Isis 3 Programmer Reference
Isis::BundleAdjust Class Reference

An image bundle adjustment object. More...

#include <BundleAdjust.h>

Inheritance diagram for Isis::BundleAdjust:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Isis::BundleAdjust:
Collaboration graph

Public Slots

bool solveCholesky ()
 Compute the least squares bundle adjustment solution using Cholesky decomposition. More...
void abortBundle ()
 Flag to abort when bundle is threaded. More...
void outputBundleStatus (QString status)
 Slot for deltack and jigsaw to output the bundle status. More...
ControlNetQsp controlNet ()
 Returns a pointer to the output control network. More...
SerialNumberListserialNumberList ()
 Returns a pointer to the serial number list. More...
QString fileName (int index)
 Return the ith filename in the cube list file given to constructor. More...
QString iterationSummaryGroup () const
 Returns the iteration summary string. More...
bool isConverged ()
 Returns if the BundleAdjust converged. More...
Table cMatrix (int index)
 Return a table cmatrix for the ith cube in the cube list given to the constructor. More...
Table spVector (int index)
 Return a table spacecraft vector for the ith cube in the cube list given to the constructor. More...
int numberOfImages () const
 Returns the number of images. More...
double iteration () const
 Returns what iteration the BundleAdjust is currently on. More...


void statusUpdate (QString)
void error (QString)
void iterationUpdate (int)
void pointUpdate (int)
void statusBarUpdate (QString)
void resultsReady (BundleSolutionInfo *bundleSolveInformation)
void finished ()

Public Member Functions

 BundleAdjust (BundleSettingsQsp bundleSettings, const QString &cnetFile, const QString &cubeList, bool printSummary=true)
 Construct a BundleAdjust object from the given settings, control network file, and cube list. More...
 BundleAdjust (BundleSettingsQsp bundleSettings, QString &cnet, SerialNumberList &snlist, bool printSummary=true)
 Construct a BundleAdjust object with held cubes. More...
 BundleAdjust (BundleSettingsQsp bundleSettings, Control &cnet, SerialNumberList &snlist, bool bPrintSummary)
 Constructs a BundleAdjust object using a Control object. More...
 BundleAdjust (BundleSettingsQsp bundleSettings, ControlNet &cnet, SerialNumberList &snlist, bool printSummary=true)
 Constructs a BundleAdjust object using a ControlNet object. More...
 BundleAdjust (BundleSettingsQsp bundleSettings, ControlNetQsp cnet, const QString &cubeList, bool printSummary=true)
 Constructs a BundleAdjust from an already created ControlNet within a shared pointer. More...
 BundleAdjust (BundleSettingsQsp bundleSettings, Control &control, QList< ImageList *> imgList, bool printSummary)
 Thread safe constructor. More...
 ~BundleAdjust ()
 Destroys BundleAdjust object, deallocates pointers (if we have ownership), and frees variables from cholmod library. More...
BundleSolutionInfosolveCholeskyBR ()
 Compute the least squares bundle adjustment solution using Cholesky decomposition. More...
QList< ImageList * > imageLists ()
 This method returns the image list used in the bundle adjust. More...
bool isAborted ()
Returns if the BundleAdjust has been aborted. More...

Private Member Functions

void init (Progress *progress=0)
 Initialize all solution parameters. More...
bool initializeNormalEquationsMatrix ()
 Initialize Normal Equations matrix (m_sparseNormals). More...
bool validateNetwork ()
 control network validation - on the very real chance that the net has not been checked before running the bundle More...
bool solveSystem ()
 Compute the solution to the normal equations using the CHOLMOD library. More...
void iterationSummary ()
 Creates an iteration summary and an iteration group for the solution summary. More...
BundleSolutionInfobundleSolveInformation ()
 Create a BundleSolutionInfo containing the settings and results from the bundle adjustment. More...
bool computeBundleStatistics ()
 Compute Bundle statistics and store them in m_bundleResults. More...
void applyParameterCorrections ()
 apply parameter corrections for solution. More...
bool errorPropagation ()
 Error propagation for solution. More...
double computeResiduals ()
 This method computes the focal plane residuals for the measures. More...
bool computeRejectionLimit ()
 Compute rejection limit. More...
bool flagOutliers ()
 Flags outlier measures and control points. More...
bool formNormalEquations ()
 Form the least-squares normal equations matrix via cholmod. More...
bool computePartials (LinearAlgebra::Matrix &coeffTarget, LinearAlgebra::Matrix &coeffImage, LinearAlgebra::Matrix &coeffPoint3D, LinearAlgebra::Vector &coeffRHS, BundleMeasure &measure, BundleControlPoint &point)
 Compute partial derivatives and weighted residuals for a measure. More...
bool formMeasureNormals (boost::numeric::ublas::symmetric_matrix< double, boost::numeric::ublas::upper > &N22, SparseBlockColumnMatrix &N12, boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_vector< double > &n1, LinearAlgebra::Vector &n2, LinearAlgebra::Matrix &coeffTarget, LinearAlgebra::Matrix &coeffImage, LinearAlgebra::Matrix &coeffPoint3D, LinearAlgebra::Vector &coeffRHS, int observationIndex)
 Form the auxilary normal equation matrices for a measure. More...
bool formPointNormals (boost::numeric::ublas::symmetric_matrix< double, boost::numeric::ublas::upper > &N22, SparseBlockColumnMatrix &N12, LinearAlgebra::Vector &n2, LinearAlgebra::Vector &nj, BundleControlPointQsp &point)
 Compute the Q matrix and NIC vector for a control point. More...
bool formWeightedNormals (boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_vector< double > &n1, LinearAlgebra::Vector &nj)
 Apply weighting for spacecraft position, velocity, acceleration and camera angles, angular velocities, angular accelerations if so stipulated (legalese). More...
void productAB (SparseBlockColumnMatrix &A, SparseBlockRowMatrix &B)
 Perform the matrix multiplication C = N12 x Q. More...
void accumProductAlphaAB (double alpha, SparseBlockRowMatrix &A, LinearAlgebra::Vector &B, LinearAlgebra::Vector &C)
 Performs the matrix multiplication nj = nj + alpha (Q x n2). More...
bool invert3x3 (boost::numeric::ublas::symmetric_matrix< double, boost::numeric::ublas::upper > &m)
 Dedicated quick inverse of 3x3 matrix. More...
bool productATransB (boost::numeric::ublas::symmetric_matrix< double, boost::numeric::ublas::upper > &N22, SparseBlockColumnMatrix &N12, SparseBlockRowMatrix &Q)
 Perform the matrix multiplication Q = N22 x N12(transpose) More...
void productAlphaAV (double alpha, boost::numeric::ublas::bounded_vector< double, 3 > &v2, SparseBlockRowMatrix &Q, LinearAlgebra::Vector &v1)
bool initializeCHOLMODLibraryVariables ()
 Initializations for CHOLMOD sparse matrix package. More...
bool freeCHOLMODLibraryVariables ()
 Free CHOLMOD library variables. More...
bool cholmodInverse ()
 Compute inverse of normal equations matrix for CHOLMOD. More...
bool loadCholmodTriplet ()
 Load sparse normal equations matrix into CHOLMOD triplet. More...
bool wrapUp ()
 Compute the residuals for each adjusted point and store adjustment results in m_bundleResults. More...

