Isis 3 Programmer Reference
Isis::ControlNet Class Reference

a control network More...

#include <ControlNet.h>

Inheritance diagram for Isis::ControlNet:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Isis::ControlNet:
Collaboration graph


struct  Connection
 Used to define the edges of the graph. More...
class  ControlMeasureLessThanFunctor
struct  Image
 Used to define the verticies of the graph. More...

Public Types

enum  ModType { Swapped, GraphModified }
 Control Point Modification Types. More...


void networkStructureModified ()
void networkModified (ControlNet::ModType type)
void pointModified (ControlPoint *point, ControlPoint::ModType type, QVariant oldValue, QVariant newValue)
void measureModified (ControlMeasure *measure, ControlMeasure::ModType type, QVariant oldValue, QVariant newValue)
void pointDeleted (ControlPoint *point)
void newPoint (ControlPoint *)
void newMeasure (ControlMeasure *)
void measureRemoved (ControlMeasure *)

Public Member Functions

 ControlNet (SurfacePoint::CoordinateType=SurfacePoint::Latitudinal)
 Creates an empty ControlNet object. More...
 ControlNet (const ControlNet &other)
 ControlNet (const QString &filename, Progress *progress=0, SurfacePoint::CoordinateType=SurfacePoint::Latitudinal)
 Creates a ControlNet object from the given file. More...
 ~ControlNet ()
 Destructor removes allocated memory. More...
void clear ()
 Clear the contents of this object. More...
QList< ControlPoint *> take ()
 Transfer ownership of all points to caller. More...
void ReadControl (const QString &filename, Progress *progress=0)
 Reads in the control points from the given file. More...
void Write (const QString &filename, bool pvl=false)
 Writes out the control network. More...
void AddPoint (ControlPoint *point)
 Adds a ControlPoint to the ControlNet. More...
int DeletePoint (ControlPoint *point)
 Delete a ControlPoint from the network by the point's address. More...
int DeletePoint (QString pointId)
 Delete a ControlPoint from the network using the point's Id. More...
int DeletePoint (int index)
 Delete a ControlPoint from the network using the point's index. More...
bool ContainsPoint (QString pointId) const
QList< QString > GetCubeSerials () const
 Use this method to get a complete list of all the cube serial numbers in the network. More...
QString GraphToString () const
 Used for verifying graph intergrity. More...
QList< QList< QString > > GetSerialConnections () const
 This method searches through all the cube serial numbers in the network. More...
int getEdgeCount () const
QList< QString > getAdjacentImages (QString serialNumber) const
 Get all images connected to a given image by common control points. More...
QList< ControlMeasure *> GetMeasuresInCube (QString serialNumber)
 Get all the measures pertaining to a given cube serial number. More...
QList< ControlMeasure *> GetValidMeasuresInCube (QString serialNumber)
 Get all the valid measures pertaining to a given cube serial number. More...
QList< ControlMeasure *> sortedMeasureList (double(ControlMeasure::*statFunc)() const, double min, double max)
 Get a sorted list of all the measures that have values in a given ragen. More...
void ComputeResiduals ()
 Compute error for each point in the network. More...
void ComputeApriori ()
 Compute aprior values for each point in the network. More...
const ControlPointGetPoint (QString pointId) const
ControlPointGetPoint (QString pointId)
const ControlPointGetPoint (int index) const
ControlPointGetPoint (int index)
double AverageResidual ()
 Compute the average error of all points in the network. More...
Isis::CameraCamera (int index)
 Returns the camera list from the given image number. More...
QString CreatedDate () const
 Return the Created Date. More...
QString Description () const
 Return the description of the network. More...
ControlPointFindClosest (QString serialNumber, double sample, double line)
 Finds and returns a pointer to the closest ControlPoint to the ControlMeasure with the given serial number and line sample location. More...
double GetMaximumResidual ()
 Determine the maximum error of all points in the network. More...
QString GetNetworkId () const
int GetNumEditLockMeasures ()
 Return the total number of edit locked measures for all control points in the network. More...
int GetNumEditLockPoints ()
 Returns the number of edit locked control points. More...
int GetNumIgnoredMeasures ()
 Return the total number of ignored measures for all control points in the network. More...
int GetNumberOfValidMeasuresInImage (const QString &serialNumber)
 Return the number of measures in image specified by serialNumber. More...
int GetNumberOfJigsawRejectedMeasuresInImage (const QString &serialNumber)
 Return the number of jigsaw rejected measures in image specified by serialNumber. More...
void ClearJigsawRejected ()
 Sets jigsaw rejected flag to false for all points and measures. More...
void IncrementNumberOfRejectedMeasuresInImage (const QString &serialNumber)
 Increment number of jigsaw rejected measures in image specified by serialNumber. More...
void DecrementNumberOfRejectedMeasuresInImage (const QString &serialNumber)
 Decrement number of jigsaw rejected measures in image specified by serialNumber. More...
int GetNumMeasures () const
 Returns the total number of measures for all control points in the network. More...
int GetNumPoints () const
 Return the number of control points in the network. More...
int GetNumValidMeasures ()
 Return the number of valid (non-ignored) measures for all control points in the network. More...
int GetNumValidPoints ()
 Returns the number of non-ignored control points. More...
QString GetTarget () const
 Return the target name. More...
QString GetUserName () const
 Return the user name. More...
QString GetLastModified () const
 Return the last modified date. More...
QList< ControlPoint *> GetPoints ()
 Return QList of all the ControlPoints in the network. More...
QList< QString > GetPointIds () const
 Return QList of ControlPoint Ids used in hash, in order of addition. More...
SurfacePoint::CoordinateType GetCoordType ()
 Get the control point coordinate type (see the available types in SurfacePoint.h). More...
void SetCreatedDate (const QString &date)
 Set the creation time. More...
void SetDescription (const QString &newDescription)
 Set the description of the network. More...
void SetImages (const QString &imageListFile)
 Creates the ControlNet's image cameras based on an input file. More...
void SetImages (SerialNumberList &list, Progress *progress=0)
 Creates the ControlNet's image camera's based on the list of Serial Numbers. More...
void SetModifiedDate (const QString &date)
 Set the last modified date. More...
void SetMutex (QMutex *mutex)
 Set mutex to lock for making Naif calls. More...
void SetNetworkId (const QString &id)
 Set the network id. More...
void SetTarget (const QString &target)
 Sets the target name and target radii, if available. More...
void SetTarget (Pvl label)
 Sets the target name and radii using values found in the mapping group of the given label, if available. More...
void SetTarget (const ControlNet &other)
void SetUserName (const QString &name)
 Set the user name of the control network. More...
void SetCoordType (SurfacePoint::CoordinateType coordType)
 Sets the control point coordinate type. More...
void swap (ControlNet &other)
 Swaps the member data with the given control net. More...
ControlNetoperator= (const ControlNet &other)
 Assign other to this. More...
const ControlPointoperator[] (QString id) const
ControlPointoperator[] (QString id)
const ControlPointoperator[] (int id) const
ControlPointoperator[] (int id)

