Isis 3 Programmer Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef ExportPdsTable_h
2 #define ExportPdsTable_h
25 #include <fstream>
27 #include <QString>
29 namespace Isis {
30  class EndianSwapper;
31  class Pvl;
32  class PvlObject;
33  class Table;
34  class TableRecord;
68  public:
69  ExportPdsTable(Table isisTable);
71  PvlObject exportTable(char *pdsTableBuffer, int pdsFileRecordBytes,
72  QString pdsByteOrder);
73  QString formatPdsTableName();
74  static QString formatPdsTableName(QString isisTableName);
75  private:
76  void Pack(TableRecord record, char *buffer, EndianSwapper *endianSwap);
79  int m_numRows;
84  int m_rowBytes;
88  QString m_pdsByteOrder;
90  };
91 }
92 #endif
void Pack(TableRecord record, char *buffer, EndianSwapper *endianSwap)
Pack the buffer with data from the table record, swapping bytes if needed.
int m_outputRecordBytes
The number of bytes per record in the exported PDS file.
Destructs for ExportPdsTable objects.
int m_rowBytes
The number of bytes per row in the exported PDS table.
QString m_pdsByteOrder
A string indicating the byte order of the exported PDS file.
PvlObject exportTable(char *pdsTableBuffer, int pdsFileRecordBytes, QString pdsByteOrder)
This methods fills the given buffer with the binary PDS table data and returns label information...
Table * m_isisTable
Input Isis3 Table object to be exported.
Byte swapper.
Definition: EndianSwapper.h:55
int m_numRows
The number of rows in the exported PDS table.
Class for storing Table blobs information.
Definition: Table.h:77
ExportPdsTable(Table isisTable)
Construct an ExportPdsTable object and set default member variable values.
PvlObject fillMetaData()
Creates a PvlObject to be added to the PDS label with needed TABLE information.
QString formatPdsTableName()
Format the PDS table object name using the Isis3 table name.
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
Definition: Apollo.h:31
Export a PDS table from an Isis3 Table.
Contains Pvl Groups and Pvl Objects.
Definition: PvlObject.h:74