Isis 3 Programmer Reference
Isis::ExportPdsTable Class Reference

Export a PDS table from an Isis3 Table. More...

#include <ExportPdsTable.h>

Collaboration diagram for Isis::ExportPdsTable:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 ExportPdsTable (Table isisTable)
 Construct an ExportPdsTable object and set default member variable values. More...
 ~ExportPdsTable ()
 Destructs for ExportPdsTable objects. More...
PvlObject exportTable (char *pdsTableBuffer, int pdsFileRecordBytes, QString pdsByteOrder)
 This methods fills the given buffer with the binary PDS table data and returns label information. More...
QString formatPdsTableName ()
 Format the PDS table object name using the Isis3 table name. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static QString formatPdsTableName (QString isisTableName)
 Static method that formats the given Isis3 table name in PDS format. More...

Private Member Functions

void Pack (TableRecord record, char *buffer, EndianSwapper *endianSwap)
 Pack the buffer with data from the table record, swapping bytes if needed. More...
PvlObject fillMetaData ()
 Creates a PvlObject to be added to the PDS label with needed TABLE information. More...

Private Attributes

 Input Isis3 Table object to be exported. More...
int m_numRows
 The number of rows in the exported PDS table. More...
int m_outputRecordBytes
 The number of bytes per record in the exported PDS file. More...
int m_rowBytes
 The number of bytes per row in the exported PDS table. More...
QString m_pdsByteOrder
 A string indicating the byte order of the exported PDS file. More...

Detailed Description

Export a PDS table from an Isis3 Table.

This class ingests an Isis3 Table and converts it to a PDS Table.

NOTE: This class exports BINARY format PDS tables. The PDS Standards Reference document indicates that for files containing multiple tables with binary data, the records should be FIXED_LENGTH (not STREAM) and that this value should be the length of the longest record in the file (Appendix A, PDS Standards, last updated February 27, 2009). This document also indicates that all table rows that are less than the fixed record length value should be padded (ususally with nulls).

See also
ExportPdsTable pdsTable(isisTable);
pdsTable.exportToPds(buffer, recordBytes, "LSB");
2012-07-21 Jeannie Backer
2012-11-21 Original Version. References #678.
This class is currently only exporting BINARY format PDS tables. Implementation may be added later to export ASCII PDS tables.

Definition at line 67 of file ExportPdsTable.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ExportPdsTable()

Isis::ExportPdsTable::ExportPdsTable ( Table  isisTable)

Construct an ExportPdsTable object and set default member variable values.

This constructor sets the following defaults:

  • ROWS = Records
  • ROW_BYTES = RecordSize
isisTableThe Isis3 Table object to be exported.

Definition at line 53 of file ExportPdsTable.cpp.

References Isis::Table::Records().

◆ ~ExportPdsTable()

Isis::ExportPdsTable::~ExportPdsTable ( )

Destructs for ExportPdsTable objects.

Definition at line 66 of file ExportPdsTable.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ exportTable()

PvlObject Isis::ExportPdsTable::exportTable ( char *  pdsTableBuffer,
int  outputFileRecordBytes,
QString  pdsTableByteOrder 

This methods fills the given buffer with the binary PDS table data and returns label information.

pdsTableBufferThis buffer will be filled with binary PDS table data.
pdsFileRecordBytesThe number or RECORD_BYTES in the PDS file.
pdsByteOrderA string containing the byte order of the PDS file. Valid values are "LSB" or "MSB".
PvlObject A Pvl containing the PDS table's label information.

Definition at line 82 of file ExportPdsTable.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::TableRecord::RecordSize(), and Isis::toString().

Referenced by Isis::ProcessExportPds::ExportTable().

◆ fillMetaData()

PvlObject Isis::ExportPdsTable::fillMetaData ( )

Creates a PvlObject to be added to the PDS label with needed TABLE information.

PvlObject containing PDS Table metadata.

Definition at line 140 of file ExportPdsTable.cpp.

References Isis::PvlContainer::addKeyword(), Isis::TableField::name(), Isis::TableField::size(), Isis::toString(), and Isis::TableField::type().

◆ formatPdsTableName() [1/2]

QString Isis::ExportPdsTable::formatPdsTableName ( )

Format the PDS table object name using the Isis3 table name.

QString containing the formatted PDS table name.

Definition at line 220 of file ExportPdsTable.cpp.

◆ formatPdsTableName() [2/2]

QString Isis::ExportPdsTable::formatPdsTableName ( QString  isisTableName)

Static method that formats the given Isis3 table name in PDS format.

This method takes the upper camel case Isis table name and returns a PDS table name that is underscore separated, all upper case and with "_TABLE" appended to the end of the name, if not already present.

isisTableNameAn QString containing the Isis3 upper camel case table name.
QString containing the formatted PDS table name.

Definition at line 234 of file ExportPdsTable.cpp.

◆ Pack()

void Isis::ExportPdsTable::Pack ( TableRecord  record,
char *  buffer,
EndianSwapper endianSwap 

Pack the buffer with data from the table record, swapping bytes if needed.

recordIsis3 TableRecord to be exported
bufferOutput buffer to be filled with PDS table row data in the appropriate byte order.
endianSwapPointer to EndianSwapper object to swap bytes if the input Isis Table byte order is not the same as the output PDS byte order.

Definition at line 264 of file ExportPdsTable.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::EndianSwapper::Double(), Isis::TableRecord::Fields(), Isis::EndianSwapper::Float(), Isis::EndianSwapper::Int(), Isis::TableField::isDouble(), Isis::TableField::isInteger(), Isis::TableField::isReal(), Isis::TableField::isText(), Isis::TableField::name(), and Isis::TableField::size().

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_isisTable

Table* Isis::ExportPdsTable::m_isisTable

Input Isis3 Table object to be exported.

Definition at line 78 of file ExportPdsTable.h.

◆ m_numRows

int Isis::ExportPdsTable::m_numRows

The number of rows in the exported PDS table.

This value is the same as the number of records the Isis3 Table.

Definition at line 79 of file ExportPdsTable.h.

◆ m_outputRecordBytes

int Isis::ExportPdsTable::m_outputRecordBytes

The number of bytes per record in the exported PDS file.

Definition at line 82 of file ExportPdsTable.h.

◆ m_pdsByteOrder

QString Isis::ExportPdsTable::m_pdsByteOrder

A string indicating the byte order of the exported PDS file.

Definition at line 88 of file ExportPdsTable.h.

◆ m_rowBytes

int Isis::ExportPdsTable::m_rowBytes

The number of bytes per row in the exported PDS table.

This value is the same as the RecordSize (number of bytes per record) of the Isis3 Table.

Definition at line 84 of file ExportPdsTable.h.

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