Private Types

typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::setS, boost::listS, boost::undirectedS, Image, ConnectionNetwork
 Defines the graph type as an undirected graph that uses Images for verticies, and Connections for edges. It is defined as an adjacency list with the edge list represented by a set, the and vertex list represented by a list. More...
typedef Network::vertex_descriptor ImageVertex
typedef Network::edge_descriptor ImageConnection
 Reprents the verticies of the graph. More...
typedef std::map< ImageVertex, size_t > VertexIndexMap
 Represents the edges of the graph. More...
typedef boost::associative_property_map< VertexIndexMapVertexIndexMapAdaptor
 Converts VertexIndexMap into the appropriate form to be used by boost. More...
typedef boost::graph_traits< Network >::adjacency_iterator AdjacencyIterator
 Iterates over adjacent verticies. More...
typedef boost::graph_traits< Network >::vertex_iterator VertexIterator

Private Member Functions

void nullify ()
bool ValidateSerialNumber (QString serialNumber) const
 Does a check to ensure that the given serial number is contained within the network. More...
void measureAdded (ControlMeasure *measure)
 Updates the ControlNet graph for the measure's serial number to reflect the addition. More...
void measureDeleted (ControlMeasure *measure)
 Updates the node for this measure's serial number to reflect the deletion. More...
void measureIgnored (ControlMeasure *measure)
 Updates the edges in the ControlNet graph to reflect the ignored measure. More...
void measureUnIgnored (ControlMeasure *measure)
 Updates the connections for the ControlNet graph associated with the measure's serial number to reflect the unignoration. More...
void pointIgnored (ControlPoint *point)
 Update the ControlNet's internal structure when a ControlPoint is ignored. More...
void pointUnIgnored (ControlPoint *point)
 Update the ControlNet's internal structure when a ControlPoint is un-ignored. More...
void UpdatePointReference (ControlPoint *point, QString oldId)
 Updates the key reference (poind Id) from the old one to what the point id was changet to. More...
void emitNetworkStructureModified ()
 This method is a wrapper to emit the networkStructureModified() signal. More...
void emitMeasureModified (ControlMeasure *measure, ControlMeasure::ModType type, QVariant oldValue, QVariant newValue)
 This method is a wrapper to emit the measureModified() signal and is called whenever a change is made to a Control Measure. More...
void emitPointModified (ControlPoint *point, ControlPoint::ModType type, QVariant oldValue, QVariant newValue)
 This method is a wrapper to emit the pointModified() signal and is called whenever a change is made to a Control Point. More...
void pointAdded (ControlPoint *point)
 Adds a whole point to the control net graph. More...
bool addEdge (QString sourceSerial, QString targetSerial)
 In the ControlNet graph: adds an edge between the verticies associated with the two serial numbers provided. More...
bool removeEdge (QString sourceSerial, QString targetSerial)
 In the ControlNet graph, decrements the strength on the edge between the two serial numbers. More...

Private Attributes

QHash< QString, ControlPoint *> * points
 hash ControlPoints by ControlPoint Id More...
QHash< QString, ImageVertex > m_vertexMap
Network m_controlGraph
 The serial number -> vertex hash used by the graph. More...
 The ControlNet graph. More...
QMutex * m_mutex
QString p_targetName
 Name of the target. More...
QString p_networkId
 The Network Id. More...
QString p_created
 Creation Date. More...
QString p_modified
 Date Last Modified. More...
QString p_description
 Textual Description of network. More...
QString p_userName
 The user who created the network. More...
QMap< QString, Isis::Camera * > p_cameraMap
 A map from serialnumber to camera. More...
QMap< QString, int > p_cameraValidMeasuresMap
 A map from serialnumber to #measures. More...
QMap< QString, int > p_cameraRejectedMeasuresMap
 A map from serialnumber to #rejected measures. More...
QVector< Isis::Camera * > p_cameraList
 Vector of image number to camera. More...
bool m_ownPoints
 Specifies ownership of point list. True if owned by this object. More...
SurfacePoint::CoordinateType m_coordType
 The coordinate type of the control points. More...


class ControlMeasure
class ControlPoint

Detailed Description

a control network

This class is used to store a network of ControlPoints

2005-07-29 Jeff Anderson
See also
ControlPoint ControlMeasure

2005-07-29 Jeff Anderson Original version

2006-01-11 Jacob Danton Updated unitTest

2006-06-22 Brendan George Updated to conform to changes in SerialNumberList class

2008-04-04 Christopher Austin Added Exists function

2008-04-18 Debbie A. Cook Added Progress reports to loading and SetImages and calculates the total number of measurements in the control net

2008-06-18 Christopher Austin Fixed documentation errors

2009-01-06 Jeannie Walldren Fixed typo in SetImages() exception output. Added documentation.

2009-02-05 Christopher Austin when the created date or the modified date are not set, they default to the time in which Write() is called.

2009-04-07 Tracie Sucharski Added NumValidMeasures and NumIgnoredMeasures methods.

2009-06-03 Christopher Austin Added p_invalid functionality along with forceBuild, as well as other small fixes including documentation.

2009-07-13 Stacy Alley The std::vector of ControlPoints called 'p_points' was replaced with a QVector of QString 'p_pointIds' in conjunction with a QHash of <QString, ControlPoint> called 'p_pointsHash'. This was done to speed up the Add method which was essentially slowing down the reading or creation of Control Networks.

2010-05-06 Tracie Sucharski Use defaults of 0. instead of Isis::Null, because 0. is the default in the protocol buffers.

2010-08-06 Tracie Sucharski Updated for changes made after additional working sessions for Control network design.

2009-09-01 Eric Hyer Added two includes: QVector and QString

2010-09-09 Sharmila Prasad Added API to sort Control Net by Point ID Changed PointID's vector to StringList

2009-09-25 Travis Addair Changed methods which return the number of control measures in the network to compute those values at the time the method is called, not when the control network is first initialized.

2010-10-05 Tracie Sucharski Renamed the Write method to WritePvl. Create new method, Write which takes another parameter indicating whether to write pvl format or binary format, The default will write binary.

2010-10-05 Eric Hyer ControlMeasure and ControlPoint now return QStrings for some methods. Fixed breakages caused by this.

