Isis 3 Programmer Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef Camera_h
2 #define Camera_h
26 #include "Sensor.h"
28 #include <QList>
29 #include <QPointF>
30 #include <QString>
32 #include "AlphaCube.h"
34 namespace Isis {
35  class Angle;
36  class CameraDetectorMap;
37  class CameraFocalPlaneMap;
38  class CameraDistortionMap;
39  class CameraGroundMap;
40  class CameraSkyMap;
41  class Distance;
42  class Latitude;
43  class Longitude;
44  class Projection;
45  class SurfacePoint;
249  class Camera : public Sensor {
250  public:
251  // constructors
252  Camera(Cube &cube);
254  // destructor
256  virtual ~Camera();
258  // Methods
259  bool SetImage(const double sample, const double line);
260  virtual bool SetImage(const double sample, const double line, const double deltaT);
262  bool SetUniversalGround(const double latitude, const double longitude);
263  bool SetUniversalGround(const double latitude, const double longitude,
264  const double radius);
265  bool SetGround(Latitude latitude, Longitude longitude);
266  bool SetGround(const SurfacePoint & surfacePt);
267  bool SetRightAscensionDeclination(const double ra, const double dec);
269  void LocalPhotometricAngles(Angle & phase, Angle & incidence,
270  Angle & emission, bool &success);
272  void GetLocalNormal(double normal[3]);
274  bool HasProjection();
275  virtual bool IsBandIndependent();
276  int ReferenceBand() const;
277  bool HasReferenceBand() const;
278  virtual void SetBand(const int band);
279  double Sample();
280  int Band();
281  double Line();
283  bool GroundRange(double &minlat, double &maxlat, double &minlon,
284  double &maxlon, Pvl &pvl);
285  bool ringRange(double &minRingRadius, double &maxRingRadius,
286  double &minRingLongitude, double &maxRingLongitude, Pvl &pvl);
287  bool IntersectsLongitudeDomain(Pvl &pvl);
289  double PixelResolution();
290  double LineResolution();
291  double SampleResolution();
292  double DetectorResolution();
294  double ObliqueDetectorResolution();
295  double ObliqueSampleResolution();
296  double ObliqueLineResolution();
297  double ObliquePixelResolution();
300  virtual double resolution();
301  double LowestImageResolution();
302  double HighestImageResolution();
306  void BasicMapping(Pvl &map);
307  void basicRingMapping(Pvl &map);
309  double FocalLength() const;
310  double PixelPitch() const;
311  virtual double exposureDuration() const;
312  virtual double exposureDuration(const double sample,
313  const double line,
314  const int band = -1) const;
317  int Samples() const;
318  int Lines() const;
319  int Bands() const;
320  int ParentLines() const;
321  int ParentSamples() const;
323  double CelestialNorthClockAngle();
325  bool RaDecRange(double &minra, double &maxra,
326  double &mindec, double &maxdec);
327  double RaDecResolution();
333  CameraSkyMap *SkyMap();
335  QString instrumentId();
337  QString instrumentNameLong() const;
338  QString instrumentNameShort() const;
339  QString spacecraftNameLong() const;
340  QString spacecraftNameShort() const;
342  void SetDistortionMap(CameraDistortionMap *map, bool deleteExisting = true);
345  void SetGroundMap(CameraGroundMap *map);
346  void SetSkyMap(CameraSkyMap *map);
348  double NorthAzimuth();
349  double SunAzimuth();
350  double SpacecraftAzimuth();
351  double OffNadirAngle();
353  static double GroundAzimuth(double glat, double glon, double slat,
354  double slon);
356  void IgnoreProjection(bool ignore);
358  void LoadCache();
359  std::pair< double, double > StartEndEphemerisTimes();
360  int CacheSize(double startTime, double endTime);
363  void GetGeometricTilingHint(int &startSize, int &endSize);
365  bool InCube();
370  enum CameraType {
376  };
385  virtual CameraType GetCameraType() const = 0;
418  virtual int CkFrameId() const = 0;
451  virtual int CkReferenceId() const = 0;
483  virtual int SpkReferenceId() const = 0;
484  virtual int SpkTargetId() const;
485  virtual int SpkCenterId() const;
488  protected:
490  void SetFocalLength(double v);
491  void SetPixelPitch(double v);
493  void SetFocalLength();
494  void SetPixelPitch();
496  void SetGeometricTilingHint(int startSize = 128, int endSize = 8);
498  // These 2 classes need to be friends of the Camera class because
499  // of the way Radar works - there is no set focal length for the
500  // instrument, so the focal length needs to be set each time the
501  // slant range changes.
