Isis 3 Programmer Reference
1 #include "QnetCubeDistanceFilter.h"
3 #include <vector>
4 #include <cmath>
6 #include <QGridLayout>
7 #include <QLabel>
8 #include <QLineEdit>
9 #include <QMessageBox>
10 #include <QRadioButton>
12 #include "QnetNavTool.h"
13 #include "Camera.h"
14 #include "ControlNet.h"
15 #include "ControlPoint.h"
16 #include "ControlMeasure.h"
17 #include "Distance.h"
18 #include "Latitude.h"
19 #include "Longitude.h"
20 #include "SerialNumberList.h"
21 #include "SurfacePoint.h"
23 namespace Isis {
40  QnetFilter(navTool, parent) {
41  p_lineEdit = NULL;
42  p_pixels = NULL;
43  p_meters = NULL;
45  // Create components for the filter window
46  QLabel *label = new QLabel("Filter by distance between points in cube");
47  QLabel *lessThan = new QLabel("Contains points within ");
48  p_lineEdit = new QLineEdit;
49  p_pixels = new QRadioButton("pixels");
50  p_meters = new QRadioButton("meters");
51  p_pixels->setChecked(true);
52  QLabel *pad = new QLabel();
54  // create layout for radio buttons
55  QVBoxLayout *units = new QVBoxLayout();
56  units->addWidget(p_pixels);
57  units->addWidget(p_meters);
59  // Create the layout and add the components to it
60  QGridLayout *gridLayout = new QGridLayout();
61  gridLayout->addWidget(label, 0, 0, 1, 2);
62  gridLayout->addWidget(lessThan, 1, 0);
63  gridLayout->addWidget(p_lineEdit, 1, 1);
64  gridLayout->addLayout(units, 1, 2);
65  gridLayout->addWidget(pad, 2, 0);
66  gridLayout->setRowStretch(2, 50);
67  this->setLayout(gridLayout);
68  }
89  // Make sure we have a list of files to filter
90  if (serialNumberList() == NULL) {
91  QMessageBox::information((QWidget *)parent(),
92  "Error", "No cubes to filter");
93  return;
94  }
96  // Make sure the user entered a filtering value
97  if (p_lineEdit->text() == "") {
98  QMessageBox::information((QWidget *)parent(),
99  "Error", "Distance value must be entered");
100  return;
101  }
103  // Get the user entered value for filtering
104  int userEntered = p_lineEdit->text().toInt();
106  // create temporary QList to contain new filtered images
107  QList <int> temp;
108  // Loop through each image in the currently filtered list
109  // Loop in reverse order for consistency with other filters
110  for (int i = filteredImages().size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
112  // Loop through every control point in the control net
113  for (int cp1 = 0; cp1 < controlNet()->GetNumPoints(); cp1++) {
114  ControlPoint controlPt1 = *(*controlNet())[cp1];
115  ControlMeasure controlMeas1;
116  // Loop through each control measure of this point until we find this image
117  for (int cm1 = 0; cm1 < controlPt1.GetNumMeasures(); cm1++) {
118  // Check control measure to see if this point is in the current image
119  if (controlPt1[cm1]->GetCubeSerialNumber() == serialNumberList()->serialNumber(filteredImages()[i])) {
120  // this measure matches the image, set controlMeas1 variable and break out of loop
121  controlMeas1 = *controlPt1[cm1];
122  break;
123  }
124  // this measure does not match this cube, keep looking, continue to next measure
125  else
126  continue;
127  } // if no matching measure was found, controlMeas1 defaults to sample,line = 0
129  // If the measure for this image has no line/sample values,
130  // we can not measure distance, so continue to the next control point, cp1
131  if (controlMeas1.GetSample() == 0 && controlMeas1.GetLine() == 0)
132  continue;
133  // if the user chooses distance in meters, create camera to find lat/lon for this measure
134  double rad = 0, lat1 = 0, lon1 = 0;
135  if (p_meters->isChecked()) {
136  Camera *cam1;
137  cam1 = controlNet()->Camera(filteredImages()[i]);
138  // try to set image using sample/line values
139  if (cam1->SetImage(controlMeas1.GetSample(), controlMeas1.GetLine())) {
140  rad = cam1->LocalRadius().meters();
141  lat1 = cam1->UniversalLatitude();
142  lon1 = cam1->UniversalLongitude();
143  }
144  else {
145  // if SetImage fails for this measure, don't calculate the distance from this point
146  // continue to next control point, cp1
147  continue;
148  }
149  }
150  // Loop through the remaining control points to compute distances
151  for (int cp2 = (cp1 + 1); cp2 < controlNet()->GetNumPoints(); cp2++) {
152  ControlPoint &controlPt2 = *(*controlNet())[cp2];
153  ControlMeasure controlMeas2;
154  // Loop through each measure of the second point until we find this image
155  for (int cm2 = 0; cm2 < controlPt2.GetNumMeasures(); cm2++) {
156  // Check to see if this point is in the image
157  if (controlPt2[cm2]->GetCubeSerialNumber() == serialNumberList()->serialNumber(filteredImages()[i])) {
158  // this measure matches the image, set controlMeas2 variable and break out of loop
159  controlMeas2 = *controlPt2[cm2];
160  break;
161  }
162  // this measure does not match this cube, keep looking, continue to next measure
163  else
164  continue;
165  } // if no matching measure was found, controlMeas1 defaults to sample,line = 0