2010-10-06 Sharmila Prasad Added method to get CreatedDate

2010-11-21 Tracie Sucharski - Added new keyword, jigsawRejected to the read and write methods.

2011-01-13 Mackenzie Boyd Added copy constructor and assignment operator.

2011-01-17 Eric Hyer - Points are now owned and deleted by the network. Network now stored in such a way that access to all points in a cube is just as cheap as accessing measures in a point. Removed redundant methods and made other api changes.

2011-02-18 Eric Hyer - Made improvements and bug fixes related to interaction to other control network classes including ControlPoint and ControlMesure, but most significantly to ControlCubeGraphNode. Most important fix was network notification of measures added to or removed from points after the point is added to the network.

2011-02-23 Eric Hyer - Added some methods to support graphing calculations (RandomBFS, Shuffle, CalcBWAndCE, and GetNodeConnections).

2011-03-08 Ken Edmundson - Added methods GetNumberOfMeasuresInImage, GetNumberOfJigsawRejectedMeasuresInImage, IncrementNumberOfRejectedMeasuresInImage, DecrementNumberOfRejectedMeasuresInImage, and members p_cameraMeasuresMap and p_cameraRejectedMeasuresMap.

2011-03-12 Debbie A. Cook - Added member p_targetRadii and method GetTargetRadii to support SurfacePoint sigma conversions in ControlPoint.

2011-03-14 Eric Hyer - Cube connection graph now updated when points or measures are ignored.

2011-03-15 Eric Hyer - Some cube graph bugs were fixed.

2011-03-25 Christopher Austin - Added UpdatePointReference() to work with ControlPoint's SetId()

2011-03-29 Steven Lambright - Made versioning viable for first release.

2011-04-27 Steven Lambright - UpdatePointReference had a bug where the pointIds list was not being correctly updated.

2011-05-04 Eric Hyer - References in graph data structure now kept for ignored points and measures

2011-05-25 Eric Hyer - Added getPoints method

2011-06-22 James Alexander Crough and Eric Hyer - Added getGraphNode method.

2011-06-28 Eric Hyer - Added getEdgeCount() method

2011-07-08 Travis Addair - Locked points can no longer be deleted

2011-07-27 Sharmila Prasad - Fixed bug in GetNumEditLockMeasures()

2011-08-01 Eric Hyer - Addressed some graphing issues

2011-08-24 Steven Lambright - Fixed bug in graph code

2011-10-06 Steven Lambright - Having a target is no longer required.

2011-10-14 Ken Edmundson Added method ClearJigsawRejected(); to set all measure/point JigsawRejected flags to false prior to bundle adjustment.

2012-04-13 Orrin Thomas Added method sortedMeasureList, and functor ControlMeasureLessThanFunctor.

2012-11-22 Debbie A. Cook - Changed to use TProjection instead of Projection. References #775.

2012-09-11 Tracie Sucharski - Added a Mutex and MutexLocker for the SetTarget method.

2012-09-26 Steven Lambright - Fixed assignment operator to return a non-const ControlNet reference. Added swap(). Refactored assignment operator to use copy-and-swap idiom which fixed a bug where you couldn't access control points by index after an assignment.

2013-11-08 Tracie Sucharski - Add camera to ignored measures. References #1603.

2013-12-18 Tracie Sucharski - Previous change caused problems for jigsaw app. It was expecting the method GetNumberOfMeasuresInImage to only return the number of VALID (Ignore=False) measures. Renamed method to GetNumberOfValidMeasuresInImage and the private variable p_cameraMeasuresMap to p_cameraValidMeasuresMap. References #1603.

2015-09-05 Ken Edmundson - Added QSharedPointer and typedef for later use.

2016-02-15 Kris Becker - Added feature to take ownership of points from ControlNet. To support this option, added clear() and take() methods. (Merged by Kristin Berry. References #2392)

2016-04-22 Jeannie Backer - Added try/catch to SetTarget()'s call to TProjection::TargetRadii(). If an error is thrown, the radii are now set to Isis:Null. Added SetTarget(Pvl), SetTarget(ControlNet), and SetTarget(QString, vector) methods to attempt to read radii from various sources, if not found using the TargetName. References #3892

2016-04-28 Tracie Sucharski - Updated toAscii() calls to toLatin1() for QT 5 upgrade.

2016-05-10 Jeannie Backer - Replaced calls to TProjection::TargetRadii() with calls to Target::radiiGroup(). References #3934

2016-06-21 Kris Becker - Properly forward declare QPair as struct not class

2016-06-08 Jesse Mapel - Merged changes from IPCE to ISIS. Fixes #3948.

2016-10-13 Ian Humphrey - Added check to SetImages() to make sure it isn't called more than once, which messes up the p_cameraList member. References #4293.

2017-08-09 Summer Stapleton - Added throw to caught exception for bad control net import in constructor. Also removed p_invalid as it was no longer being used anywhere. Fixes #5068.

2017-08-30 Debbie A. Cook - Added an optional argument to the constructor for the control point coordinate type. At this point this value is only stored in the active ControlNet. It will be added to the stored ControlNet at a later date. References #4649 and #501.

2017-12-12 Kristin Berry - Updated to use QMap and QVector rather than std::map and std::vector. Fixes #5259.

2017-12-18 Adam Goins - Added GetLastModified() accessor. References #5258.

2017-12-21 Jesse Mapel - Modified read and write methods to use the refactored ControlNetVersioner instead of directly parsing the protobuf objects from the LatestControlNetFile.

2018-01-12 Adam Goins - Added Progress support back to Read methods.

2017-01-19 Jesse Mapel - Added a method to get all of the valid measures in an image. Previously, this had to be done throug the graph.

2018-01-26 Kristin Berry - Added pointAdded() function to eliminate redundant measure adds to the control network.

2018-06-10 Kristin Berry - Removed unused methods and associated code: MinimumSpanningTree(), GetNodeConnections(), RandomBFS(), Shuffle(), CalcBWAndCE(), CubeGraphToString(), getGraphNode(). References #5434

2018-06-10 Kristin Berry - Updated to use the boost graph library instead of our custom graph structure ControlCubeGraphNode.

2018-04-05 Adam Goins - Added a check to the versionedReader targetRadii group to set radii values to those ingested from the versioner if they exist. Otherwise, we call SetTarget with the targetname. Fixes #5361.

2018-06-06 Jesse Mapel - Added a method to get all adjacent images to ControlNet. Previously this functionality was only available through the ControlCubeGraphNode class. References #5434.

2018-06-06 Jesse Mapel - Added a point ignored and un-ignored methods. This will prevent edge strengths getting incremented or decremented twice. References #5434.

