Isis 3 Programmer Reference
1 #ifndef ScatterPlotWindow_h
2 #define ScatterPlotWindow_h
4 // Only Parents of classes defined in this file should be included in this file!
5 #include "PlotWindow.h"
7 #include <QList>
8 #include <QScopedPointer>
10 class QwtPlotSpectrogram;
11 class QwtPlotMarker;
13 namespace Isis {
14  class Cube;
15  class ScatterPlotTool;
28  class ScatterPlotWindow : public PlotWindow {
31  public:
41  };
43  ScatterPlotWindow(QString title,
44  Cube *xAxisCube, int xAxisBand, int xAxisBinCount,
45  Cube *yAxisCube, int yAxisBand, int yAxisBinCount,
46  QwtInterval sampleRange, QwtInterval lineRange,
47  QWidget *parent);
48  virtual ~ScatterPlotWindow();
50  bool alarmingPlot() const;
51  bool alarmingViewport() const;
57  bool eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e);
59  virtual void paint(MdiCubeViewport *vp, QPainter *painter);
61  void setMousePosition(MdiCubeViewport *vp, QPoint mouseLoc);
63  void setAlarmingPlot(bool);
64  void setAlarmingViewport(bool);
65  void setAlarmPlotBoxSize(int, int);
67  void setAlarmViewportScreenBoxSize(int, int);
68  void setAlarmViewportDnBoxSize(double, double);
70  public slots:
71  void forgetCubes();
73  protected slots:
74  void colorPlot();
75  void showHideContour();
77  private:
78  bool isXCube(MdiCubeViewport *vp) const;
79  bool isYCube(MdiCubeViewport *vp) const;
81  void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
82  void mouseLeaveEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
83  void updateContourPen();
85  private slots:
86  void configureAlarming();
88  private:
90  QwtPlotSpectrogram *m_spectrogram;
93  QPointer<QAction> m_colorize;
95  QPointer<QAction> m_contour;
110  QwtInterval m_sampleRange;
112  QwtInterval m_lineRange;
134  };
135 }
137 #endif
Cube display widget for certain Isis MDI applications.
bool isXCube(MdiCubeViewport *vp) const
Returns true if the viewport&#39;s cube is the cube currently being used on the x-axis.
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
When the mosue moves, this updates the alarming information and causes repaints on the cube viewports...
bool eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e)
We override events done on the plot canvas for alarming purposes.
int m_yAxisCubeBand
The band on the Y-Axis cube used for the scatter plot.
bool m_alarmViewport
Alarm onto viewport... aka alarm plot->viewport.
AlarmRangeUnits m_alarmViewportUnits
Alarm plot->viewport current units.
void setAlarmViewportUnits(AlarmRangeUnits)
This sets the units to be used for alarming plot->viewport.
void colorPlot()
This method switches the color mode of the scatter plot from black and white to color and visa versa...
void setAlarmingPlot(bool)
This enables or disables alarming viewport->plot.
int m_alarmPlotSamples
Alarm viewport->plot viewport sample box size.
int m_alarmPlotLines
Alarm viewport->plot viewport line box size.
AlarmRangeUnits alarmViewportUnits() const
This is the active alarming units for plot->viewport.
QPair< double, double > m_yCubeDnAlarmRange
The DN range of the Y-Axis Cube to be alarmed when painting.
Alarming is a DN range around the mouse.
bool m_alarmPlot
Alarm onto plot... aka alarm viewport->plot.
QPair< int, int > alarmPlotBoxSize() const
This is the sample/line box sizes for alarming from viewport to plot.
int m_alarmViewportScreenHeight
Alarm plot->viewport Y (screen pixels) box size.
ScatterPlotWindow(QString title, Cube *xAxisCube, int xAxisBand, int xAxisBinCount, Cube *yAxisCube, int yAxisBand, int yAxisBinCount, QwtInterval sampleRange, QwtInterval lineRange, QWidget *parent)
Create a scatter plot window with the given data.
void setAlarmViewportDnBoxSize(double, double)
This sets the cube DN box size for alarming plot->viewport.
QPointer< QAction > m_colorize
The action for switching the scatter plot from B/W to color.
QwtInterval m_sampleRange
The sample range (1-based inclusive) of data used for the scatter plot.
Alarming is a visible area around the mouse.
virtual void paint(MdiCubeViewport *vp, QPainter *painter)
If the viewport is showing the x axis cube data or y axis cube data, and alarming is enabled...
void updateContourPen()
This sets the contour pen to an appropriate color based on the color of the plot (B/W v...
void setAlarmPlotBoxSize(int, int)
This sets the box size for alarming viewport->plot in cube samples/lines.
QPair< double, double > alarmViewportDnBoxSize() const
This is the alarming box size for plot->viewport in cube units (number of samples/lines).
int m_xAxisCubeBand
The band on the X-Axis cube used for the scatter plot.
double m_alarmViewportYDnBoxSize
Alarm plot->viewport Y (Cube DN) box size.
void mouseLeaveEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
When the mouse leaves the plot canvas we disable all alarming from plot->viewport.
This enumeration differentiates alarming a strict cube DN box size from a screen region.
double m_alarmViewportXDnBoxSize
Alarm plot->viewport X (Cube DN) box size.
void forgetCubes()
This causes the window to lose it&#39;s pointers to the input cubes.
QPair< int, int > alarmViewportScreenBoxSize() const
This is the alarming box size for plot->viewport in screen units.
void setAlarmViewportScreenBoxSize(int, int)
This sets the screen pixel box size for alarming plot->viewport.
Scatter Plot Window.
Cube * m_xAxisCube
The cube associated with the X-Axis DN values.
QPair< double, double > m_xCubeDnAlarmRange
The DN range of the X-Axis Cube to be alarmed when painting.
void setMousePosition(MdiCubeViewport *vp, QPoint mouseLoc)
Saves the current mouse position in the viewport so that the plot can be alarmed around that position...
Cube * m_yAxisCube
The cube associated with the Y-Axis DN values.
void showHideContour()
This method hides or displays the contour lines on the spectrogram.
Namespace for ISIS/Bullet specific routines.
Definition: Apollo.h:31
bool alarmingPlot() const
This indicates if we are alarming from viewport to plot.
void setAlarmingViewport(bool)
This enables or disables alarming plot->viewport.
QwtInterval m_lineRange
The line range (1-based inclusive) of data used for the scatter plot.
bool alarmingViewport() const
This indicates if we are alarming from plot to viewport.
QPointer< QAction > m_contour
The action for switching on and off contour lines.
QwtPlotSpectrogram * m_spectrogram
This is the scatter plot&#39;s Qwt plot item.
bool isYCube(MdiCubeViewport *vp) const
Returns true if the viewport&#39;s cube is the cube currently being used on the y-axis.
int m_alarmViewportScreenWidth
Alarm plot->viewport X (screen pixels) box size.
void configureAlarming()
Give the users an alarm config dialog to change the alarming settings.
IO Handler for Isis Cubes.
Definition: Cube.h:170