167  // If the measure has no samp/line values, continue to next point, cp2
168  if (controlMeas2.GetSample() == 0 && controlMeas2.GetLine() == 0)
169  continue;
171  // Now determine distance based on the units chosen
172  double dist = 0;
173  if (p_pixels->isChecked()) {
174  double deltaSamp = controlMeas1.GetSample() - controlMeas2.GetSample();
175  double deltaLine = controlMeas1.GetLine() - controlMeas2.GetLine();
176  // use the distance formula for cartesian coordinates
177  dist = sqrt((deltaSamp * deltaSamp) + (deltaLine * deltaLine));
178  }
179  else
180  // meters is checked
181  {
182  // create camera to find lat/lon for this measure
183  double lat2 = 0, lon2 = 0;
184  Camera *cam2;
185  cam2 = controlNet()->Camera(filteredImages()[i]);
186  // try to set image using sample/line values
187  if (cam2->SetImage(controlMeas2.GetSample(), controlMeas2.GetLine())) {
188  lat2 = cam2->UniversalLatitude();
189  lon2 = cam2->UniversalLongitude();
190  }
191  else {
192  // if SetImage fails, don't calculate the distance to this point
193  // continue to the next control point, cp2
194  continue;
195  }
196  // Calculate the distance between the two points
197  // Get the distance from the camera class
198  SurfacePoint point1(
199  Latitude(lat1, Angle::Degrees),
200  Longitude(lon1, Angle::Degrees),
201  Distance(rad, Distance::Meters));
202  SurfacePoint point2(
203  Latitude(lat2, Angle::Degrees),
204  Longitude(lon2, Angle::Degrees),
205  Distance(rad, Distance::Meters));
206  dist = point1.GetDistanceToPoint(point2,
208  }
210  if (dist == 0) {
211  // distance not calculated, continue to next cp2
212  continue;
213  }
215  // If the distance is less than the value entered by the user,
216  // keep the cube in the list
217  if (dist < userEntered) {
218  if (!temp.contains(filteredImages()[i])) {
219  // this image is added to the filtered list
220  temp.push_back(filteredImages()[i]);
221  }
222  }
223  if (temp.contains(filteredImages()[i])) {
224  // (*filteredImages())[i] is already added to the filtered list,
225  // no point in checking other distances,
226  // break out of cp2 loop and continue to next cp1
227  break;
228  }
229  } // this ends cp2 loop
231  if (temp.contains(filteredImages()[i])) {
232  // (*filteredImages())[i] is already added to the filtered list,
233  // no point in checking other distances,
234  // break out of cp1 loop and continue to next value of i
235  break;
236  }
237  } // this ends cp1 loop
238  } // this ends i loop
240  // Sort QList of filtered points before displaying list to user
241  qSort(temp.begin(), temp.end());
242  // replace existing filter list with this one
243  filteredImages() = temp;
245  // Tell the nav tool that a list has been filtered and it needs to updated
246  emit filteredListModified();
247  return;
248  }
249 }
This class defines a body-fixed surface point.
Definition: SurfacePoint.h:148
double meters() const
Get the distance in meters.
Definition: Distance.cpp:97
double UniversalLatitude() const
Returns the planetocentric latitude, in degrees, at the surface intersection point in the body fixed ...
Definition: Sensor.cpp:225
Distance GetDistanceToPoint(const SurfacePoint &other) const
Computes and returns the distance between two surface points.
QString serialNumber(const QString &filename)
Return a serial number given a filename.
virtual void filter()
Filters a list of images for images that have points that are less than the user entered distance fro...
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Latitude.
Definition: Latitude.h:63
Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are public domain.
Distance measurement, usually in meters.
Definition: Distance.h:47
Distance LocalRadius() const
Returns the local radius at the intersection point.
Definition: Sensor.cpp:282
bool SetImage(const double sample, const double line)
Sets the sample/line values of the image to get the lat/lon values.
Definition: Camera.cpp:170
int GetNumPoints() const
Return the number of control points in the network.
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Longitude.
Definition: Longitude.h:52
Degrees are generally considered more human readable, 0-360 is one circle, however most math does not...
Definition: Angle.h:73
QnetCubeDistanceFilter(QnetNavTool *navTool, QWidget *parent=0)
Contructor for the Cube Distance filter.
A single control point.
Definition: ControlPoint.h:369
double UniversalLongitude() const
Returns the positive east, 0-360 domain longitude, in degrees, at the surface intersection point in t...
Definition: Sensor.cpp:248
Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are public domain.
Qnet Navigation Tool.
Definition: QnetNavTool.h:132
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
Definition: Apollo.h:31
a control measurement
Isis::Camera * Camera(int index)
Returns the camera list from the given image number.
The distance is being specified in meters.
Definition: Distance.h:56
Unless noted otherwise, the portions of Isis written by the USGS are public domain.