2018-06-15 Adam Goins & Jesse Mapel - Added the ModType enum, as well as a series of signals that are emitted whenever a change is made to a Control Point or any of it's measures, or to the network itself. These signals exist for the purpose of communication between the ControlNetVitals class, and the network that it is observing. Fixes #5435.

2018-06-25 Kristin Berry - Updated GetNumberOfValidMeasuresInImage() to use GetValidMeasuresInCube() if SetImage has not yet been called to populate the p_cameraValidMeasuresMap.

2018-06-25 Jesse Mapel - Fixed the incorrect signal being called when adding and removing measures. References #5435.

2018-06-29 Kristin Berry - Added addEdge() and removeEdge() functions to make code cleaner.

2018-06-25 Jesse Mapel - Fixed ignoring measures with ignored adjacent measures incorrectly modifying the edge between the two image vertices.

2018-07-06 Jesse Mapel - Modified addEdge and removeEdge to always emit a graph modified signal if an edge is added or removed. Added graph modified signal when a vertex is added.

2018-07-06 Jesse Mapel - Removed target radii from ControlNet objects because SurfacePoints now use their local radii to do sigma distance conversions instead of the target equatorial and polar radii. Fixes #5457.

2018-07-22 Kristin Berry - Updated swap to include the graph and vertex map.

Definition at line 271 of file ControlNet.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AdjacencyIterator

typedef boost::graph_traits<Network>::adjacency_iterator Isis::ControlNet::AdjacencyIterator

Iterates over adjacent verticies.

Definition at line 471 of file ControlNet.h.

◆ ImageConnection

typedef Network::edge_descriptor Isis::ControlNet::ImageConnection

Reprents the verticies of the graph.

Definition at line 462 of file ControlNet.h.

◆ Network

typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::setS, boost::listS, boost::undirectedS, Image, Connection> Isis::ControlNet::Network

Defines the graph type as an undirected graph that uses Images for verticies, and Connections for edges. It is defined as an adjacency list with the edge list represented by a set, the and vertex list represented by a list.

Definition at line 459 of file ControlNet.h.

◆ VertexIndexMap

typedef std::map<ImageVertex, size_t> Isis::ControlNet::VertexIndexMap

Represents the edges of the graph.

A map between an ImageVertex and its index

Definition at line 465 of file ControlNet.h.

◆ VertexIndexMapAdaptor

typedef boost::associative_property_map<VertexIndexMap> Isis::ControlNet::VertexIndexMapAdaptor

Converts VertexIndexMap into the appropriate form to be used by boost.

Definition at line 468 of file ControlNet.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ModType

Control Point Modification Types.

This enum is designed to represent the different types of modifications that can be made to a ControlNet.

Swapped means the network was swapped with another network (ControlNet::Swap(ControlNet &other)). GraphModified means that a vertice or edge was added/removed from the graph..

Definition at line 288 of file ControlNet.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ControlNet() [1/2]

Isis::ControlNet::ControlNet ( SurfacePoint::CoordinateType  coordType = SurfacePoint::Latitudinal)

Creates an empty ControlNet object.

Creates an empty ControlNet object

Definition at line 52 of file ControlNet.cpp.

◆ ControlNet() [2/2]

Isis::ControlNet::ControlNet ( const QString &  ptfile,
Progress progress = 0,
SurfacePoint::CoordinateType  coordType = SurfacePoint::Latitudinal 

Creates a ControlNet object from the given file.

ptfileName of network file
progressA pointer to the progress of reading in the control points

Definition at line 99 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_.

◆ ~ControlNet()

Isis::ControlNet::~ControlNet ( )

Destructor removes allocated memory.

Kris Becker

Definition at line 125 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addEdge()

bool Isis::ControlNet::addEdge ( QString  sourceSerial,
QString  targetSerial 

In the ControlNet graph: adds an edge between the verticies associated with the two serial numbers provided.

Or, if the edge already exists, increments the strength of the edge.

sourceSerialThe first serial to be connected by the edge
targetSerialThe second serial number to be connected by the edge
bool true if a new edge was added, false otherwise.

Definition at line 434 of file ControlNet.cpp.

◆ AddPoint()

void Isis::ControlNet::AddPoint ( ControlPoint point)

Adds a ControlPoint to the ControlNet.

pointControl point to be added
IException::Programmer"Null pointer passed to ControlNet::AddPoint!"
IException::Programmer"ControlPoint must have unique Id"

Definition at line 344 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::ControlPoint::GetId(), and Isis::ControlPoint::parentNetwork.

◆ AverageResidual()

double Isis::ControlNet::AverageResidual ( )

Compute the average error of all points in the network.

double Average error of points
2010-01-12 Tracie Sucharski - Renamed from AverageError

Definition at line 1195 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References Isis::Statistics::Average(), and Isis::ControlPoint::GetStatistic().

◆ Camera()

Isis::Camera * Isis::ControlNet::Camera ( int  index)

Returns the camera list from the given image number.

indexThe image number
Isis::Camera* The pointer to the resultant camera list

Definition at line 1224 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::QnetSetAprioriDialog::fillReferenceAprioriLineEdits(), Isis::QnetPointDistanceFilter::filter(), and Isis::QnetCubeDistanceFilter::filter().

◆ clear()

void Isis::ControlNet::clear ( )

Clear the contents of this object.

The contents of the ControlNet object are deleted. The internal variables that hold the contents are not. See the destructor.

Kris Becker

Definition at line 172 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by swap().

◆ ClearJigsawRejected()

void Isis::ControlNet::ClearJigsawRejected ( )

Sets jigsaw rejected flag to false for all points and measures.

Called by BundleAdjust::Init method

Definition at line 1415 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References Isis::ControlPoint::ClearJigsawRejected().

◆ ComputeApriori()

void Isis::ControlNet::ComputeApriori ( )

Compute aprior values for each point in the network.

2010-08-23 Ken Edmundson, skipping ignored points

Definition at line 1177 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References Isis::ControlPoint::ComputeApriori().

◆ ComputeResiduals()

void Isis::ControlNet::ComputeResiduals ( )

Compute error for each point in the network.

2010-01-11 Tracie Sucharski, Renamed from ComputeErrors

Definition at line 1161 of file ControlNet.cpp.

◆ ContainsPoint()

bool Isis::ControlNet::ContainsPoint ( QString  pointId) const
pointIdthe point Id to check for in the network.
True if the point is in the network, false otherwise.

Definition at line 943 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::NewControlPointDialog::enableOkButton(), and Isis::MatchToolNewPointDialog::MatchToolNewPointDialog().

◆ CreatedDate()

QString Isis::ControlNet::CreatedDate ( ) const

Return the Created Date.

