Isis 3 Programmer Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef BundleResults_h
2 #define BundleResults_h
26 // Qt Library
27 #include <QList>
28 #include <QObject>
29 #include <QPair>
30 #include <QString>
31 #include <QVector>
33 // Isis Library
34 #include "BundleControlPoint.h"
36 #include "BundleSettings.h"
37 #include "ControlNet.h"
38 #include "Distance.h"
40 #include "PvlObject.h"
41 #include "Statistics.h" // ???
42 #include "SurfacePoint.h"
43 #include "XmlStackedHandler.h"
45 // Qt Library
46 class QDataStream;
47 class QUuid;
48 class QXmlStreamWriter;
50 namespace Isis {
51  // Isis Library
52  class ControlNet;
53  class CorrelationMatrix;
54  class FileName;
55  class Project;// ??? does xml stuff need project???
56  class PvlObject;
57  class SerialNumberList;
96  class BundleResults : public QObject {
98  public:
99  BundleResults(QObject *parent = 0);
100  // TODO: does xml stuff need project???
101  BundleResults(Project *project, XmlStackedHandlerReader *xmlReader, QObject *parent = 0);
102  BundleResults(const BundleResults &src);
103  ~BundleResults();
105  void initialize();
107  // mutators and computation methods
108  void resizeSigmaStatisticsVectors(int numberImages);
115  void setSigmaCoord1Range(Distance minCoord1Dist, Distance maxCoord1Dist,
116  QString minCoord1PointId, QString maxCoord1PointId);
117  void setSigmaCoord2Range(Distance minCoord2Dist, Distance maxCoord2Dist,
118  QString minCoord2PointId, QString maxCoord2PointId);
119  void setSigmaCoord3Range(Distance minCoord3Dist, Distance maxCoord3Dist,
120  QString minCoord3PointId, QString maxCoord3PointId);
121  void setRmsFromSigmaStatistics(double rmsFromSigmaCoord1Stats,
122  double rmsFromSigmaCoord2Stats,
123  double rmsFromSigmaCoord3Stats);
127  void initializeResidualsProbabilityDistribution(unsigned int nodes = 20);
128  void initializeProbabilityDistribution(unsigned int nodes = 20);
130  void addProbabilityDistributionObservation(double obsValue);
131  void addProbabilityDistributionObservation(double obsValue, bool residuals);
134  void incrementFixedPoints();
135  int numberFixedPoints() const;
136  void incrementHeldImages();
137  int numberHeldImages() const;
138  void incrementIgnoredPoints();
139  int numberIgnoredPoints() const; // currently unused ???
140 #if 0
141  double computeRejectionLimit(ControlNet *p_Cnet,
142  double outlierRejectionMultiplier,
143  int numObservations);
144 #endif
145  void setRejectionLimit(double rejectionLimit);
146 #if 0
147  double computeResiduals(
148  ControlNet *pCnet,
149  std::vector< boost::numeric::ublas::bounded_vector< double, 3 > > pointWeights,
150  std::vector< boost::numeric::ublas::bounded_vector< double, 3 > > pointCorrections,
151  LinearAlgebra::Vector image_Corrections,
152  std::vector< double > imageParameterWeights,
153  int numImagePartials,
154  int rank);
155 #endif
156  void setRmsXYResiduals(double rx, double ry, double rxy);
157 #if 0
158  bool flagOutliers(ControlNet *pCnet);
159 #endif
162  void setNumberImageParameters(int numberParameters); // ??? this is the same value an m_nRank
164  void incrementNumberConstrainedPointParameters(int incrementAmount);
166  void incrementNumberConstrainedImageParameters(int incrementAmount);
168  void incrementNumberConstrainedTargetParameters(int incrementAmount);
169  void setNumberUnknownParameters(int numberParameters);
171  void computeSigma0(double dvtpv, BundleSettings::ConvergenceCriteria criteria);
173  void setSigma0(double sigma0);
174  void setElapsedTime(double time);
175  void setElapsedTimeErrorProp(double time);
176  void setConverged(bool converged); // or initialze method
178  void setOutputControlNet(ControlNetQsp outNet);
179  void setIterations(int iterations);
182  // Accessors...