502  friend class RadarGroundMap;
503  friend class RadarSlantRangeMap;
505  QString m_instrumentId;
513  private:
514  void GroundRangeResolution();
515  void ringRangeResolution();
516  double ComputeAzimuth(const double lat, const double lon);
517  bool RawFocalPlanetoImage();
518  // SetImage helper functions:
519  // bool SetImageNoProjection(const double sample, const double line);
520  bool SetImageMapProjection(const double sample, const double line, ShapeModel *shape);
521  bool SetImageSkyMapProjection(const double sample, const double line, ShapeModel *shape);
524  double p_focalLength;
525  double p_pixelPitch;
527  double p_minlat;
528  double p_maxlat;
529  double p_minlon;
530  double p_maxlon;
531  double p_minres;
532  double p_maxres;
535  double p_minlon180;
536  double p_maxlon180;
542  int p_samples;
543  int p_lines;
544  int p_bands;
551  double p_mindec;
552  double p_maxdec;
553  double p_minra;
554  double p_maxra;
555  double p_minra180;
556  double p_maxra180;
570  double p_childSample;
571  double p_childLine;
584  };
585 };
587 #endif
This class defines a body-fixed surface point.
Definition: SurfacePoint.h:148
void LocalPhotometricAngles(Angle &phase, Angle &incidence, Angle &emission, bool &success)
Calculates LOCAL photometric angles using the DEM (not ellipsoid).
Definition: Camera.cpp:1661
double p_maxlat
The maximum latitude.
Definition: Camera.h:528
QString instrumentNameShort() const
This method returns the shortened instrument name.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2908
void SetFocalLength()
Reads the focal length from the instrument kernel.
Definition: Camera.cpp:1430
virtual CameraType GetCameraType() const =0
Returns the type of camera that was created.
CameraDetectorMap * DetectorMap()
Returns a pointer to the CameraDetectorMap object.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2858
Push Frame Camera.
Definition: Camera.h:372
int CacheSize(double startTime, double endTime)
This method calculates the spice cache size.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2539
void SetSkyMap(CameraSkyMap *map)
Sets the Sky Map.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2413
Line Scan Camera.
Definition: Camera.h:373
virtual int SpkReferenceId() const =0
Provides reference frame for instruments SPK NAIF kernel.
double ObliqueLineResolution()
Returns the oblique line resolution at the current position in meters.
Definition: Camera.cpp:679
virtual int SpkTargetId() const
Provides target code for instruments SPK NAIF kernel.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2975
double p_mindec
The minimum declination.
Definition: Camera.h:551
double p_minlon
The minimum longitude.
Definition: Camera.h:529
double p_minobliqueres
The minimum oblique resolution.
Definition: Camera.h:533
int p_referenceBand
The reference band.
Definition: Camera.h:546
double p_minra180
The minimum right ascension in the 180 domain.
Definition: Camera.h:555
double SunAzimuth()
Returns the Sun Azimuth.
Definition: Camera.cpp:1939
bool ringRange(double &minRingRadius, double &maxRingRadius, double &minRingLongitude, double &maxRingLongitude, Pvl &pvl)
Analogous to the above Ground Range method.
Definition: Camera.cpp:1305
void SetDetectorMap(CameraDetectorMap *map)
Sets the Detector Map.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2384
CameraDistortionMap * DistortionMap()
Returns a pointer to the CameraDistortionMap object.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2838
Camera(Cube &cube)
Constructs the Camera object.
Definition: Camera.cpp:70
int p_lines
The number of lines in the image.
Definition: Camera.h:543
void SetGroundMap(CameraGroundMap *map)
Sets the Ground Map.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2399
QString m_instrumentNameLong
Full instrument name.
Definition: Camera.h:507
double p_maxRingLongitude
The maximum ring longitude (azimuth)
Definition: Camera.h:563
double SpacecraftAzimuth()
Return the Spacecraft Azimuth.