Sharmila Prasad (10/6/2010)

Definition at line 1236 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ControlNetVersioner::ControlNetVersioner().

◆ DecrementNumberOfRejectedMeasuresInImage()

void Isis::ControlNet::DecrementNumberOfRejectedMeasuresInImage ( const QString &  serialNumber)

Decrement number of jigsaw rejected measures in image specified by serialNumber.

Definition at line 1435 of file ControlNet.cpp.

◆ DeletePoint() [1/3]

int Isis::ControlNet::DeletePoint ( ControlPoint point)

Delete a ControlPoint from the network by the point's address.

pointThe point to delete

Definition at line 871 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, and Isis::ControlPoint::GetId().

Referenced by Isis::CnetEditorWidget::filteredNetwork(), and Isis::ControlNetFilter::FilterOutPoint().

◆ DeletePoint() [2/3]

int Isis::ControlNet::DeletePoint ( QString  pointId)

Delete a ControlPoint from the network using the point's Id.

pointIdThe Point Id of the ControlPoint to be deleted.
IException::User"the point Id does not exist in the network"

Definition at line 891 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::ControlPoint::Delete(), and Isis::ControlPoint::getMeasures().

◆ DeletePoint() [3/3]

int Isis::ControlNet::DeletePoint ( int  index)

Delete a ControlPoint from the network using the point's index.

indexThe index of the Control Point to be deleted.

Definition at line 928 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_.

◆ Description()

QString Isis::ControlNet::Description ( ) const

Return the description of the network.

The description of this Control Network

Definition at line 1246 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ControlNetVersioner::ControlNetVersioner().

◆ emitMeasureModified()

void Isis::ControlNet::emitMeasureModified ( ControlMeasure measure,
ControlMeasure::ModType  type,
QVariant  oldValue,
QVariant  newValue 

This method is a wrapper to emit the measureModified() signal and is called whenever a change is made to a Control Measure.

measureThe ControlMeasure* that was modified.
typeThe ControlMeasure::ModType indicating which modification occured.
oldValueThe oldValue before the change.
newValueThe new value that the change incorporated.

Definition at line 145 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ControlPoint::emitMeasureModified().

◆ emitNetworkStructureModified()

void Isis::ControlNet::emitNetworkStructureModified ( )

This method is a wrapper to emit the networkStructureModified() signal.

Definition at line 861 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ControlPoint::AddMeasure(), and Isis::ControlPoint::Delete().

◆ emitPointModified()

void Isis::ControlNet::emitPointModified ( ControlPoint point,
ControlPoint::ModType  type,
QVariant  oldValue,
QVariant  newValue 

This method is a wrapper to emit the pointModified() signal and is called whenever a change is made to a Control Point.

pointThe ControlPoint* that was modified.
typeThe ControlPoint::ModType indicating which modification occured.
oldValueThe oldValue before the change.
newValueThe new value that the change incorporated.

Definition at line 159 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ControlPoint::SetEditLock(), Isis::ControlPoint::SetIgnored(), and Isis::ControlPoint::SetType().

◆ FindClosest()

ControlPoint * Isis::ControlNet::FindClosest ( QString  serialNumber,
double  sample,
double  line 

Finds and returns a pointer to the closest ControlPoint to the ControlMeasure with the given serial number and line sample location.

serialNumberThe serial number of the the file the ControlMeasure is on
sampleThe sample number of the ControlMeasure
lineThe line number of the ControlMeasure
ControlPoint* Pointer to the ControlPoint closest to the given line, sample position

Definition at line 1263 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_.

◆ getAdjacentImages()

QList< QString > Isis::ControlNet::getAdjacentImages ( QString  serialNumber) const

Get all images connected to a given image by common control points.

serialNumberthe serial number of the image to find images adjacent to.
QList<QString> The serial numbers of all adjacent images.

Definition at line 1033 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_.

◆ GetCoordType()

SurfacePoint::CoordinateType Isis::ControlNet::GetCoordType ( )

Get the control point coordinate type (see the available types in SurfacePoint.h).

the control point coordinate type

Definition at line 1854 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ControlPoint::SetAprioriSurfacePoint().

◆ GetCubeSerials()

QList< QString > Isis::ControlNet::GetCubeSerials ( ) const

Use this method to get a complete list of all the cube serial numbers in the network.

Note that the order in which the serials are ordered in the returned list is arbitrary and could change each time this method is called (but the operation is done in constant time).

A list of the Cube Serial Numbers in the ControlNet.

Definition at line 1008 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ControlNetStatistics::GenerateImageStats(), Isis::CnetDisplayProperties::getCubeList(), Isis::ControlNetVitals::getCubeSerials(), Isis::ControlNetVitals::getImagesBelowMeasureThreshold(), Isis::ControlNetVitals::initializeVitals(), Isis::ControlNetVitals::numImages(), and Isis::ChipViewport::paintEvent().

◆ getEdgeCount()

int Isis::ControlNet::getEdgeCount ( ) const
The total number of edges in the bi-directional graph for images

Definition at line 995 of file ControlNet.cpp.

◆ GetLastModified()

QString Isis::ControlNet::GetLastModified ( ) const

Return the last modified date.

Definition at line 1510 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ControlNetVersioner::ControlNetVersioner().

◆ GetMaximumResidual()

double Isis::ControlNet::GetMaximumResidual ( )

Determine the maximum error of all points in the network.

double Max error of points
2010-01-12 Tracie Sucharski - Renamed from MaximumError

Definition at line 1315 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References Isis::ControlPoint::GetStatistic(), and Isis::Statistics::Maximum().

◆ GetMeasuresInCube()

QList< ControlMeasure *> Isis::ControlNet::GetMeasuresInCube ( QString  serialNumber)

Get all the measures pertaining to a given cube serial number.

A list of all measures which are in a given cube

Definition at line 1057 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_.

Referenced by Isis::ControlNetFilter::FilterOutMeasuresBySerialNum(), Isis::ControlNetStatistics::GenerateImageStats(), and Isis::ChipViewport::paintEvent().

◆ GetNumberOfJigsawRejectedMeasuresInImage()

int Isis::ControlNet::GetNumberOfJigsawRejectedMeasuresInImage ( const QString &  serialNumber)

Return the number of jigsaw rejected measures in image specified by serialNumber.

Number of jigsaw rejected measures in image

Definition at line 1405 of file ControlNet.cpp.

◆ GetNumberOfValidMeasuresInImage()

int Isis::ControlNet::GetNumberOfValidMeasuresInImage ( const QString &  serialNumber)

Return the number of measures in image specified by serialNumber.

Number of valid measures in image
2013-12-18 Tracie Sucharski - Renamed from GetNumberOfMeasuresInImage, it is returning a count of only valid measures (Ignore=False).

