ISIS 3 Application Documentation
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Import a Galileo Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) cube into ISIS3 cube format.
Overview | Parameters | Example 1 |
DescriptionThis program will read and convert a PDS formatted Galileo Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer file (downloaded as a *.qub file from a USGS PDS imaging node server) into two ISIS cubes. The first (CORE) cube contains primary mission data, and the second (SUFFIX) cube contains additional backplane data. The user must choose a path to an input NIMS cube, and an output path and name for both the core and suffix cubes. The projections used for the original qube files are not compatible with ISIS projections, so projected Galileo NIMS qubes cannot be converted into equivalent ISIS cubes with mapping information directly. Instead, imported NIMS ISIS cubes are provided with a MappingInformation PVL group in the cube label. The information in this PVL group and latitude and longitude information from the output suffix cube can be used with the nocam2map ISIS application to produce a projected image. An example follows. To use nocam2map in this way, first convert the Galileo NIMS PDS qube into an ISIS cube using gllnims2isis: gllnims2isis from=original.qub core=core.cub suffix=suffix.cubThen, extract latitude and longitude cubes from the suffix cube. The first band is latitude, the second is longitude: cubeatt from=suffix.cub+1 to=latitude.cub cubeatt from=suffix.cub+2 to=longitude.cubNext, use information from core.cub's MappingInfo PVL group to run nocam2map. Here is an example of the information contained in a MappingInfo PVL group: Group = MappingInformation LatitudeType = Planetocentric LongitudeDirection = PositiveWest MapResolution = 0.334 <pixels/degree> MinimumLatitude = -80.53 <degrees> MaximumLatitude = 75.99 <degrees> MinimumLongitude = 0.06 <degrees> MaximumLongitude = 176.90 <degrees> MapProjectionType = POINT_PERSPECTIVE MapScale = 95.548 <km/pixel> MapProjectionRotation = 0.22 <degrees> MajorEquatorialRadius = 1830.00 <km> MinorEquatorialRadius = 1818.70 <km> PolarRadius = 1815.30 <km> End_GroupThis information can be used to run nocam2map to project this cube into an ISIS-compatible projection. As you can see below, the MajorEquatorialRadius in the MappingInformation PVL group above lists the EQURADIUS to use in nocam2map, the PolarRadius lists the value to use for POLRADIUS, and the MapResolution is the value to use for RESOLUTION in nocam2map. nocam2map from=core.cub latcube=latitude.cub loncube=longitude.cub londir=positivewest to=projected.cub pixres=ppd resolution=0.334 equradius=1830.00 polradius=1815.30It isn't required, but the minimum and maximum latitude and longitude from the MappingInformation group can also be used in nocam2map to define the output range of the projection. For defining the projection to use, either a pre-existing map template can be used, or a new mapping label can be created from the information in the MappingInformation group. See Also:
A detailed description of the Galileo NIMS instrument. CategoriesHistory
Parameter GroupsFiles
Use this parameter to select the path to the NIMS cube.
Type | filename |
File Mode | input |
Filter | *.qub |
Use this parameter to select the output core data filename.
Type | cube |
File Mode | output |
Filter | *.cub |
Use this parameter to select the output cube for the ISIS backplane data.
Type | cube |
File Mode | output |
Filter | *.cub |
Example 1Importing a NIMS cube Description
This example shows how to import Galileo NIMS cubes into ISIS3.
Command Line
Run the gllnims2isis application
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