Private Attributes

BundleSettingsQsp m_bundleSettings
 Contains the solve settings. More...
BundleResults m_bundleResults
 Stores the results of the bundle adjust. More...
Statistics m_xResiduals
 x residual statistics. More...
Statistics m_yResiduals
 y residual statistics. More...
Statistics m_xyResiduals
 xy residual statistics. More...
ControlNetQsp m_controlNet
 Output control net. More...
QString m_cnetFileName
 The control net filename. More...
QVector< BundleControlPointQspm_bundleControlPoints
BundleObservationVector m_bundleObservations
 !< Vector of control points. More...
 !< Vector of observations. More...
BundleTargetBodyQsp m_bundleTargetBody
bool m_abort
 !< Contains information about the target body. More...
QString m_iterationSummary
bool m_printSummary
 !< Summary of the most recently completed iteration. More...
bool m_cleanUp
 !< If the iteration summaries should be output to the log file. More...
int m_rank
 !< If the serial number lists need to be deleted by the destructor. More...
int m_iteration
 The current iteration. More...
int m_numberOfImagePartials
 number of image-related partials. More...
QList< ImageList * > m_imageLists
boost::numeric::ublas::symmetric_matrix< double, boost::numeric::ublas::upper, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major > m_normalInverse
 !< The lists of images used in the bundle. More...
cholmod_common m_cholmodCommon
LinearAlgebra::Vector m_RHS
 !< Contains object parameters, statistics, and workspace used by the CHOLMOD library. More...
SparseBlockMatrix m_sparseNormals
 !< The right hand side of the normal equations. More...
cholmod_triplet * m_cholmodTriplet
 !< The sparse block normal equations matrix. More...
cholmod_sparse * m_cholmodNormal
 !< The CHOLMOD triplet representation of the sparse normal equations matrix. More...
cholmod_factor * m_L
 !< The CHOLMOD sparse normal equations matrix used by cholmod_factorize to solve the system. More...
LinearAlgebra::Vector m_imageSolution
 !< The lower triangular L matrix from Cholesky decomposition. More...
int m_previousNumberImagePartials
 !< The image parameter solution vector. More...

Detailed Description

An image bundle adjustment object.

BundleAdjust is used to perform a bundle adjustment on overlapping ISIS 3 cubes. Using the collineariy condition, BundleAdjust can construct a system of normal equations and then using the CHOLMOD library, solve that system.

2006-05-30 Jeff Anderson, Debbie A. Cook, and Tracie Sucharski

2005-05-30 Jeff Anderson, Debbie A. Cook & Tracie Sucharski - Original version

2007-05-29 Debbie A. Cook - Added new method iterationSummary and changed points on held images to held instead of ground.

2007-07-12 Debbie A. Cook - Fixed bug in iteration statistics calculations in the case of a single control point that was causing a divide by zero error.

2007-08-25 Debbie A. Cook - Added methods and members to support instrument position solution.

2007-09-17 Debbie A. Cook - Added ability to process in observation mode for Lunar Orbiter.

2007-11-17 Debbie A. Cook - Added method SetSolution Method.

2007-12-21 Debbie A. Cook - Added member p_Degree and methods m_nsolveCamDegree and ckDegree.

2008-01-11 Debbie A. Cook - Added observation mode functionality for spacecraft position and upgraded ObservationNumber methods for compatability.

2008-01-14 Debbie A. Cook - Added code to solve for local radii.

2008-04-18 Debbie A. Cook - Added progress for ControlNet.

2008-06-18 Christopher Austin - Fixed ifndef.

2008-11-07 Tracie Sucharski - Added bool to constructors to indicate whether to print iteration summary info to the session log. This was needed for qtie which has no session log.

2008-11-22 Debbie A. Cook - Added code to wrap longitude to keep it in [0.0, 360.0].

2008-11-22 Debbie A. Cook - Added new call to get timeScale and set for the observation along with basetime.

2008-11-26 Debbie A. Cook - Added check to applyHeldList for Ignored points and measures.

2009-01-08 Debbie A. Cook - Revised AddPartials and PointPartial to avoid using the camera methods to map a body-fixed vector to the camera because they compute a new time for line scan cameras based on the lat/lon/radius and the new time is used to retrieve Spice. The updated software uses the Spice at the time of the measurement.

2009-02-15 Debbie A. Cook - Corrected focal length to include its sign and removed obsolete calls to X/Y direction methods. Also modified PointPartial to use lat/lon/radius from the point instead of the camera.

2009-08-13 Debbie A. Cook - Corrected calculations of cudx and cudy so that they use the signed focal length also.

2009-10-14 Debbie A. Cook - Modified AddPartials method to use new CameraGroundMap method, GetXY.

2009-10-30 Debbie A. Cook - Improved error message in AddPartials.