Definition at line 1391 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ControlNetVitals::addMeasureToCounts(), Isis::ControlNetVitals::initializeVitals(), and Isis::ControlNetVitals::removeMeasureFromCounts().

◆ GetNumEditLockMeasures()

int Isis::ControlNet::GetNumEditLockMeasures ( )

Return the total number of edit locked measures for all control points in the network.

Number of edit locked measures

Definition at line 1341 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References Isis::ControlPoint::GetNumLockedMeasures().

Referenced by Isis::ControlNetStatistics::GenerateControlNetStats().

◆ GetNumEditLockPoints()

int Isis::ControlNet::GetNumEditLockPoints ( )

Returns the number of edit locked control points.

Number of edit locked control points

Definition at line 1356 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ControlNetStatistics::GenerateControlNetStats().

◆ GetNumIgnoredMeasures()

int Isis::ControlNet::GetNumIgnoredMeasures ( )

Return the total number of ignored measures for all control points in the network.

Number of valid measures

Definition at line 1373 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References Isis::ControlPoint::GetNumValidMeasures().

◆ GetNumMeasures()

int Isis::ControlNet::GetNumMeasures ( ) const

Returns the total number of measures for all control points in the network.

Number of control measures

Definition at line 1446 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ControlNetVitals::addPoint(), and Isis::ControlNetVitals::initializeVitals().

◆ GetNumPoints()

◆ GetNumValidMeasures()

int Isis::ControlNet::GetNumValidMeasures ( )

Return the number of valid (non-ignored) measures for all control points in the network.

Number of valid measures
2011-03-17 Debbie A. Cook - Modified to not count ignored measures.

Definition at line 1471 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References Isis::ControlPoint::GetNumValidMeasures().

◆ GetNumValidPoints()

int Isis::ControlNet::GetNumValidPoints ( )

Returns the number of non-ignored control points.

Number of valid control points

Definition at line 1487 of file ControlNet.cpp.

◆ GetPointIds()

QList< QString > Isis::ControlNet::GetPointIds ( ) const

Return QList of ControlPoint Ids used in hash, in order of addition.

Definition at line 1528 of file ControlNet.cpp.

◆ GetPoints()

◆ GetSerialConnections()

QList< QList< QString > > Isis::ControlNet::GetSerialConnections ( ) const

This method searches through all the cube serial numbers in the network.

Serials which are connected to other serials through points are grouped together in the same lists. The list containing the lists of strings is nothing more than a list of islands such that each island is a list of serials which are connected to each other. If the control network is completely connected, then this list will only have one element (a list of all the serials in the network).

A list of cube islands as serial numbers

Definition at line 959 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::MosaicControlNetTool::displayConnectivity(), Isis::ControlNetVitals::initializeVitals(), and Isis::ControlNetVitals::validateNetwork().

◆ GetTarget()

QString Isis::ControlNet::GetTarget ( ) const

Return the target name.

Definition at line 1499 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ControlNetVersioner::ControlNetVersioner().

◆ GetUserName()

QString Isis::ControlNet::GetUserName ( ) const

Return the user name.

Definition at line 1505 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ControlNetVersioner::ControlNetVersioner().

◆ GetValidMeasuresInCube()

QList< ControlMeasure *> Isis::ControlNet::GetValidMeasuresInCube ( QString  serialNumber)

Get all the valid measures pertaining to a given cube serial number.

A list of all valid measures which are in a given cube

Definition at line 1073 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::ControlNetVitals::getImagesBelowMeasureThreshold().

◆ GraphToString()

QString Isis::ControlNet::GraphToString ( ) const

Used for verifying graph intergrity.

A string representation of the ControlNet graph

Definition at line 489 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References Isis::ControlPoint::GetId(), and Isis::toString().

◆ IncrementNumberOfRejectedMeasuresInImage()

void Isis::ControlNet::IncrementNumberOfRejectedMeasuresInImage ( const QString &  serialNumber)

Increment number of jigsaw rejected measures in image specified by serialNumber.

Definition at line 1426 of file ControlNet.cpp.

◆ measureAdded()

void Isis::ControlNet::measureAdded ( ControlMeasure measure)

Updates the ControlNet graph for the measure's serial number to reflect the addition.

If there is currently no node for this measure's serial, then a new node is created with this measure as its first.

measureThe measure added to the network.
IException::Programmer"NULL measure passed to ControlNet::measureAdded!"
IException::Programmer"Control measure with NULL parent passed to ControlNet::measureAdded!"
IException::Programmer"ControlNet does not contain the point."

Definition at line 572 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::ControlMeasure::GetCubeSerialNumber(), Isis::ControlPoint::GetId(), and Isis::ControlPoint::GetMeasure().

Referenced by Isis::ControlPoint::AddMeasure().

◆ measureDeleted()

void Isis::ControlNet::measureDeleted ( ControlMeasure measure)

Updates the node for this measure's serial number to reflect the deletion.

measureThe measure removed from the network.

Definition at line 746 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References Isis::ControlMeasure::GetCubeSerialNumber().

Referenced by Isis::ControlPoint::Delete().

◆ measureIgnored()

void Isis::ControlNet::measureIgnored ( ControlMeasure measure)

Updates the edges in the ControlNet graph to reflect the ignored measure.

If this was the last measure connecting one node to another, then the edge is deleted as well.

measureThe measure set to ignored from the network.

Definition at line 813 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::ControlMeasure::GetCubeSerialNumber(), and Isis::ControlPoint::GetMeasure().

◆ measureUnIgnored()

void Isis::ControlNet::measureUnIgnored ( ControlMeasure measure)

Updates the connections for the ControlNet graph associated with the measure's serial number to reflect the unignoration.

measureThe measure unignored from the network.
IException::Programmer"NULL measure passed to ControlNet::measureUnIgnored!"
IException::Programmer"Control measure with NULL parent passed to ControlNet::measureUnIgnored!"
IException::Programmer"ControlNet does not contain the point."
IException::Programmer"Node does not exist for the cube serial number."

Definition at line 675 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::ControlMeasure::GetCubeSerialNumber(), Isis::ControlPoint::GetId(), and Isis::ControlPoint::GetMeasure().

◆ operator=()

ControlNet & Isis::ControlNet::operator= ( const ControlNet other)

Assign other to this.

This is an exception-safe assignment operator.

otherThe control net to assign to this.

Definition at line 1795 of file ControlNet.cpp.

◆ pointAdded()

void Isis::ControlNet::pointAdded ( ControlPoint point)

Adds a whole point to the control net graph.