Definition: Camera.cpp:1953
bool SetRightAscensionDeclination(const double ra, const double dec)
Sets the right ascension declination.
Definition: Camera.cpp:1454
bool HasProjection()
Checks to see if the camera object has a projection.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2650
double p_maxra180
The maximum right ascension in the 180 domain.
Definition: Camera.h:556
void basicRingMapping(Pvl &map)
Writes the basic mapping group for ring plane to the specified Pvl.
Definition: Camera.cpp:1404
double OffNadirAngle()
Return the off nadir angle in degrees.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2214
virtual double resolution()
Returns the resolution of the camera.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2732
bool InCube()
This returns true if the current Sample() or Line() value is outside of the cube (meaning the point m...
Definition: Camera.cpp:2631
void SetPixelPitch()
Reads the Pixel Pitch from the instrument kernel.
Definition: Camera.cpp:1437
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Latitude.
Definition: Latitude.h:63
Class for computing sensor ground coordinates.
Definition: Sensor.h:183
double p_maxlon180
The maximum longitude in the 180 domain.
Definition: Camera.h:536
double p_focalLength
The focal length, in units of millimeters.
Definition: Camera.h:524
virtual int CkReferenceId() const =0
Provides the NAIF reference code for an instruments CK kernel.
double ObliquePixelResolution()
Returns the oblique pixel resolution at the current position in meters/pixel.
Definition: Camera.cpp:704
virtual ~Camera()
Destroys the Camera Object.
Definition: Camera.cpp:124
QString instrumentNameLong() const
This method returns the full instrument name.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2898
double p_maxobliqueres
The maximum oblique resolution.
Definition: Camera.h:534
CameraDistortionMap * p_distortionMap
A pointer to the DistortionMap.
Definition: Camera.h:573
double ObliqueSampleResolution()
Returns the oblique sample resolution at the current position in m.
Definition: Camera.cpp:656
double p_minRingLongitude180
The minimum ring longitude in the 180 domain.
Definition: Camera.h:564
bool IntersectsLongitudeDomain(Pvl &pvl)
Checks whether the ground range intersects the longitude domain or not.
Definition: Camera.cpp:1184
bool RawFocalPlanetoImage()
Computes the image coordinate for the current universal ground point.
Definition: Camera.cpp:471
double p_maxres
The maximum resolution.
Definition: Camera.h:532
static double GroundAzimuth(double glat, double glon, double slat, double slon)
Computes and returns the ground azimuth between the ground point and another point of interest...
Definition: Camera.cpp:2256
bool SetGround(Latitude latitude, Longitude longitude)
Sets the lat/lon values to get the sample/line values.
Definition: Camera.cpp:417
int ParentLines() const
Returns the number of lines in the parent alphacube.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2818
This class is used to rewrite the "alpha" keywords out of the AlphaCube group or Instrument group...
Definition: AlphaCube.h:62
CameraSkyMap * SkyMap()
Returns a pointer to the CameraSkyMap object.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2878
Radar Camera.
Definition: Camera.h:374
double p_minRingLongitude
The minimum ring longitude (azimuth)
Definition: Camera.h:562
int p_bands
The number of bands in the image.
Definition: Camera.h:544
bool HasReferenceBand() const
Checks to see if the Camera object has a reference band.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2682
bool SetUniversalGround(const double latitude, const double longitude)
Sets the lat/lon values to get the sample/line values.
Definition: Camera.cpp:396
bool SetImage(const double sample, const double line)
Sets the sample/line values of the image to get the lat/lon values.
Definition: Camera.cpp:170
Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates.
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Longitude.
Definition: Longitude.h:52
bool p_ignoreProjection
Whether or no to ignore the Projection.
Definition: Camera.h:549
CameraDetectorMap * p_detectorMap
A pointer to the DetectorMap.
Definition: Camera.h:575
Base class for Map Projections.
Definition: Projection.h:171
Convert between undistorted focal plane and ground coordinates.
double p_minlat
The minimum latitude.
Definition: Camera.h:527
Convert between distorted focal plane and detector coordinates.
Convert between undistorted focal plane coordinate (slant range) and ground coordinates.
This enum defines the types of cameras supported in this class.
Definition: Camera.h:370
QString m_instrumentNameShort
Shortened instrument name.
