Isis 3 Programmer Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef ControlNetVitals_h
2 #define ControlNetVitals_h
26 #include <QStringList>
28 #include "ControlMeasure.h"
29 #include "ControlNet.h"
30 #include "ControlPoint.h"
32 namespace Isis {
33  class ControlNet;
65  class ControlNetVitals : public QObject {
68  public:
70  virtual ~ControlNetVitals();
72  void initializeVitals();
74  bool hasIslands();
75  int numIslands();
78  ControlPoint *getPoint(QString id);
80  int numPoints();
81  int numIgnoredPoints();
82  int numLockedPoints();
83  int numFixedPoints();
85  int numFreePoints();
86  int numPointsBelowMeasureThreshold(int num=3);
88  int numImages();
89  int numMeasures();
90  int numImagesBelowMeasureThreshold(int num=3);
91  int numImagesBelowHullTolerance(int tolerance=75);
105  QString getNetworkId();
106  QString getStatus();
107  QString getStatusDetails();
109  void emitHistoryEntry(QString entry, QString id, QVariant oldValue, QVariant newValue);
111  signals:
112  void networkChanged();
113  void historyEntry(QString, QString, QVariant, QVariant, QString);
115  public slots:
116  void validate();
118  void addPoint(ControlPoint *);
119  void pointModified(ControlPoint *, ControlPoint::ModType, QVariant, QVariant);
120  void deletePoint(ControlPoint *);
121  void addMeasure(ControlMeasure *);
122  void measureModified(ControlMeasure *, ControlMeasure::ModType, QVariant, QVariant);
126  private:
127  void addMeasureToCounts(ControlMeasure *measure);
134  QString m_status;
164  };
165 };
167 #endif
QList< QString > getImagesBelowMeasureThreshold(int num=3)
This method is designed to return a QList containing cube serials for all images that fall below a me...
ControlNet * m_controlNet
The Control Network that the vitals class is observing.
void pointModified(ControlPoint *, ControlPoint::ModType, QVariant, QVariant)
This SLOT is designed to receive a signal emitted from the Control Network whenever a modification is...
QList< ControlPoint * > getLockedPoints()
This method is designed to return all edit locked points in the Control Network.
QList< ControlPoint * > getFreePoints()
This method is designed to return all free points in the Control Network.
int numImagesBelowMeasureThreshold(int num=3)
This method is designed to return the number of images that fall below a measure threshold.
void measureModified(ControlMeasure *, ControlMeasure::ModType, QVariant, QVariant)
This SLOT is designed to intercept the measureModified() signal emitted by a Control Network whenever...
ControlNetVitals(ControlNet *net)
Constructs a ControlNetVitals object from a ControlNet.
int numIslands()
This method is designed to return the number of islands that exist in the ControlNet Graph...
int m_numPointsIgnored
The number of ignored points in the network.
virtual ~ControlNetVitals()
QList< ControlPoint * > getPointsBelowMeasureThreshold(int num=3)
This method is designed to return all points that fall below a measure threshold. ...
Control Measure Modification Types.
QString getStatusDetails()
This method is designed to return details for the status of the network.
QList< ControlPoint * > getAllPoints()
This method is designed to return all points in the Control Network.
QList< QString > getImagesBelowHullTolerance(int num=75)
This method is designed to return a QList containing cube serials for all images that fall below a co...
int numPoints()
This method is designed to return the number of points in the Control Network.
QString m_status
The string representing the status of the net. Healthy, Weak, or Broken.
void addPoint(ControlPoint *)
This SLOT is designed to intercept the newPoint() signal emitted from a ControlNetwork whenever a new...
QString getNetworkId()
This method is designed to return networkId of the observed Control Network.
void emitHistoryEntry(QString entry, QString id, QVariant oldValue, QVariant newValue)
This method is designed to be called whenever a modification is made to the network, or any of it&#39;s control points or measures.
void validateNetwork(ControlNet::ModType)
This SLOT is designed to intercept the networkModified() signal emitted by a Control Network whenever...
bool hasIslands()
This method is designed to return true if islands exist in the ControlNet Graph and False otherwise...
void validate()
This method is designed to evaluate the current vitals of the network to determine if any weaknesses ...
int m_numPointsLocked
The number of edit locked points in the network.
void removeMeasureFromCounts(ControlMeasure *measure)
Remove a measure from the internal counters.
void deleteMeasure(ControlMeasure *)
This SLOT is designed to intercept the measureRemoved() signal emitted by a Control Network whenever ...
const QList< QList< QString > > & getIslands()
This method is designed to return a QList containing each island present in the ControlNet.
QString getStatus()
This method is designed to return the current status of the network.
int numFreePoints()
This method is designed to return the number of free points in the Control Network.
int numPointsBelowMeasureThreshold(int num=3)
This method is designed to return the number of points that fall below a measure threshold.
a control network
Definition: ControlNet.h:271
int m_numMeasures
The number of measures in the network.
QMap< ControlPoint::PointType, int > m_pointTypeCounts
The pointTypeCounts operates in the same fashion as the above two, except that the key would be the C...
int numIgnoredPoints()
This method is designed to return the number of ignored points in the Control Network.
QList< ControlPoint * > getIgnoredPoints()
This method is designed to return all ignored points in the Control Network.
int numLockedPoints()
This method is designed to return the number of edit locked points in the Control Network...
QMap< int, int > m_pointMeasureCounts
The measureCount maps track how many points/images have how many measures. For instance, if I wanted to know how many points have 3 measures I would query the m_pointMeasureCounts with a key of 3 and it would return how many points have 3 measures.
int numImages()
This method is designed to return the number of images in the Control Network.
QString m_statusDetails
The string providing details into the status of the network.
void addMeasureToCounts(ControlMeasure *measure)
Add a measure to the internal counters.
A single control point.
Definition: ControlPoint.h:369
void deletePoint(ControlPoint *)
This SLOT is designed to intercept the removePoint() signal emitted by a Control Network whenever a p...
QList< ControlPoint * > getConstrainedPoints()
This method is designed to return all constrained points in the Control Network.
Control Point Modification Types.
Definition: ControlNet.h:288
void addMeasure(ControlMeasure *)
This SLOT is designed to intercept the newMeasure() signal emitted by a Control Network whenever a me...
QList< ControlPoint * > getFixedPoints()
This method is designed to return all fixed points in the Control Network.
Control Point Modification Types.
Definition: ControlPoint.h:446
ControlPoint * getPoint(QString id)
This method is designed to return the Control Point with the associated point id from the Control Net...
QMap< int, int > m_imageMeasureCounts
The same is true for imageMeasureCounts, except for images.
void initializeVitals()
This will initialize all necessary values and set up the point measure and image measure QMaps approp...
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
Definition: Apollo.h:31
a control measurement
int numConstrainedPoints()
This method is designed to return the number of constrained points in the Control Network...
QList< QList< QString > > m_islandList
A QList containing every island in the net. Each island consists of a QList containing All cube seria...
int numMeasures()
This method is designed to return the number of measures in the Control Network.
QList< QString > getCubeSerials()
This method is designed to return all cube serials present in the Control Network.
int numFixedPoints()
This method is designed to return the number of fixed points in the Control Network.
int m_numPoints
The number of points in the network.
int numImagesBelowHullTolerance(int tolerance=75)
This method is designed to return the number of images that fall below a hull tolerance.