IException::Programmer"NULL measure passed to ControlNet::pointAdded!"
IException::Programmer"Control measure with NULL parent passed to ControlNet::pointAdded"
IException::Programmer"ControlNet does not contain the point."

Definition at line 376 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::ControlMeasure::GetCubeSerialNumber(), Isis::ControlPoint::GetId(), Isis::ControlPoint::GetMeasure(), and Isis::ControlPoint::getMeasures().

◆ pointIgnored()

void Isis::ControlNet::pointIgnored ( ControlPoint point)

Update the ControlNet's internal structure when a ControlPoint is ignored.

pointA pointer to the ignored point.

Definition at line 771 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::ControlMeasure::GetCubeSerialNumber(), and Isis::ControlPoint::getMeasures().

Referenced by Isis::ControlPoint::SetIgnored().

◆ pointUnIgnored()

void Isis::ControlNet::pointUnIgnored ( ControlPoint point)

Update the ControlNet's internal structure when a ControlPoint is un-ignored.

pointA pointer to the un-ignored point.

Definition at line 629 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::ControlMeasure::GetCubeSerialNumber(), and Isis::ControlPoint::getMeasures().

Referenced by Isis::ControlPoint::SetIgnored().

◆ ReadControl()

void Isis::ControlNet::ReadControl ( const QString &  filename,
Progress progress = 0 

Reads in the control points from the given file.

ptfileName of file containing a Pvl list of control points
progressA pointer to the progress of reading in the control points
Isis::iException::User- "Invalid Network Type"
Isis::iException::User- "Invalid Control Point"
Isis::iException::User- "Invalid Format"

2009-04-07 Tracie Sucharski - Keep track of ignored measures.

2010-08-06 Tracie Sucharski, Updated for changes made after additional working sessions for Control network design.

2011-04-02 Debbie A. Cook - Added code to set the target radii in the surface points of the control points as they are read into memory instead of setting parent prematurely to be able to set the radii in ControlPoint.

2017-12-21 Jesse Mapel - Modified to use the ControlNetVersioner.

2018-04-05 Adam Goins - Added a check to the versionedReader targetRadii group to set radii values to those ingested from the versioner if they exist. Otherwise, we call SetTarget with the targetname.

Definition at line 263 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References Isis::Progress::CheckStatus(), Isis::ControlNetVersioner::creationDate(), Isis::ControlNetVersioner::description(), Isis::ControlNetVersioner::lastModificationDate(), Isis::ControlNetVersioner::netId(), Isis::ControlNetVersioner::numPoints(), Isis::Progress::SetMaximumSteps(), Isis::Progress::SetText(), Isis::ControlNetVersioner::takeFirstPoint(), Isis::ControlNetVersioner::targetName(), and Isis::ControlNetVersioner::userName().

Referenced by Isis::ImportControlNetWorkOrder::CreateControlsFunctor::operator()().

◆ removeEdge()

bool Isis::ControlNet::removeEdge ( QString  sourceSerial,
QString  targetSerial 

In the ControlNet graph, decrements the strength on the edge between the two serial numbers.

This is called when the ControlMeasures that connect these images are deleted or ignored. If it is the last measure connecting two verticies (serial numbers) the edge is removed.

sourceSerialThe first serial number defining the end of the edge to have its strength decremented or be removed.
targetSerialThe second serial number defining the other end of the edge to have its strength decremented or be removed.
bool true if the edge is removed, otherwise false

Definition at line 463 of file ControlNet.cpp.

◆ SetCoordType()

void Isis::ControlNet::SetCoordType ( SurfacePoint::CoordinateType  coordType)

Sets the control point coordinate type.

coordTypeControl point coordinate type

Definition at line 853 of file ControlNet.cpp.

◆ SetCreatedDate()

void Isis::ControlNet::SetCreatedDate ( const QString &  date)

Set the creation time.

dateThe date this Control Network was created

Definition at line 1538 of file ControlNet.cpp.

◆ SetDescription()

void Isis::ControlNet::SetDescription ( const QString &  newDescription)

Set the description of the network.

descThe description of this Control Network

Definition at line 1548 of file ControlNet.cpp.

◆ SetImages() [1/2]

void Isis::ControlNet::SetImages ( const QString &  imageListFile)

Creates the ControlNet's image cameras based on an input file.

imageListFileThe list of images

Definition at line 1558 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::QnetFileTool::open(), and Isis::Project::setActiveImageList().

◆ SetImages() [2/2]

void Isis::ControlNet::SetImages ( SerialNumberList list,
Progress progress = 0 

Creates the ControlNet's image camera's based on the list of Serial Numbers.

listThe list of Serial Numbers
progressA pointer to the progress of creating the cameras
Isis::iException::System- "Unable to create camera for cube file"
Isis::iException::User- "Control point measure does not have a cube with a matching serial number"

2009-01-06 Jeannie Walldren - Fixed typo in exception output.

2016-10-13 Ian Humphrey - Added initial check to see if cameras have already been set, and immediately return if yes. References #4293.

Definition at line 1579 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::Progress::CheckStatus(), Isis::SerialNumberList::fileName(), Isis::ControlMeasure::GetCubeSerialNumber(), Isis::ControlPoint::getCubeSerialNumbers(), Isis::ControlPoint::GetId(), Isis::SerialNumberList::hasSerialNumber(), Isis::SerialNumberList::serialNumber(), Isis::ControlMeasure::SetCamera(), Isis::Progress::SetMaximumSteps(), Isis::Progress::SetText(), and Isis::SerialNumberList::size().

◆ SetModifiedDate()

void Isis::ControlNet::SetModifiedDate ( const QString &  date)

Set the last modified date.

dateThe last date this Control Network was modified

Definition at line 1646 of file ControlNet.cpp.

◆ SetMutex()

void Isis::ControlNet::SetMutex ( QMutex *  mutex)

Set mutex to lock for making Naif calls.

2012-09-11 Tracie Sucharski

Definition at line 1658 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::Control::openControlNet(), and Isis::ImportControlNetWorkOrder::CreateControlsFunctor::operator()().

◆ SetNetworkId()

void Isis::ControlNet::SetNetworkId ( const QString &  id)

Set the network id.

idThe Id of this Control Network

Definition at line 1668 of file ControlNet.cpp.

◆ SetTarget() [1/2]

void Isis::ControlNet::SetTarget ( const QString &  target)

Sets the target name and target radii, if available.

Note: The target radii are found using NAIF target codes. If the given target name is not recognized, the target radii vector will be filled with Isis::Null values.

See also
targetThe name of the target of this Control Network

Definition at line 1684 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::QnetFileTool::open().

◆ SetTarget() [2/2]

void Isis::ControlNet::SetTarget ( Pvl  label)

Sets the target name and radii using values found in the mapping group of the given label, if available.

