliderChanged()
Updates the corresponding line edit when the minLatSlider changes.
void onMaxLonExtentSliderChanged()
Updates the corresponding line edit when the maxLonSlider changes.
void onMaxLatExtentSliderChanged()
Updates the corresponding line edit when the maxLatSlider changes.
void refreshWidgetStates()
Calls the private method refreshWidgetStates with true as the argument in order to have refreshWidget...
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_maxLonExtentLineEdit
Input for the maximum longitude.
QPointer< QLabel > m_lonDomainLabel
Label for the longitude domain.
QPointer< QLabel > m_maxLonExtentLabel
Label for the maximum longitude.
QPointer< QLabel > m_minLonExtentLabel
Label for the minimum longitude.
MosaicGridToolConfigDialog(MosaicGridTool *tool, QWidget *parent)
Create a config dialog that configures the given MosaicGridTool.
QPointer< QSlider > m_latIncSlider
Input for latitude increment.
QPointer< QCheckBox > m_showGridCheckBox
The tool we're configuring.
void onBaseLonSliderChanged()
Updates the corresponding line edit when the baseLonSlider changes.
void onLatIncSliderChanged()
Updates the corresponding line edit when the latIncSlider changes.
QPointer< QSlider > m_minLonExtentSlider
Input for the minimumlongitude.
void onExtentTypeChanged()
Updates the dialog when the lat or lon extent source is changed.
QPointer< QSlider > m_baseLonSlider
Input for base longitude.
QPointer< QSlider > m_minLatExtentSlider
Input for the minimum latitude.
QPointer< QLabel > m_densityLabel
Label for the grid density.
QPointer< QLabel > m_baseLatLabel
Label for the base latitude.
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_densityEdit
Input for grid density.
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_baseLonLineEdit
Input for base longitude.
QPointer< QLabel > m_lonIncTypeLabel
Label for the increment type (degrees/radians)
QPointer< QLabel > m_baseLonTypeLabel
Label for the baselon type (degrees/radians)
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_latIncLineEdit
Input for latitude increment.
void onBaseLatSliderChanged()
Updates the corresponding line edit when the baseLatSlider changes.
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_maxLatExtentLineEdit
Input for the maximum latitude.
QPointer< QSlider > m_baseLatSlider
Input for base latitude.
QPointer< QLabel > m_lonIncLabel
Label for the longitude increment.
QPointer< QLabel > m_maxLatExtentLabel
Label for the maximum latitude.
QPointer< QLabel > m_baseLonLabel
Label for the base longitude.
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_minLatExtentLineEdit
Input for the minimum latitude.
void readSettings()
Read the tool's current settings and set the widget states to match.
Clean up allocated memory.
QPointer< QLabel > m_latIncTypeLabel
Label for the increment type (degrees/radians)
QPointer< QCheckBox > m_autoGridCheckBox
True if grid properties come form open cubes.
QPointer< QLabel > m_lonExtentLabel
Label for the longitude range Selection for the longitude extent source (Map, Cube,...
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_minLonExtentLineEdit
Input for the minimum longitude.
QPointer< QLabel > m_latIncLabel
Label for the latitude increment.
This controls the 'Grid' abilities in the MosaicSceneWidget.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition Apollo.h:16