Isis 3 Programmer Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef QnetNavTool_h
2 #define QnetNavTool_h
24 #include "Tool.h"
25 // forward declarations
26 class QComboBox;
27 class QDialog;
28 class QLabel;
29 class QListWidget;
30 class QListWidgetItem;
31 class QPushButton;
32 class QStackedWidget;
33 class QString;
34 class QVBoxLayout;
35 class QWidget;
38 namespace Isis {
39  class ControlMeasure;
40  class ControlNet;
41  class ControlPoint;
42  class QnetSetAprioriDialog;
43  class QnetTool;
44  class SerialNumberList;
132  class QnetNavTool : public Tool {
135  public:
136  QnetNavTool(QnetTool *qnetTool, QWidget *parent);
137  ~QnetNavTool();
139  enum FilterIndex {
140  Points,
141  Cubes
142  };
143  enum PointFilterIndex {
144  JigsawErrors,
145  RegistrationErrors,
146  Id,
147  NumberImages,
148  Type,
149  LatLonRange,
150  Distance,
151  MeasureType,
152  GoodnessOfFit,
153  CubeName
154  };
155  enum CubeFilterIndex {
156  Name,
157  NumberPoints,
158  PointDistance
159  };
161  QList<int> &filteredImages();
162  const QList<int> &filteredImages() const;
164  QList<int> &filteredPoints();
165  const QList<int> &filteredPoints() const;
167  ControlNet *controlNet();
168  const ControlNet *controlNet() const;
170  SerialNumberList *serialNumberList();
171  const SerialNumberList *serialNumberList() const;
173  public slots:
174  void resetList();
175  void refreshList();
176  void updateEditPoint(QString pointId);
178  void showNavTool();
180  private slots:
181  void load();
182  void load(QListWidgetItem *);
183  void tie();
184  void filter();
185  void editPoint(QListWidgetItem *ptItem);
186  void filterList();
187  void resetFilter();
188  void enableButtons();
189  void ignorePoints();
190  void deletePoints();
191  void resetCubeList();
192  void updateActivityHistory(QString activityMessage);
193  void aprioriDialog();
194  void setAprioriDialogPoints();
196  signals:
197  void activityUpdate(QString);
198  void loadPointImages (ControlPoint *);
199  void loadImage(const QString &);
200  void modifyPoint(ControlPoint *);
201  void ignoredPoints();
202  void deletedPoints();
203  void pointChanged(QString pointId);
204  void netChanged();
205  void serialListModified();
207  private:
208  void createNavigationDialog(QWidget *parent);
209  void createFilters();
210 // void listLockedPoints();
213  QDialog *m_navDialog;
214  QPushButton *m_filter;
215  bool m_filtered;
216  QPushButton *m_tie;
217  QPushButton *m_multiIgnore;
218  QPushButton *m_multiDelete;
219  QPushButton *m_setApriori;
220  QStackedWidget *m_filterStack;
221  QComboBox *m_listCombo;
222  QListWidget *m_listBox;
223  QLabel *m_filterCountLabel;
224  QVBoxLayout *m_historyLayout;
225  int m_filterCount;
227  QString m_editPointId;
229  QnetSetAprioriDialog *m_aprioriDialog;
231  QnetTool *m_qnetTool;
232  QList<int> m_filteredPoints;
233  QList<int> m_filteredImages;
234  };
235 }
237 #endif
void resetFilter()
Resets the visible filter to the default values.
void aprioriDialog()
Bring up apriori dialog.
void resetList()
Resets the list box with whatever is in the global lists.
void filter()
Figures out what type of widget the filter was selected for and calls the filter method for that filt...
QnetNavTool(QnetTool *qnetTool, QWidget *parent)
Constructs the Navigation Tool window.
Definition: QnetNavTool.cpp:67
void filterList()
Updates the list box in the nav window with a new list from one of the filters.
void load()
Tells the filetool to load an image, slot for "View Cube(s)" button.
Distance measurement, usually in meters.
Definition: Distance.h:47
void ignorePoints()
Set Ignored=True for selected Points.
void enableButtons()
Enable/disable buttons depending on whether Points or Cubes is chosen.
a control network
Definition: ControlNet.h:271
void tie()
Calls the qnet tool for the given control point.
void createFilters()
Sets up the tabbed widgets for the different types of filters available.
A single control point.
Definition: ControlPoint.h:369
void resetCubeList()
This slot is connected to the file tool in qnet.cpp.
void setAprioriDialogPoints()
Slot to pass points selected in Nav List Widget to Apriori Dialog.
void refreshList()
Slot to refresh the listBox.
Qnet Navigation Tool.
Definition: QnetNavTool.h:132
void updateEditPoint(QString pointId)
Update the list showing the new point highlighted.
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
Definition: Apollo.h:31
Base class for the Qisis tools.
Definition: Tool.h:81
void updateActivityHistory(QString activityMessage)
Slot to update the history tab with current edits.
Qnet tool operations.
Definition: QnetTool.h:256
Serial Number list generator.
void deletePoints()
Delete selected Points from control network.
void createNavigationDialog(QWidget *parent)
Creates and shows the dialog box for the navigation tool.
void showNavTool()
This method sets the Navigation Dialog window to shown=true.
void disconnectAprioriDialog()
Apriori dialog has been closed and needs to be disconnected and deleted so a new dialog can be brough...
void editPoint(QListWidgetItem *ptItem)
Emits a modifyPoint signal.