If this fails, calls SetTarget(QString).

labelA PVL Containing Target information (usually in a Mapping group or NaifKeywords object).

Definition at line 1696 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References Isis::PvlObject::findGroup(), Isis::PvlObject::findObject(), Isis::PvlObject::hasGroup(), Isis::PvlContainer::hasKeyword(), and Isis::PvlObject::hasObject().

◆ SetUserName()

void Isis::ControlNet::SetUserName ( const QString &  name)

Set the user name of the control network.

nameThe name of the user creating or modifying this ControlNet

Definition at line 1722 of file ControlNet.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::QnetFileTool::open().

◆ sortedMeasureList()

QList< ControlMeasure *> Isis::ControlNet::sortedMeasureList ( double(ControlMeasure::*)() const  statFunc,
double  min,
double  max 

Get a sorted list of all the measures that have values in a given ragen.

statFuncA pointer to a control Measure acessor
minthe minimum value of acessor return for list inclusion
maxthe maximum value of acessor return for list inclusion

Definition at line 1125 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References Isis::ControlPoint::GetMeasure().

◆ swap()

void Isis::ControlNet::swap ( ControlNet other)

Swaps the member data with the given control net.

This is an optimized form of: ControlNet a = ... ControlNet b = ...

Swap 'a' and 'b' ControlNet tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp;

This is used primarily for the assignment operator in order to do copy-and-swap.

otherThe control net to swap with.

Definition at line 1741 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References clear(), m_controlGraph, p_cameraList, p_cameraMap, p_cameraRejectedMeasuresMap, p_cameraValidMeasuresMap, p_created, p_description, p_modified, p_networkId, p_targetName, p_userName, pointIds, and points.

◆ take()

QList< ControlPoint *> Isis::ControlNet::take ( )

Transfer ownership of all points to caller.

This method is used to transfer ownership to the caller. This method is not reintrant in the sense that if someone else has already made this call, it is an error to attempt to take ownership again.

Note that it now becomes the responsibility of the caller to delete all the pointers to ControlPoints that are returned in the list.

WARNING!!! This call alone can create a situation where the owner could delete point memory after the point list is exported from this class creating a problem. For this reason, the clear() method be called!!!

Kris Becker
QList<ControlPoint*> Returns the list of all control points to caller

Definition at line 218 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_.

◆ UpdatePointReference()

void Isis::ControlNet::UpdatePointReference ( ControlPoint point,
QString  oldId 

Updates the key reference (poind Id) from the old one to what the point id was changet to.

This method should only be called from ControlPoint's SetId().

pointThe point that needs to be updated.
oldIdThe pointId that the point had.

Definition at line 733 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References Isis::ControlPoint::GetId().

Referenced by Isis::ControlPoint::SetId().

◆ ValidateSerialNumber()

bool Isis::ControlNet::ValidateSerialNumber ( QString  serialNumber) const

Does a check to ensure that the given serial number is contained within the network.

serialNumberthe cube serial number to validate
bool If the serial number is contained in the network.

Definition at line 1021 of file ControlNet.cpp.

◆ Write()

void Isis::ControlNet::Write ( const QString &  ptfile,
bool  pvl = false 

Writes out the control network.

ptfileName of file containing a Pvl list of control points
pvlBoolean indicating whether to write in pvl format (Default=false)

2010-10-05 Tracie Sucharski - Renamed old WRite method to WritePvl and created this new method to determine format to be written.

2017-12-21 Jesse Mapel - Modified to use new ControlNetVersioner.

Definition at line 303 of file ControlNet.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::ControlNetVersioner::toPvl(), Isis::Pvl::write(), and Isis::ControlNetVersioner::write().

Referenced by Isis::Control::copyToNewProjectRoot(), Isis::ImportControlNetWorkOrder::CreateControlsFunctor::operator()(), Isis::QnetFileTool::save(), Isis::QnetFileTool::saveAs(), and Isis::Control::write().

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_controlGraph

Network Isis::ControlNet::m_controlGraph

The serial number -> vertex hash used by the graph.

Definition at line 475 of file ControlNet.h.

Referenced by swap().

◆ m_coordType

SurfacePoint::CoordinateType Isis::ControlNet::m_coordType

The coordinate type of the control points.

Definition at line 492 of file ControlNet.h.

◆ m_ownPoints

bool Isis::ControlNet::m_ownPoints

Specifies ownership of point list. True if owned by this object.

Definition at line 491 of file ControlNet.h.

◆ p_cameraList

QVector<Isis::Camera *> Isis::ControlNet::p_cameraList

Vector of image number to camera.

Definition at line 489 of file ControlNet.h.

Referenced by swap().

◆ p_cameraMap

QMap<QString, Isis::Camera *> Isis::ControlNet::p_cameraMap

A map from serialnumber to camera.

Definition at line 485 of file ControlNet.h.

Referenced by swap().

◆ p_cameraRejectedMeasuresMap

QMap<QString, int> Isis::ControlNet::p_cameraRejectedMeasuresMap

A map from serialnumber to #rejected measures.

Definition at line 487 of file ControlNet.h.

Referenced by swap().

◆ p_cameraValidMeasuresMap

QMap<QString, int> Isis::ControlNet::p_cameraValidMeasuresMap

A map from serialnumber to #measures.

Definition at line 486 of file ControlNet.h.

Referenced by swap().

◆ p_created

QString Isis::ControlNet::p_created

Creation Date.

Definition at line 481 of file ControlNet.h.

Referenced by swap().

◆ p_description

QString Isis::ControlNet::p_description

Textual Description of network.

Definition at line 483 of file ControlNet.h.

Referenced by swap().

◆ p_modified

QString Isis::ControlNet::p_modified

Date Last Modified.

Definition at line 482 of file ControlNet.h.

Referenced by swap().

◆ p_networkId

QString Isis::ControlNet::p_networkId

The Network Id.

Definition at line 480 of file ControlNet.h.

Referenced by swap().

◆ p_targetName

QString Isis::ControlNet::p_targetName

Name of the target.

Definition at line 479 of file ControlNet.h.

Referenced by swap().

◆ p_userName

QString Isis::ControlNet::p_userName

The user who created the network.

Definition at line 484 of file ControlNet.h.

Referenced by swap().

◆ pointIds

QStringList* Isis::ControlNet::pointIds

The ControlNet graph.

Definition at line 476 of file ControlNet.h.

Referenced by swap().

◆ points

QHash< QString, ControlPoint * >* Isis::ControlNet::points

hash ControlPoints by ControlPoint Id

Definition at line 437 of file ControlNet.h.

Referenced by swap().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: