1 #ifndef ScatterPlotAlarmConfigDialog_h 2 #define ScatterPlotAlarmConfigDialog_h 16 class ScatterPlotWindow;
QPointer< QCheckBox > m_alarmOntoPlot
This is the user option for enabling alarming viewport->plot.
ScatterPlotAlarmConfigDialog & operator=(const ScatterPlotAlarmConfigDialog &other)
Assignment of this class is disallowed.
QPointer< QSpinBox > m_alarmOntoViewportHeight
The Y-Pixel Screen Box Size for alarming plot->viewport.
QPointer< QSpinBox > m_alarmOntoPlotSamples
This is the sample box size for alarming viewport->plot.
QPointer< QPushButton > m_applyButton
Button for accepting the current settings.
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_alarmOntoViewportXDnSize
The X-Pixel Cube DN Box Size for alarming plot->viewport.
void readSettingsFromScatterPlot()
Update the current widgets' states with the current settings in the scatter plot window.
QPointer< QCheckBox > m_alarmOntoViewport
This is the user option for enabling alarming plot->viewport.
QPointer< ScatterPlotWindow > m_window
The scatter plot window that we're configuring alarming on.
This is the configuration dialog for alarming scatter plots between the plot window and cube viewport...
void refreshWidgetStates()
Update the enabled/disabled states of the various widgets based on the current user inputs' states...
ScatterPlotAlarmConfigDialog(ScatterPlotWindow *window, QWidget *parent=NULL)
Create an alarming configuration dialog.
QPointer< QPushButton > m_okayButton
Button for accepting the current settings and closing the window.
QPointer< QComboBox > m_alarmOntoViewportUnits
This is whether alarming plot->viewport should be screen pixels or a set box size regardless of zoom ...
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
void applySettingsToScatterPlot()
Take the settings that have been configured and apply them to the scatter plot.
QPointer< QLineEdit > m_alarmOntoViewportYDnSize
The Y-Pixel Cube DN Box Size for alarming plot->viewport.
QPointer< QSpinBox > m_alarmOntoViewportWidth
The X-Pixel Screen Box Size for alarming plot->viewport.
QPointer< QSpinBox > m_alarmOntoPlotLines
This is the line box size for alarming viewport->plot.