Definition: Camera.h:508
CameraGroundMap * GroundMap()
Returns a pointer to the CameraGroundMap object.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2868
QString instrumentId()
This method returns the InstrumentId as it appears in the cube.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2888
void ringRangeResolution()
Analogous to above GroundRangeResolution method.
Definition: Camera.cpp:1001
double HighestImageResolution()
Returns the highest/best resolution in the entire image.
Definition: Camera.cpp:729
double p_pixelPitch
The pixel pitch, in millimeters per pixel.
Definition: Camera.h:525
bool GroundRange(double &minlat, double &maxlat, double &minlon, double &maxlon, Pvl &pvl)
Computes the Ground Range.
Definition: Camera.cpp:1201
bool RaDecRange(double &minra, double &maxra, double &mindec, double &maxdec)
Computes the RaDec range.
Definition: Camera.cpp:1726
double Sample()
Returns the current sample number.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2702
CameraFocalPlaneMap * p_focalPlaneMap
A pointer to the FocalPlaneMap.
Definition: Camera.h:574
QString m_instrumentId
The InstrumentId as it appears on the cube.
Definition: Camera.h:505
double FocalLength() const
Returns the focal length.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2744
void SetFocalPlaneMap(CameraFocalPlaneMap *map)
Sets the Focal Plane Map.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2369
int p_childBand
Band value for child.
Definition: Camera.h:572
void GetLocalNormal(double normal[3])
This method will find the local normal at the current (sample, line) and set it to the passed in arra...
Definition: Camera.cpp:1507
double HighestObliqueImageResolution()
Returns the highest/best oblique resolution in the entire image.
Definition: Camera.cpp:751
QString spacecraftNameLong() const
This method returns the full spacecraft name.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2918
Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates.
double NorthAzimuth()
Returns the North Azimuth.
Definition: Camera.cpp:1912
std::pair< double, double > StartEndEphemerisTimes()
Calculates the start and end ephemeris times.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2491
double p_childSample
Sample value for child.
Definition: Camera.h:570
AlphaCube * p_alphaCube
A pointer to the AlphaCube.
Definition: Camera.h:569
double PixelPitch() const
Returns the pixel pitch.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2754
int ParentSamples() const
Returns the number of samples in the parent alphacube.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2828
void BasicMapping(Pvl &map)
Writes the basic mapping group to the specified Pvl.
Definition: Camera.cpp:1375
Container for cube-like labels.
Definition: Pvl.h:135
CameraFocalPlaneMap * FocalPlaneMap()
Returns a pointer to the CameraFocalPlaneMap object.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2848
int Band()
Returns the current band.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2712
void LoadCache()
This loads the spice cache big enough for this image.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2432
bool p_groundRangeComputed
Flag showing if ground range was computed successfully.
Definition: Camera.h:538
Define shapes and provide utilities for Isis3 targets.
Definition: ShapeModel.h:78
double ComputeAzimuth(const double lat, const double lon)
Computes the image azimuth value from your current position (origin) to a point of interest specified...
Definition: Camera.cpp:2059
double CelestialNorthClockAngle()
Computes the celestial north clock angle at the current line/sample or ra/dec.
Definition: Camera.cpp:3049
Defines an angle and provides unit conversions.
Definition: Angle.h:62
double p_maxra
The maxumum right ascension.
Definition: Camera.h:554
double LowestObliqueImageResolution()
Returns the lowest/worst oblique resolution in the entire image.
Definition: Camera.cpp:740
QString m_spacecraftNameLong
Full spacecraft name.
Definition: Camera.h:509
int p_samples
The number of samples in the image.
Definition: Camera.h:542
virtual bool IsBandIndependent()
Virtual method that checks if the band is independent.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2661
bool SetImageMapProjection(const double sample, const double line, ShapeModel *shape)
Sets the sample/line values of the image to get the lat/lon values for a Map Projected image...
Definition: Camera.cpp:310
double p_maxlon
The maximum longitude.
Definition: Camera.h:530
void SetDistortionMap(CameraDistortionMap *map, bool deleteExisting=true)
Sets the Distortion Map.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2354
double LowestImageResolution()
Returns the lowest/worst resolution in the entire image.
Definition: Camera.cpp:718
CameraGroundMap * p_groundMap
A pointer to the GroundMap.
Definition: Camera.h:576
double p_maxRingLongitude180
The maximum ring longitude in the 180 domain.
Definition: Camera.h:565
int Bands() const
Returns the number of bands in the image.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2808
QString spacecraftNameShort() const
This method returns the shortened spacecraft name.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2928
double Line()
Returns the current line number.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2722
int Lines() const
Returns the number of lines in the image.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2798
int Samples() const
Returns the number of samples in the image.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2788
Convert between radar ground range and slant range.
double RaDecResolution()
Returns the RaDec resolution.
Definition: Camera.cpp:1868
double PixelResolution()
Returns the pixel resolution at the current position in meters/pixel.
Definition: Camera.cpp:689
double p_minres
The minimum resolution.
Definition: Camera.h:531
double p_minlon180
The minimum longitude in the 180 domain.
Definition: Camera.h:535
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
Definition: Apollo.h:31
double p_minra
The minimum right ascension.
Definition: Camera.h:553
bool p_ringRangeComputed
Flag showing if ring range was computed successfully.
Definition: Camera.h:567
double LineResolution()
Returns the line resolution at the current position in meters.
Definition: Camera.cpp:667
virtual int SpkCenterId() const
Provides the center of motion body for SPK NAIF kernel.
Definition: Camera.cpp:3017
Convert between undistorted focal plane and ra/dec coordinates.
Definition: CameraSkyMap.h:48
Framing Camera.
Definition: Camera.h:371
QString m_spacecraftNameShort
Shortened spacecraft name.
Definition: Camera.h:510
Point Camera.
Definition: Camera.h:375
void IgnoreProjection(bool ignore)
Set whether or not the camera should ignore the Projection.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2937
double p_maxRingRadius
The maximum ring radius.
Definition: Camera.h:561
virtual QList< QPointF > PixelIfovOffsets()
Returns the pixel ifov offsets from center of pixel, which defaults to the (pixel pitch * summing mod...
Definition: Camera.cpp:2767
virtual double exposureDuration() const
Return the exposure duration for the pixel that the camera is set to.
Definition: Camera.cpp:3075
Projection * p_projection
A pointer to the Projection.
Definition: Camera.h:548
void SetGeometricTilingHint(int startSize=128, int endSize=8)
This method sets the best geometric tiling size for projecting from this camera model.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2566
double p_minRingRadius
The minimum ring radius.
Definition: Camera.h:560
double p_maxdec
The maximum declination.
Definition: Camera.h:552
bool SetImageSkyMapProjection(const double sample, const double line, ShapeModel *shape)
Sets the sample/line values of the image to get the lat/lon values for a Skymap Projected image...
Definition: Camera.cpp:371
int ReferenceBand() const
Returns the reference band.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2671
int p_geometricTilingStartSize
The ideal geometric tile size to start with when projecting.
Definition: Camera.h:580
CameraSkyMap * p_skyMap
A pointer to the SkyMap.
Definition: Camera.h:577
double SampleResolution()
Returns the sample resolution at the current position in meters.
Definition: Camera.cpp:645
virtual void SetBand(const int band)
Virtual method that sets the band number.
Definition: Camera.cpp:2692
virtual int CkFrameId() const =0
Provides the NAIF frame code for an instruments CK kernel.
bool p_pointComputed
Flag showing if Sample/Line has been computed.
Definition: Camera.h:540
double p_childLine
Line value for child.
Definition: Camera.h:571
bool p_raDecRangeComputed
Flag showing if the raDec range has been computed successfully.
Definition: Camera.h:558
void GetGeometricTilingHint(int &startSize, int &endSize)
This will get the geometric tiling hint; these values are typically used for ProcessRubberSheet::SetT...
Definition: Camera.cpp:2617
double DetectorResolution()
Returns the detector resolution at the current position in meters.
Definition: Camera.cpp:624
void GroundRangeResolution()
Computes the ground range and min/max resolution.
Definition: Camera.cpp:760
int p_geometricTilingEndSize
The ideal geometric tile size to end with when projecting.
Definition: Camera.h:582
double ObliqueDetectorResolution()
This method returns the Oblique Detector Resolution if the Look Vector intersects the target and if t...
Definition: Camera.cpp:598
IO Handler for Isis Cubes.
Definition: Cube.h:170