2009-12-14 Debbie A. Cook - Updated SpicePosition enumerated partial type constants.

2010-03-19 Debbie A. Cook - Moved partials to GroundMap classes to support Radar sensors and modified argument list for GroundMap method ComputeXY since it now returns cudx and cudy.

2010-06-18 Debbie A. Cook - Added p_cnetFile as member since it was taken out of ControlNet.

2010-07-09 Ken Edmundson - Added Folding in solution method (SPECIALK), error propogation, statistical report, etc.

2010-08-13 Debbie A. Cook - Changed surface point from lat/lon/radius to body-fixed XYZ.

2010-12-17 Debbie A. Cook - Merged Ken Edmundson version with system and updated to new binary control net.

2011-02-01 Debbie A. Cook - Moved code to create point index map into its own method to be called after the solution method has been set.

2011-02-17 Debbie A. Cook - Updated to use new parameter added to SpicePosition, p_timeScale.

2011-03-05 Debbie A. Cook - Put point index creation back in init. This will prevent QRD and SVD from working if ground points are in the control net.

2011-03-29 Ken Edmundson - Fixed bug in observation mode when solving for spacecraft position and improved output.

2011-04-02 Debbie A. Cook - Updated to ControlPoint class changes regarding target radii. Also separated out 2 sets of calculations to test later for efficiency.

2011-06-05 Debbie A. Cook - Changed checks for solution type to match change from SPARSE to SPARSE-LU.

2011-06-07 Debbie A. Cook - and Tracie Sucharski - Modified point types from Ground to Fixed and from Tie to Free.

2011-06-14 Debbie A. Cook - added method isHeld(int index) for preventing any updates to held images.

2011-06-27 Debbie A. Cook - and Ken Edmundson Added names to top header fields of .csv output and fixed bugs in sparse output.

2011-07-12 Ken Edmundson - Segmentation fault bugfix in OutputHeader method. Previously was attempting to output camera angle sigmas when none had been allocated.

2011-07-14 Ken Edmundson and Debbie Cook - Added new member, m_bDeltack to indicate calling application was deltack (or qtie) and has potential to have a single ControlPoint and ControlMeasure.

2011-08-08 Tracie Sucharski - Added method to return the iteration summary to be used in qtie which does not have a log file. In SetImages, clear the cameraMavtpv_targetBodyp and cameraList. Added this back in (was originally added on 2011-01-19), was deleted somewhere along the line.

2011-09-28 Debbie A. Cook - Renamed SPARSE solve method to OLDSPARSE and CHOLMOD to SPARSE.

2011-10-14 Ken Edmundson - Added call to m_pCnet->ClearJigsawRejected() to the init() method to set all measure/point JigsawRejected flags to false prior to bundle.

2011-12-09 Ken Edmundson - Memory leak fix in method cholmodInverse. Need call to "cholmod_free_dense(&x,&m_cholmodCommon)" inside loop.

2011-12-20 Ken Edmundson - Fixes to outlier rejection. Added rejection multiplier member variable, can be set in jigsaw interface.

2012-02-02 Debbie A. Cook - Added SetSolvePolyOverHermite method and members m_bSolvePolyOverHermite and m_positionType.

2012-03-26 Orrin Thomas - Added maximum likelihood capabilities.

2012-05-21 Debbie A. Cook - Added initialization of m_dRejectionMultiplier.

2012-07-06 Debbie A. Cook - Updated Spice members to be more compliant with Isis coding standards. References #972.

2012-09-28 Ken Edmundson - Initialized variables for bundle statistic computations. The bundleout.txt file was modifed to show N/A for RMS, Min, Max of Radius Sigmas when not solving for radius. References #783.

2013-11-12 Ken Edmundson - Programmers Note. References #813, #1521, #1653 #813 - Info echoed to screen when using Maximum Likelihood methods are now printed to print.prt file. #1521 - The cout debug statements that appear on screen when updating images were removed from SpiceRotation.cpp #1653 - Constraints were being applied for "Free" points that have constrained coordinates. Also found that a priori coordinates for these points were not being computed in ControlPoint::ComputeApriori, this has also been fixed.

2013-12-18 Tracie Sucharski - The ControlNet::GetNumberOfMeasuresInImage was renamed to ControlNet::GetNumberOfValidMeasuresInImage and only returns the number of valid (Ignore= False) measures.

2014-02-25 Ken Edmundson - Speed up and memory improvements to error propagation. References #2031.

2014-05-16 Jeannie Backer - Added BundleSettings object to constructor inputs. Cleaned and organized code. Updated to be more compliant with ISIS coding standards.

2014-07-14 Kimberly Oyama - Added support for correlation matrix. Covariance matrix is now written to a file and the location is saved as part of the CorrelationMatrix object.

2014-07-23 Jeannie Backer - Modified to print "N/A" for rejection multiplier if outlier rejection is turned off.

2014-09-18 Kimberly Oyama - Added a constructor for running the bunlde in a separate thread.

2014-11-05 Ken Edmundson - Fixed memory bug. Wasn't releasing cholmod_factor m_L every iteration. Now release every iteration but the last since we

2015-02-20 Jeannie Backer - Updated to be more compliant with ISIS coding standards.

2015-08-17 Jeannie Backer - Updated to be more compliant with ISIS coding standards.

2015-09-03 Jeannie Backer - Changed the name of the output correlation matrix file from ["inverseMatrix" + random unique code + ".dat"] to [BundleSettings::outputFilePrefix() + "inverseMatrix.dat"]. So that the prefix can be used to specify the path of the location where the matrix file should be written. Some improvements made to comply with coding standards.

2015-09-10 Ian Humphrey - Fixed include for cholmod header after updating v005 libraries.

2016-07-11 Jesse Mapel - Changed m_bundleControlPoints to be a vector of QSharedPointers to BundleControlPoints instead of a BundleControlPointVector. Fixes #4099.

2016-07-11 Jeannie Backer - Removed initialize(). Implementation was moved the the bottom of init() method. Fixes #4161.

2016-08-03 Jesse Mapel - Changed BundleObservationVector to a vector of QSharedPointers. Fixes #4150.