186  QVector<Statistics> rmsImageXSigmas() const; // currently unused ???
187  QVector<Statistics> rmsImageYSigmas() const; // currently unused ???
188  QVector<Statistics> rmsImageZSigmas() const; // currently unused ???
189  QVector<Statistics> rmsImageRASigmas() const; // currently unused ???
190  QVector<Statistics> rmsImageDECSigmas() const; // currently unused ???
191  QVector<Statistics> rmsImageTWISTSigmas() const; // currently unused ???
192  // *** TODO *** Will we ever want to request a specific coordinate type?
193  // (Lat or X) or just whatever is the designated type?
194  SurfacePoint::CoordinateType coordTypeReports();
202  QString maxSigmaCoord1PointId() const;
203  QString minSigmaCoord1PointId() const;
204  QString minSigmaCoord2PointId() const;
205  QString maxSigmaCoord2PointId() const;
206  QString minSigmaCoord3PointId() const;
207  QString maxSigmaCoord3PointId() const;
208  double sigmaCoord1StatisticsRms() const;
209  double sigmaCoord2StatisticsRms() const;
210  double sigmaCoord3StatisticsRms() const;
212  double rmsRx() const; // currently unused ???
213  double rmsRy() const; // currently unused ???
214  double rmsRxy() const; // currently unused ???
215  double rejectionLimit() const;
216  int numberRejectedObservations() const;
217  int numberObservations() const;
219  int numberImageParameters() const; // ??? this is the same value an m_nRank
223  int numberUnknownParameters() const;
224  int degreesOfFreedom() const;
225  double sigma0() const;
226  double elapsedTime() const;
227  double elapsedTimeErrorProp() const;
228  bool converged() const; // or initialze method
231  int iterations() const;
232  const BundleObservationVector &observations() const;
234  int numberMaximumLikelihoodModels() const;
235  int maximumLikelihoodModelIndex() const;
238  double maximumLikelihoodMedianR2Residuals() const;
240  double maximumLikelihoodModelQuantile(int modelIndex) const;
242  QList< QPair< MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions, double > > maximumLikelihoodModels() const;
244  bool setNumberHeldImages(SerialNumberList pHeldSnList,
245  SerialNumberList *pSnList);
247  // Correlation Matrix accessors for ipce and mutators for bundle adjust.
249  void setCorrMatCovFileName(FileName name);
252  // TODO: does xml stuff need project???
253  void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream, const Project *project) const;
256  private:
266  class XmlHandler : public XmlStackedHandler {
267  public:
268  // TODO: does xml stuff need project???
269  XmlHandler(BundleResults *statistics, Project *project);
270  ~XmlHandler();
272  virtual bool startElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName,
273  const QString &qName, const QXmlAttributes &atts);
274  virtual bool characters(const QString &ch);
275  virtual bool endElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName,
276  const QString &qName);
278  private:
279  Q_DISABLE_COPY(XmlHandler);
281  BundleResults *m_xmlHandlerBundleResults;
282  Project *m_xmlHandlerProject; // TODO: does xml stuff need project???
283  QString m_xmlHandlerCharacters;
284  int m_xmlHandlerResidualsListSize;
285  int m_xmlHandlerSampleResidualsListSize;
286  int m_xmlHandlerLineResidualsListSize;
287  int m_xmlHandlerXSigmasListSize;
288  int m_xmlHandlerYSigmasListSize;
289  int m_xmlHandlerZSigmasListSize;
290  int m_xmlHandlerRASigmasListSize;
291  int m_xmlHandlerDECSigmasListSize;
292  int m_xmlHandlerTWISTSigmasListSize;
293  QList<Statistics *> m_xmlHandlerStatisticsList;
294  StatCumProbDistDynCalc *m_xmlHandlerCumProCalc;
296  QString m_xmlHandlerCorrelationImageId;
297  QStringList m_xmlHandlerCorrelationParameterList;
298  QMap<QString, QStringList> m_xmlHandlerCorrelationMap;
299  };
304  // Currently set but unused
308  // The following three members are set but unused.
