30 #include <QSharedPointer> 35 #include "XmlStackedHandler.h" 39 class QXmlStreamWriter;
45 class GuiCameraDisplayProperties;
48 class XmlStackedHandlerReader;
192 #endif // GuiCamera_h QString m_spacecraftNameLong
The full spacecraft name.
QString spacecraftNameLong()
Retrieves the full name of the spacecraft.
QString m_spacecraftNameShort
An abbreviated name for the spacecraft.
This allows Cube *'s to be stored in a QVariant.
QString m_instrumentNameShort
The abbreviated instrument name.
QString instrumentId()
Retrieve the InstrumentId as appears in the original cube label.
Container class for GuiCamera.
QString spacecraftNameShort()
Retrieves an abbbreviated name for the spacecraft.
The Destructor.
QUuid * m_id
A unique ID for this GuiCamera object (useful for others to reference this object when saving to disk...
QString id() const
Output format:
QString m_instrumentId
The InstrumentId as it appears on the cube.
GuiCamera(Camera *camera, QObject *parent=0)
The constructor for this class.
bool operator==(const GuiCamera &srcGuiCamera) const
Compares two Target Body objects to see if they are equal.
QString instrumentNameShort()
Retrieves an abbreviated version for the name of the instrument.
QSharedPointer< GuiCamera > GuiCameraQsp
GuiCameraQsp Represents a smart pointer to a GuiCamera object.
The GUI communication mechanism for target body objects.
QString instrumentNameLong()
Retrieves a long version for the name of the instrument.
QString m_instrumentNameLong
The full instrument name.
const GuiCameraDisplayProperties * displayProperties() const
Retrieves the display properties of the camera.
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
GuiCameraDisplayProperties * m_displayProperties