2016-08-10 Jeannie Backer - Replaced boost vectors and matrices with Isis::LinearAlgebra::Vector and Isis::LinearAlgebra::Matrix, respectively. References #4163.

2016-08-15 Jesse Mapel - Moved write methods to BundleSolutionInfo. Changed constructors to always construct a new control network. Fixes #4159.

2016-08-15 Ian Humphrey - Replaced ISIS ControlPoint and ControlMeasure uses with BundleControlPoint and BundleMeasure. No longer need to check if the BundleControlPoint or BundleMeasure is ignored before use, since we only add non-ignored ControlPoints to the BundleControlPoint, and we only add non-ignored ControlMeasures to the BundleControlPoint. Fixes #4173, #4201.

2016-08-16 Jesse Mapel - Added error throw when covariance matrices are not symmetric due to unstable data and settings. Fixes #2302.

2016-08-17 Jesse Mapel - Moved all method implementations to the cpp file. Fixes #4185.

2016-08-18 Jeannie Backer - Removed all references to deprecated solve methods SpeckialK and OldSparse. Fixes #4162.

2016-08-23 Jesse Mapel - Removed output file calls. Apps and objects that use BundleAdjust must call output methods from BundleSolutionInfo. Fixes #4279.

2016-08-24 Jesse Mapel - Updated documentation and member variable names. Brought closer to ISIS 3 coding standards. Fixes #4183, #4188, #4235.

2016-08-28 Kelvin Rodriguez - Remvoed useless register keywords to squash warnigns in clang. Part of porting to OS X 10.11.

2016-09-22 Ian Humphrey - Modified validateNetwork() so that validation status messages are logged to stdout. Fixes #4313.

2016-10-05 Ian Humphrey - Modified errorPropagation_CHOLMOD() to check bundle settings to see if it should generate the inverseMatrix.dat file. References #4315.

2016-10-13 Ian Humphrey - Added constructor that takes a ControlNetQsp, so that when jigsaw modifies a control net for a held image, the control net can be passed as a shared pointer. Removed m_pHeldSnList, isHeld(), checkHeldList(), applyHeldList(), two constructors that used heldList parameters. Modified destructor to not delete m_pHeldSnList, since it was removed. Fixes #4293.

2016-10-17 Adam Paquette - Cleaned up terminal output for readability and cohesion Fixes #4263, #4311, #4312.

2016-10-18 Ian Humphrey - Modified iterationSummary() to always output Rejected_Measures kewyord, regardless of outlier rejection being on or off. Fixes #4461.

2016-10-25 Ian Humphrey - Modified iterationSumary() to always output Rejected_Measures keyword, regarldess of outlier rjection being on or off. Fixes #4461. Modified solveCholesky() and computeRejectionLimit() so jigsaw's std out for Rejection Limit, Sigma0, and Elapsed Time match ISIS production's jigsaw std out. Fixes #4463.

2016-10-28 Ian Humphrey - Modified solveCholesky() and errorPropagation() to change spacing in terminal output, so that it matches production. References #4463.

2016-11-16 Ian Humphrey - Modified solveCholesky() to throw caught exceptions that occur. Removed bundleException(QString) signal. Fixes #4483.

2016-12-01 Ian Humphrey - Modified outputBundleStatus()'s printf() call so that there is no longer a -Wformat-security warning.

2017-05-01 Makayla Shepherd - Added imageLists() to track and return the images bundled. Fixes #4818.

2017-05-09 Tracie Sucharski - Fixed an empty pointer in ::imgeLists method.

2017-05-09 Ken Edmundson - Speed improvements and error propagation bug fix. Separated initializations for Normal Equations matrix out of ::initializeCholmodLibraryVariables() into ::initializeNormalEquationsMatrix(). Added m_previousNumberImagePartials to avoid unnecessary resizing of the "coeffImage" matrix in ::computePartials. New m_startColumn member in SparseBlockColumnMatrix eliminates costly computation of leading colums and rows. In ::errorPropagation method, call to get Q matrix from BundleControlPoint was creating a copy instead of getting a reference. References #4664.

2017-06-08 Makayla Shepherd - Modified imageLists() to close the image cube after adding it to the image list. Fixes #4908.

2017-08-09 Summer Stapleton - Added a try/catch around the m_controlNet assignment in each of the constructors to verify valid control net input. Fixes #5068.

2017-09-01 Debbie A. Cook - Added BundleSettingsQsp as argument to BundleControlPoint constructor and moved setWeights call from BundleAdjust::init to BundleControlPoint constructor. Don't allow solving for triaxial radii when coordinate type is not Latitudinal. Added new optional argument controlPointCoordType to ControlNet constructor call. References #4649 and #501.

2018-05-31 Debbie A. Cook - Moved productAlphaAV and control point parameter correction code to BundleControlPoint. Earlier revised errorPropagation to compute the sigmas via the variance/covariance matrices instead of the sigmas. This should produce more accurate results. References #4649 and #501.

2018-05-22 Ken Edmundson - Modified methods bundleSolveInformation() and solveCholeskyBR() to return raw pointers to a BundleSolutionInfo object. Also modified resultsReady signal to take a raw pointer to a BundleSolutionInfo object. This was done to avoid using a copy constructor in the BundleSolutionInfo class because it is derived from QObject. Note that we ultimately want to return a QSharedPointer instead of a raw pointer.

2018-06-14 Christopher Combs - Added getter method to tell if a bundle adjust was aborted. Added emits for status updates to the run widget.

2018-06-18 Makayla Shepherd - Stopped command line output for ipce BundleAdjust. Fixes #4171.

2018-09-06 Debbie A. Cook - (added to BundleXYZ branch on 2017-09-01) Added BundleSettingsQsp as argument to BundleControlPoint constructor and moved setWeights call from BundleAdjust::init to BundleControlPoint constructor. Don't allow solving for triaxial radii when coordinate type is not Latitudinal. Added new optional argument controlPointCoordType to ControlNet constructor call. References #4649 and #501.