314  // TODO:??? reorder read/write data stream, init, copy constructor, operator=
323  double m_sigma0;
324  double m_elapsedTime;
326  bool m_converged;
328  // Variables for output methods in BundleSolutionInfo
346  //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
347  // variables set in computeBundleResults()
348  //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
349  // QList??? jigsaw apptest gives - ASSERT failure in QList<T>::operator[]: "index out of range",
357  QVector<Statistics> m_rmsImageXSigmas; // unset and unused ???
360  QVector<Statistics> m_rmsImageYSigmas; // unset and unused ???
362  QVector<Statistics> m_rmsImageZSigmas; // unset and unused ???
364  QVector<Statistics> m_rmsImageRASigmas; // unset and unused ???
366  QVector<Statistics> m_rmsImageDECSigmas; // unset and unused ???
388  //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
389  // variables for maximum likelihood estimation
390  //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
420  };
422 };
426 #endif // BundleResults_h
QString m_maxSigmaCoord3PointId
The maximum sigma coordinate 3 point id.
void setObservations(BundleObservationVector observations)
Sets the vector of BundleObservations.
This class is a container class for BundleObservations.
virtual bool startElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName, const QXmlAttributes &atts)
Handle an XML start element.
virtual bool characters(const QString &ch)
Adds a QString to the XmlHandler&#39;s internal character data.
BundleObservationVector m_observations
The vector of BundleObservations from BundleAdjust.
Distance m_maxSigmaCoord3Distance
The maximum sigma radius distance.
Distance minSigmaCoord2Distance() const
Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 2.
void incrementFixedPoints()
Increase the number of &#39;fixed&#39; (ground) points.
void setSigmaCoord1Range(Distance minCoord1Dist, Distance maxCoord1Dist, QString minCoord1PointId, QString maxCoord1PointId)
Sets the min and max sigma distances and point ids for coordinate 1.
QString m_maxSigmaCoord2PointId
The maximum sigma coordinate2 point id.
QString maxSigmaCoord3PointId() const
Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 3.
The main project for ipce.
Definition: Project.h:289
void setElapsedTime(double time)
Sets the elapsed time for the bundle adjustment.
QVector< Statistics > m_rmsImageYSigmas
< The root mean square image y sigmas.
int numberObservations() const
Returns the number of observations.
void setNumberImageParameters(int numberParameters)
Sets the number of image parameters.
StatCumProbDistDynCalc * m_cumProRes
This class keeps track of the cumulative probability distribution of residuals (in unweighted pixels)...
void setCorrMatCovFileName(FileName name)
Set the covariance file name for the matrix used to calculate the correlation matrix.
const BundleObservationVector & observations() const
Returns a reference to the observations used by the BundleAdjust.
void setSigmaCoord3Range(Distance minCoord3Dist, Distance maxCoord3Dist, QString minCoord3PointId, QString maxCoord3PointId)
Sets the min and max sigma distances and point ids for coordinate 3.
This is a container for the correlation matrix that comes from a bundle adjust.
File name manipulation and expansion.
Definition: FileName.h:116
void resetNumberConstrainedPointParameters()
Resets the number of contrained point parameters to 0.
void save(QXmlStreamWriter &stream, const Project *project) const
Saves the BundleResults object to an XML file.
void printMaximumLikelihoodTierInformation()
Prints out information about which tier the solution is in and the status of the residuals.
double m_rmsSigmaCoord1Stats
rms of adjusted Latitude sigmas
XmlHandler(BundleResults *statistics, Project *project)
Constructs an XmlHandler used to save a BundleResults object.
QVector< Statistics > rmsImageDECSigmas() const
Returns the list of RMS image declination sigma statistics.
void incrementNumberConstrainedImageParameters(int incrementAmount)
Increase the number of constrained image parameters.
Distance m_maxSigmaCoord2Distance
The maximum sigma longitude distance.
ControlNetQsp m_outNet
The output control net from BundleAdjust.
double sigmaCoord1StatisticsRms() const
Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 1.
int m_numberHeldImages
number of &#39;held&#39; images (define)
void setRmsImageResidualLists(QList< Statistics > rmsImageLineResiduals, QList< Statistics > rmsImageSampleResiduals, QList< Statistics > rmsImageResiduals)
Sets the root mean square image residual Statistics lists.
QString m_minSigmaCoord3PointId
The minimum sigma coordinate 3 point id.
int m_numberConstrainedImageParameters
number of constrained image parameters
double sigmaCoord3StatisticsRms() const
Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 3.
QList< Statistics > m_rmsImageSampleResiduals
List of RMS image sample residual statistics for each image in the bundle.
QVector< Statistics > rmsImageZSigmas() const
Returns the list of RMS image z sigma statistics.
Distance m_minSigmaCoord1Distance
The minimum sigma latitude distance.
void addProbabilityDistributionObservation(double obsValue)
Adds an observation to the cumulative probability distribution of |R^2 residuals|.
QString minSigmaCoord1PointId() const
Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 1.
void setRmsFromSigmaStatistics(double rmsFromSigmaCoord1Stats, double rmsFromSigmaCoord2Stats, double rmsFromSigmaCoord3Stats)
Sets the root mean square values of the adjusted sigmas for all three coordinates.
double rejectionLimit() const
Returns the rejection limit.
QVector< BundleControlPointQsp > m_bundleControlPoints
The vector of BundleControlPoints from BundleAdjust.
QVector< Statistics > m_rmsImageRASigmas
< The root mean square image right ascension sigmas.
double m_rmsYResiduals
rms of y residuals
This allows Cube *&#39;s to be stored in a QVariant.
Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are public domain.
void resetNumberConstrainedImageParameters()
Resets the number of constrained image parameters to 0.
void maximumLikelihoodSetUp(QList< QPair< MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::Model, double > > modelsWithQuantiles)
This method steps up the maximum likelihood estimation solution.
double m_rmsSigmaCoord3Stats
rms of adjusted Radius sigmas
int numberFixedPoints() const
Returns the number of &#39;fixed&#39; (ground) points.
void setOutputControlNet(ControlNetQsp outNet)
Sets the output ControlNet.
void setNumberUnknownParameters(int numberParameters)
Sets the total number of parameters to solve for.
QString m_minSigmaCoord1PointId
The minimum sigma coordinate 1 point id.
void setElapsedTimeErrorProp(double time)
Sets the elapsed time for error propegation.
Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are public domain.
int maximumLikelihoodModelIndex() const
Returns which step the bundle adjustment is on.
QString maxSigmaCoord1PointId() const
Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 1.
Distance measurement, usually in meters.
Definition: Distance.h:47
BundleResults & operator=(const BundleResults &src)
Assignment operator for BundleResults.
double m_rejectionLimit
current rejection limit
Distance maxSigmaCoord3Distance() const
Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 3.
ControlNetQsp outputControlNet() const
Returns a shared pointer to the output control network.
int numberHeldImages() const
Returns the number of &#39;held&#39; images.
StatCumProbDistDynCalc cumulativeProbabilityDistribution() const
Returns the cumulative probability distribution of the |R^2 residuals|.
void computeDegreesOfFreedom()
Computes the degrees of freedom of the bundle adjustment and stores it internally.
QVector< Statistics > m_rmsImageDECSigmas
< The root mean square image declination sigmas.
QVector< BundleControlPointQsp > & bundleControlPoints()
Returns a reference to the BundleControlPoint vector.
double m_rmsXYResiduals
rms of all x and y residuals
StatCumProbDistDynCalc * m_cumPro
This class will be used to calculate the cumulative probability distribution of |R^2 residuals|...
QVector< Statistics > rmsImageYSigmas() const
Returns the list of RMS image y sigma statistics.
MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions maximumLikelihoodModelWFunc(int modelIndex) const
Returns the maximum likelihood model at the given index.
double rmsRx() const
Returns the RMS of the x residuals.
void setRejectionLimit(double rejectionLimit)
Sets the rejection limit.
int m_numberIgnoredPoints
number of ignored points
double m_elapsedTime
elapsed time for bundle
double elapsedTime() const
Returns the elapsed time for the bundle adjustment.
This class is used to approximate cumulative probibility distributions of a stream of observations wi...
boost::numeric::ublas::vector< double > Vector
Definition for an Isis::LinearAlgebra::Vector of doubles.
void setSigmaCoord2Range(Distance minCoord2Dist, Distance maxCoord2Dist, QString minCoord2PointId, QString maxCoord2PointId)
Sets the min and max sigma distances and point ids for coordinate 2.
StatCumProbDistDynCalc residualsCumulativeProbabilityDistribution() const
Returns the cumulative probability distribution of the residuals used for reporting.
int m_numberObservations
number of image coordinate observations
int numberConstrainedImageParameters() const
Returns the number of constrained image parameters.
a control network
Definition: ControlNet.h:271
Distance minSigmaCoord3Distance() const
Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 3.
virtual bool endElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName)
Handle end tags for the BundleResults serialized XML.
void setBundleControlPoints(QVector< BundleControlPointQsp > controlPoints)
Sets the bundle control point vector.
Distance m_minSigmaCoord2Distance
The minimum sigma longitude distance.
double sigmaCoord2StatisticsRms() const
Returns the RMS of the adjusted sigmas for coordinate 2.
int m_numberConstrainedTargetParameters
number of constrained target parameters
void incrementIgnoredPoints()
Increase the number of ignored points.
double m_rmsXResiduals
rms of x residuals
This class is an XmlHandler used to read and write BundleResults objects from and to XML files...
double m_rmsSigmaCoord2Stats
rms of adjusted Longitude sigmas
double maximumLikelihoodModelQuantile(int modelIndex) const
Returns the quantile of the maximum likelihood model at the given index.
void incrementNumberConstrainedPointParameters(int incrementAmount)
Increase the number of contrained point parameters.
QList< Statistics > rmsImageSampleResiduals() const
Returns the list of RMS image sample residuals statistics.
double m_elapsedTimeErrorProp
elapsed time for error propagation
int m_numberConstrainedPointParameters
number of constrained point parameters
CorrelationMatrix correlationMatrix() const
Returns the Correlation Matrix.
double m_maximumLikelihoodMedianR2Residuals
Median of R^2 residuals.
XML Handler that parses XMLs in a stack-oriented way.
void addResidualsProbabilityDistributionObservation(double obsValue)
Adds an observation to the cumulative probability distribution of residuals used for reporting...
int m_numberRejectedObservations
number of rejected image coordinate observations
void resizeSigmaStatisticsVectors(int numberImages)
Resizes all image sigma vectors.
QVector< Statistics > rmsImageRASigmas() const
Returns the list of RMS image right ascension sigma statistics.
void computeSigma0(double dvtpv, BundleSettings::ConvergenceCriteria criteria)
Computes the sigma0 and stores it internally.
Class provides maximum likelihood estimation functions for robust parameter estimation, e.g.
void setNumberRejectedObservations(int numberObservations)
Sets the number of rejected observations.
QString minSigmaCoord2PointId() const
Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 2.
QList< Statistics > rmsImageResiduals() const
Returns the list of RMS image residuals statistics.
BundleResults(QObject *parent=0)
Constructs a BundleResults object.
Distance minSigmaCoord1Distance() const
Returns the minimum sigma distance for coordinate 1.
QVector< Statistics > rmsImageXSigmas() const
Returns the list of RMS image x sigma statistics.
bool converged() const
Returns whether or not the bundle adjustment converged.
double elapsedTimeErrorProp() const
Returns the elapsed time for error propagation.
QList< QPair< MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions, double > > m_maximumLikelihoodFunctions
< The maximum likelihood models and their quantiles.
void initializeResidualsProbabilityDistribution(unsigned int nodes=20)
Initializes or resets the cumulative probability distribution of residuals used for reporting...
int m_iterations
The number of iterations taken by BundleAdjust.
int m_numberUnknownParameters
total number of parameters to solve for
double rmsRxy() const
Returns the RMS of the x and y residuals.
void setCorrMatImgsAndParams(QMap< QString, QStringList > imgsAndParams)
Set the images and their associated parameters of the correlation matrix.
double maximumLikelihoodMedianR2Residuals() const
Returns the median of the |R^2 residuals|.
Defines the coordinate typ, units, and coordinate index for some of the output methods.
Definition: SurfacePoint.h:155
CorrelationMatrix * m_correlationMatrix
The correlation matrix from the BundleAdjust.
void initializeProbabilityDistribution(unsigned int nodes=20)
Initializes or resets the cumulative probability distribution of |R^2 residuals|. ...
Distance m_maxSigmaCoord1Distance
The maximum sigma latitude distance.
int m_numberFixedPoints
number of &#39;fixed&#39; (ground) points (define)
int numberRejectedObservations() const
Returns the number of observation that were rejected.
QString m_maxSigmaCoord1PointId
The maximum sigma coordinate 1 point id.
QList< Statistics > rmsImageLineResiduals() const
Returns the list of RMS image line residuals statistics.
int numberMaximumLikelihoodModels() const
Returns how many maximum likelihood models were used in the bundle adjustment.
QString minSigmaCoord3PointId() const
Returns the minimum sigma point id for coordinate 3.
double rmsRy() const
Returns the RMS of the y residuals.
void setNumberObservations(int numberObservations)
Sets the number of observations.
int m_maximumLikelihoodIndex
This count keeps track of which stage of the maximum likelihood adjustment the bundle is currently on...
QVector< Statistics > m_rmsImageZSigmas
< The root mean square image z sigmas.
int m_degreesOfFreedom
degrees of freedom
int numberConstrainedTargetParameters() const
Return the number of constrained target parameters.
Distance m_minSigmaCoord3Distance
The minimum sigma radius distance.
QVector< Statistics > rmsImageTWISTSigmas() const
Returns the list of RMS image twist sigma statistics.
QList< Statistics > m_rmsImageLineResiduals
List of RMS image line residual statistics for each image in the bundle.
Destroys an XmlHandler.
void setRmsXYResiduals(double rx, double ry, double rxy)
Sets the root mean square of the x and y residuals.
void initialize()
Initializes the BundleResults to a default state where all numeric members are set to 0 or another de...
void incrementMaximumLikelihoodModelIndex()
Increases the value that indicates which stage the maximum likelihood adjustment is currently on...
Destroys this BundleResults object.
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
Definition: Apollo.h:31
void incrementHeldImages()
Increases the number of &#39;held&#39; images.
A container class for statistical results from a BundleAdjust solution.
Definition: BundleResults.h:96
Distance maxSigmaCoord2Distance() const
Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 2.
void resetNumberConstrainedTargetParameters()
Resets the number of constrained target parameters to 0.
QString m_minSigmaCoord2PointId
The minimum sigma coordinate 2 point id.
void setSigma0(double sigma0)
Sets the sigma0.
int numberConstrainedPointParameters() const
Returns the number of constrained point parameters.
int iterations() const
Returns the number of iterations taken by the BundleAdjust.
QString maxSigmaCoord2PointId() const
Returns the maximum sigma point id for coordinate 2.
int m_numberImageParameters
number of image parameters
void incrementNumberConstrainedTargetParameters(int incrementAmount)
Increases the number of constrained target parameters.
int degreesOfFreedom() const
Returns the degrees of freedom.
void setConverged(bool converged)
Sets if the bundle adjustment converged.
Serial Number list generator.
Contains Pvl Groups and Pvl Objects.
Definition: PvlObject.h:74
void setIterations(int iterations)
Sets the number of iterations taken by the BundleAdjust.
int numberImageParameters() const
Returns the total number of image parameters.
double m_sigma0
std deviation of unit weight
Manage a stack of content handlers for reading XML files.
QList< Statistics > m_rmsImageResiduals
RMS image sample and line residual statistics for each image in the bundle.
double sigma0() const
Returns the Sigma0 of the bundle adjustment.
Distance maxSigmaCoord1Distance() const
Returns the maximum sigma distance for coordinate 1.
int numberUnknownParameters() const
Returns the number of unknown parameters.
int numberIgnoredPoints() const
Returns the number of ignored points.
This enum defines the options for the bundle adjustment&#39;s convergence.
void setDegreesOfFreedom(double degreesOfFreedom)
Sets the degrees of freedom.
QVector< Statistics > m_rmsImageTWISTSigmas
< The root mean square image twist sigmas.