2018-09-06 Debbie A. Cook and Ken Edmundson - (added to BundleXYZ branch on (2018-05-31). Moved productAlphaAV and control point parameter correction code to BundleControlPoint. Earlier revised errorPropagation to compute the sigmas via the variance/ covariance matrices instead of the sigmas. This should produce more accurate results. References #4649 and #501.

2018-09-06 Debbie A. Cook - Removed obsolete member variables: m_radiansToMeters, m_metersToRadians, and m_bodyRadii which have been replaced with the local radius of a control point for converting point sigmas to/from radians from/to meters. References #4649 and #501.

2019-05-15 Debbie A. Cook - The call to CameraGroundMap::GetXY in method ComputePartials was modified to not check for points on the back side of the planet when computing instrument coordinates during the bundle adjustment. In the future a control net diagnostic program might be useful to detect any points not visible on an image based on the exterior orientation of the image. References #2591.

Definition at line 333 of file BundleAdjust.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BundleAdjust() [1/6]

Isis::BundleAdjust::BundleAdjust ( BundleSettingsQsp  bundleSettings,
const QString &  cnetFile,
const QString &  cubeList,
bool  printSummary = true 

Construct a BundleAdjust object from the given settings, control network file, and cube list.

bundleSettingsA shared pointer to the BundleSettings to be used.
cnetFileThe filename of the control network to be used.
cubeListThe list of filenames of the cubes to be adjusted.
printSummaryIf summaries should be printed each iteration.

Definition at line 94 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ BundleAdjust() [2/6]

Isis::BundleAdjust::BundleAdjust ( BundleSettingsQsp  bundleSettings,
QString &  cnetFile,
SerialNumberList snlist,
bool  printSummary = true 

Construct a BundleAdjust object with held cubes.

bundleSettingsA shared pointer to the BundleSettings to be used.
cnetFileThe filename of the control network to be used.
cubeListThe list of filenames of the cubes to be adjusted.
heldListThe list of filenames of the held cubes. Held cubes must be in both heldList and cubeList.
printSummaryIf summaries should be printed each iteration.

Definition at line 132 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ BundleAdjust() [3/6]

Isis::BundleAdjust::BundleAdjust ( BundleSettingsQsp  bundleSettings,
Control cnet,
SerialNumberList snlist,
bool  printSummary 

Constructs a BundleAdjust object using a Control object.

A new control network object will be created as a copy of the Control's control network.

bundleSettingsA shared pointer to the BundleSettings to be used.
cnetThe Control object whose control network will be copied. The Control will not be modified by the BundleAdjust.
snlistA serial number list containing the cubes to be adjusted.
printSummaryIf summaries should be printed each iteration.

Definition at line 169 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References Isis::Control::fileName().

◆ BundleAdjust() [4/6]

Isis::BundleAdjust::BundleAdjust ( BundleSettingsQsp  bundleSettings,
ControlNet cnet,
SerialNumberList snlist,
bool  printSummary = true 

Constructs a BundleAdjust object using a ControlNet object.

A copy of the ControlNet will be used.

bundleSettingsA shared pointer to the BundleSettings to be used.
cnetThe ControlNet that will be copied. The original ControlNet will not be modified.
snlistA serial number list containing the cubes to be adjusted.
printSummaryIf summaries should be printed each iteration.

Definition at line 206 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ BundleAdjust() [5/6]

Isis::BundleAdjust::BundleAdjust ( BundleSettingsQsp  bundleSettings,
ControlNetQsp  cnet,
const QString &  cubeList,
bool  printSummary = true 

Constructs a BundleAdjust from an already created ControlNet within a shared pointer.

bundleSettingsQSharedPointer to the bundle settings to use.
cnetQSharedPointer to the control net to adjust.
cubeListQString name of list of cubes to create serial numbers for.
printSummaryBoolean indicating whether to print application output summary.

Definition at line 240 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ BundleAdjust() [6/6]

Isis::BundleAdjust::BundleAdjust ( BundleSettingsQsp  bundleSettings,
Control control,
QList< ImageList *>  imgLists,
bool  printSummary 

Thread safe constructor.

bundleSettingsA shared pointer to the BundleSettings to be used.
controlThe Control object whose control network will be copied. The Control will not be modified by the BundleAdjust.
snlistA serial number list containing the cubes to be adjusted.
printSummaryIf summaries should be printed each iteration.

Definition at line 272 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References Isis::SerialNumberList::add(), Isis::Control::fileName(), and Isis::Image::fileName().

◆ ~BundleAdjust()

Isis::BundleAdjust::~BundleAdjust ( )

Destroys BundleAdjust object, deallocates pointers (if we have ownership), and frees variables from cholmod library.

2016-10-13 Ian Humphrey - Removed deallocation of m_pHeldSnList, since this member was removed. References #4293.

Definition at line 320 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ abortBundle

void Isis::BundleAdjust::abortBundle ( )

Flag to abort when bundle is threaded.

Flag is set outside the bundle thread, typically by the gui thread.

Definition at line 675 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::JigsawRunWidget::closeEvent().

◆ accumProductAlphaAB()

void Isis::BundleAdjust::accumProductAlphaAB ( double  alpha,
SparseBlockRowMatrix A,
LinearAlgebra::Vector B,
LinearAlgebra::Vector C 

Performs the matrix multiplication nj = nj + alpha (Q x n2).

alphaA constant multiplier.
QA sparse block matrix.
n2A vector.
njThe output accumulation vector.
See also

Definition at line 1502 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ applyParameterCorrections()

void Isis::BundleAdjust::applyParameterCorrections ( )

apply parameter corrections for solution.

Definition at line 2105 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ bundleSolveInformation()

BundleSolutionInfo * Isis::BundleAdjust::bundleSolveInformation ( )

Create a BundleSolutionInfo containing the settings and results from the bundle adjustment.

BundleSolutionInfo A container with solve information from the adjustment. NOTE: Caller takes ownership and is responsible for memory management of returned BundleSolutionInfo raw pointer.

Definition at line 998 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References Isis::BundleSolutionInfo::setRunTime().

◆ cholmodInverse()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::cholmodInverse ( )

Compute inverse of normal equations matrix for CHOLMOD.

The inverse is stored in m_normalInverse.

bool If the inverse was successfully computed.

This seems to be unused. JAM

Definition at line 1727 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ cMatrix

Table Isis::BundleAdjust::cMatrix ( int  i)

Return a table cmatrix for the ith cube in the cube list given to the constructor.

iThe index of the cube
Table The InstrumentPointing table for the cube.

Definition at line 2986 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::JigsawRunWidget::on_JigsawAcceptButton_clicked().

◆ computeBundleStatistics()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::computeBundleStatistics ( )

Compute Bundle statistics and store them in m_bundleResults.

Sets: m_rmsImageSampleResiduals m_rmsImageLineResiduals m_rmsImageResiduals

m_rmsImageXSigmas m_rmsImageYSigmas m_rmsImageZSigmas m_rmsImageRASigmas m_rmsImageDECSigmas m_rmsImageTWISTSigmas

m_maxSigmaLatitude m_maxSigmaLatitudePointId m_maxSigmaLongitude m_maxSigmaLongitudePointId m_maxSigmaRadius m_maxSigmaRadiusPointId

m_minSigmaLatitude m_minSigmaLatitudePointId m_minSigmaLongitude m_minSigmaLongitudePointId m_minSigmaRadius m_minSigmaRadiusPointId

m_rmsSigmaLat m_rmsSigmaLon m_rmsSigmaRad

bool If the statistics were successfully computed and stored.

Definition at line 3155 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References Isis::Statistics::AddData(), Isis::Distance::meters(), and Isis::Statistics::Rms().

◆ computePartials()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::computePartials ( LinearAlgebra::Matrix coeffTarget,
LinearAlgebra::Matrix coeffImage,
LinearAlgebra::Matrix coeffPoint3D,
LinearAlgebra::Vector coeffRHS,
BundleMeasure measure,
BundleControlPoint point 

Compute partial derivatives and weighted residuals for a measure.

coeffTarget, coeffImage, coeffPoint3D, and coeffRHS will be filled with the different partial derivatives.

coeffTargetA matrix that will contain target body partial derivatives.
coeffImageA matrix that will contain camera position and orientation partial derivatives.
coeffPoint3DA matrix that will contain point lat, lon, and radius partial derivatives.
coeffRHSA vector that will contain weighted x,y residuals.
measureThe measure that partials are being computed for.
pointThe point containing measure.
bool If the partials were successfully computed.
IException::User"Unable to map apriori surface point for measure"

Definition at line 1823 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::BundleControlPoint::adjustedSurfacePoint(), Isis::BundleMeasure::camera(), Isis::BundleMeasure::cubeSerialNumber(), Isis::CameraGroundMap::EllipsoidPartial(), Isis::BundleMeasure::focalPlaneMeasuredX(), Isis::BundleMeasure::focalPlaneMeasuredY(), Isis::Camera::GetCameraType(), Isis::CameraGroundMap::GetdXYdOrientation(), Isis::CameraGroundMap::GetdXYdPoint(), Isis::CameraGroundMap::GetdXYdPosition(), Isis::CameraGroundMap::GetdXYdTOrientation(), Isis::CameraGroundMap::GetXY(), Isis::Camera::GroundMap(), Isis::BundleControlPoint::id(), Isis::BundleMeasure::line(), Isis::CameraGroundMap::MeanRadiusPartial(), Isis::BundleMeasure::observationSolveSettings(), Isis::BundleMeasure::parentBundleObservation(), Isis::SurfacePoint::Partial(), Isis::Camera::PixelPitch(), Isis::BundleMeasure::sample(), and Isis::Camera::SetImage().

◆ computeRejectionLimit()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::computeRejectionLimit ( )

Compute rejection limit.

Computes the median and the median absolute deviation (M.A.D.) of the residuals. Then, sets the rejection limit in m_bundleResults to median + RejectionMultiplier * M.A.D.

bool If the rejection limit was successfully computed and set.

should this be in BundleResults?

2016-10-25 Ian Humphrey - "Rejection Limit" is output to std out again immediately after "mad." References #4463.

Definition at line 2305 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ computeResiduals()

double Isis::BundleAdjust::computeResiduals ( )

This method computes the focal plane residuals for the measures.

double Weighted sum of the squares of the residuals, vtpv.
2012-01-18 Debbie A. Cook - Fixed the computation of vx and vy to make sure they are focal plane x and y residuals instead of image sample and line residuals.

Definition at line 2168 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ controlNet

ControlNetQsp Isis::BundleAdjust::controlNet ( )

Returns a pointer to the output control network.

ControlNetQsp A shared pointer to the output control network.

Definition at line 2931 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ errorPropagation()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::errorPropagation ( )

Error propagation for solution.

bool If the error propagation was successful.
IException::User"Input data and settings are not sufficiently stable for error propagation."

2016-10-05 Ian Humphrey - Updated to check to see if bundle settings is allowing us to create the inverse matrix correlation file. References #4315.

2016-10-28 Ian Humphrey - Added extra newline between Error Propagation: Inverse Blocking and Filling point covariance messages. References #4463.

2018-09-06 Debbie A. Cook and Ken Edmundson - (added to BundleXYZ branch on (2018-05-31). Moved productAlphaAV and control point parameter correction code to BundleControlPoint. Earlier revised errorPropagation to compute the sigmas via the variance/ covariance matrices instead of the sigmas. This should produce more accurate results. References #4649 and #501.

Definition at line 2583 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::iTime::CurrentLocalTime(), Isis::SparseBlockColumnMatrix::numberOfColumns(), Isis::SparseBlockColumnMatrix::numberOfRows(), and Isis::SurfacePoint::SetMatrix().

◆ fileName

QString Isis::BundleAdjust::fileName ( int  i)

Return the ith filename in the cube list file given to constructor.

iThe index of the cube.
QString The filename of the cube.

Definition at line 2964 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ flagOutliers()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::flagOutliers ( )

Flags outlier measures and control points.

bool If the flagging was successful.

How should we handle points with few measures.

Definition at line 2404 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ formMeasureNormals()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::formMeasureNormals ( boost::numeric::ublas::symmetric_matrix< double, boost::numeric::ublas::upper > &  N22,
SparseBlockColumnMatrix N12,
boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_vector< double > &  n1,
LinearAlgebra::Vector n2,
LinearAlgebra::Matrix coeffTarget,
LinearAlgebra::Matrix coeffImage,
LinearAlgebra::Matrix coeffPoint3D,
LinearAlgebra::Vector coeffRHS,
int  observationIndex 

Form the auxilary normal equation matrices for a measure.

N22, N12, n1, and n2 will contain the auxilary matrices when completed.

N22The normal equation matrix for the point on the body.
N12The normal equation matrix for the camera and the target body.
n1The right hand side vector for the camera and the target body.
n2The right hand side vector for the point on the body.
coeffTargetThe matrix containing target body pertial derivatives.
coeffImageThe matrix containing camera position and orientation partial derivatives.
coeffPoint3DThe matrix containing point lat, lon, and radius partial derivatives.
coeffRHSThe vector containing weighted x,y residuals.
observationIndexThe index of the observation containing the measure that the partial derivative matrices are for.
bool If the matrices were successfully formed.
See also

Definition at line 1148 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References Isis::SparseBlockColumnMatrix::insertMatrixBlock().

◆ formNormalEquations()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::formNormalEquations ( )

Form the least-squares normal equations matrix via cholmod.

Each BundleControlPoint will stores its Q matrix and NIC vector once finished. The covariance matrix for each point will be stored in its adjusted surface point.

See also

Definition at line 1019 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References Isis::SparseBlockColumnMatrix::wipe().

◆ formPointNormals()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::formPointNormals ( boost::numeric::ublas::symmetric_matrix< double, boost::numeric::ublas::upper > &  N22,
SparseBlockColumnMatrix N12,
LinearAlgebra::Vector n2,
LinearAlgebra::Vector nj,
BundleControlPointQsp point 

Compute the Q matrix and NIC vector for a control point.

The inputs N22, N12, and n2 come from calling formMeasureNormals() with the control point's measures. The Q matrix and NIC vector are stored in the BundleControlPoint. R = N12 x Q is accumulated into m_sparseNormals.

N22The normal equation matrix for the point on the body.
N12The normal equation matrix for the camera and the target body.
n2The right hand side vector for the point on the body.
njThe output right hand side vector.
bundleControlPointThe control point that the Q matrixs are NIC vector are being formed for.
bool If the matrices were successfully formed.
See also

Definition at line 1284 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References Isis::SurfacePoint::SetMatrix(), and Isis::SparseBlockRowMatrix::zeroBlocks().

◆ formWeightedNormals()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::formWeightedNormals ( boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_vector< double > &  n1,
LinearAlgebra::Vector nj 

Apply weighting for spacecraft position, velocity, acceleration and camera angles, angular velocities, angular accelerations if so stipulated (legalese).

n1The right hand side vector for the camera and the target body.
njThe right hand side vector
bool If the weights were successfully applied.
See also

Definition at line 1356 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ freeCHOLMODLibraryVariables()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::freeCHOLMODLibraryVariables ( )

Free CHOLMOD library variables.

Frees m_cholmodTriplet, m_cholmodNormal, and m_L. Calls cholmod_finish when complete.

bool If the CHOLMOD library successfully cleaned up.

Definition at line 644 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ imageLists()

QList< ImageList * > Isis::BundleAdjust::imageLists ( )

This method returns the image list used in the bundle adjust.

If a QList<ImageList *> was passed into the constructor then it uses that list, otherwise it constructs the QList using the m_serialNumberList

QList<ImageList *> The ImageLists used for the bundle adjust

Definition at line 2534 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::ImageList::append(), and Isis::Image::closeCube().

◆ init()

void Isis::BundleAdjust::init ( Progress progress = 0)

Initialize all solution parameters.

This method is called by constructors to

  • initialize member variables
  • set up the control net
  • get the cameras set up for all images
  • clear JigsawRejected flags
  • create a new BundleImages and add to BundleObservation
  • set up vector of BundleControlPoints
  • set parent observation for each BundleMeasure
  • use BundleSettings to set more parameters
  • set up matrix initializations
  • initialize cholomod library variables
progressA pointer to the progress of creating the cameras.
IException::Programmer"In BundleAdjust::init(): image is null."
IException::Programmer"In BundleAdjust::init(): observation is null."

2011-08-14 Debbie A. Cook - Opt out of network validation for deltack network in order to allow a single measure on a point

2016-10-13 Ian Humphrey - Removed verification of held images in the from list and counting of the number of held images. References #4293.


remove printf statements

answer comments with questions, TODO, ???, and !!!

Definition at line 362 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References Isis::Camera::Camera().

◆ initializeCHOLMODLibraryVariables()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::initializeCHOLMODLibraryVariables ( )

Initializations for CHOLMOD sparse matrix package.

Calls cholmod_start, sets m_cholmodCommon options.

bool If the CHOLMOD library variables were successfully initialized.

Definition at line 572 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References Isis::cholmodErrorHandler().

◆ initializeNormalEquationsMatrix()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::initializeNormalEquationsMatrix ( )

Initialize Normal Equations matrix (m_sparseNormals).

Ken NOTE: Currently we are explicitly setting the start column for each block in the normal equations matrix below. I think it should be possible (and relatively easy) to make the m_sparseNormals smart enough to set the start column of a column block automatically when it is added to the matrix.


Definition at line 602 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ invert3x3()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::invert3x3 ( boost::numeric::ublas::symmetric_matrix< double, boost::numeric::ublas::upper > &  m)

Dedicated quick inverse of 3x3 matrix.

mThe 3x3 matrix to invert. Overwritten with the inverse.
bool If the matrix was inverted. False usually means the matrix is not invertible.
See also

Move to LinearAlgebra

Definition at line 1776 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ isAborted()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::isAborted ( )

Returns if the BundleAdjust has been aborted.

bool If the BundleAdjust was aborted.

Definition at line 3086 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::JigsawRunWidget::notifyThreadFinished().

◆ isConverged

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::isConverged ( )

Returns if the BundleAdjust converged.

bool If the BundleAdjust converged.

Definition at line 3076 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ iteration

double Isis::BundleAdjust::iteration ( ) const

Returns what iteration the BundleAdjust is currently on.

double The current iteration number.

Definition at line 2974 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ iterationSummary()

void Isis::BundleAdjust::iterationSummary ( )

Creates an iteration summary and an iteration group for the solution summary.

2016-10-18 Ian Humphrey - Always output Rejection_Measures keyword regardless of outlier rejection so we can match ISIS jigsaw output. Fixes #4461.

Definition at line 3011 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References Isis::toString().

◆ iterationSummaryGroup

QString Isis::BundleAdjust::iterationSummaryGroup ( ) const

Returns the iteration summary string.

QString the iteration summary string.
See also

Definition at line 3098 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ loadCholmodTriplet()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::loadCholmodTriplet ( )

Load sparse normal equations matrix into CHOLMOD triplet.

Blocks from the sparse block normal matrix are loaded into a CHOLMOD triplet. Before the triplet can be used with CHOLMOD, it must be converted to a CHOLMOD sparse matrix via cholmod_triplet_to_sparse.

bool If the triplet was successfully formed.
See also

Definition at line 1612 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References Isis::SparseBlockColumnMatrix::startColumn().

◆ numberOfImages

int Isis::BundleAdjust::numberOfImages ( ) const

Returns the number of images.

int The number of images.

Definition at line 2951 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References Isis::SerialNumberList::size().

◆ outputBundleStatus

void Isis::BundleAdjust::outputBundleStatus ( QString  status)

Slot for deltack and jigsaw to output the bundle status.

statusThe bundle status string to output.
2016-12-01 Ian Humphrey - Added s as first paramter to prevent a -Wformat-security warning during the build.

Definition at line 3112 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ productAB()

void Isis::BundleAdjust::productAB ( SparseBlockColumnMatrix N12,
SparseBlockRowMatrix Q 

Perform the matrix multiplication C = N12 x Q.

The result, C, is stored in m_sparseNormals.

N12A sparse block matrix.
QA sparse block matrix
See also

Definition at line 1457 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ productATransB()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::productATransB ( boost::numeric::ublas::symmetric_matrix< double, boost::numeric::ublas::upper > &  N22,
SparseBlockColumnMatrix N12,
SparseBlockRowMatrix Q 

Perform the matrix multiplication Q = N22 x N12(transpose)

N22A symmetric matrix
N12A sparse block matrix
QThe output sparse block matrix
See also

Definition at line 1427 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References Isis::SparseBlockRowMatrix::insertMatrixBlock().

◆ serialNumberList

SerialNumberList * Isis::BundleAdjust::serialNumberList ( )

Returns a pointer to the serial number list.

SerialNumberList* A pointer to the serial number list.

Definition at line 2941 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ solveCholesky

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholesky ( )

Compute the least squares bundle adjustment solution using Cholesky decomposition.

bool If the solution was successfully computed.

2016-10-25 Ian Humphrey - Spacing and precision for Sigma0 and Elapsed Time match ISIS production's jigsaw std output. References #4463."

2016-10-28 Ian Humphrey - Updated spacing for Error Propagation Complete message. References #4463."

2016-11-16 Ian Humphrey - Modified catch block to throw the caught exception, so a message box will appear to the user when running jigsaw in GUI mode. Fixes #4483.

Definition at line 694 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::IException::errorType(), Isis::SurfacePoint::GetLatitude(), Isis::SurfacePoint::GetLongitude(), and Isis::SurfacePoint::ResetLocalRadius().

◆ solveCholeskyBR()

BundleSolutionInfo * Isis::BundleAdjust::solveCholeskyBR ( )

Compute the least squares bundle adjustment solution using Cholesky decomposition.

BundleSolutionInfo A container with settings and results from the adjustment.
See also

make solveCholesky return a BundleSolutionInfo object and delete this placeholder ???

Definition at line 665 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

◆ solveSystem()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::solveSystem ( )

Compute the solution to the normal equations using the CHOLMOD library.

bool If the solution was successfully computed.
IException::Programmer"CHOLMOD: Failed to load Triplet matrix"
See also

Definition at line 1541 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, and Isis::toString().

◆ spVector

Table Isis::BundleAdjust::spVector ( int  i)

Return a table spacecraft vector for the ith cube in the cube list given to the constructor.

iThe index of the cube
Table The InstrumentPosition table for the cube.

Definition at line 2998 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

Referenced by Isis::JigsawRunWidget::on_JigsawAcceptButton_clicked().

◆ validateNetwork()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::validateNetwork ( )

control network validation - on the very real chance that the net has not been checked before running the bundle

checks implemented for ... (1) images with 0 or 1 measures

bool If the control network is valid.
IException::User"Images with one or less measures:"

2011-08-04 Debbie A. Cook - Changed error message to indicate it fails with one measure as well as no measures.

2016-09-22 Ian Humphrey - Replaced statusUpdate signal emits with direct calls to outputBundleStats() so the validation messages are printed to stdout. References #4313.

Definition at line 534 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

References _FILEINFO_, and Isis::toString().

◆ wrapUp()

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::wrapUp ( )

Compute the residuals for each adjusted point and store adjustment results in m_bundleResults.

bool If the wrap up was successful.

Definition at line 2276 of file BundleAdjust.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_abort

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::m_abort

!< Contains information about the target body.

If the bundle should abort.

Definition at line 483 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_bundleObservations

BundleObservationVector Isis::BundleAdjust::m_bundleObservations

!< Vector of control points.

Contains only non-ignored control points from the control net.

Definition at line 477 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_bundleResults

BundleResults Isis::BundleAdjust::m_bundleResults

Stores the results of the bundle adjust.

Definition at line 466 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_bundleSettings

BundleSettingsQsp Isis::BundleAdjust::m_bundleSettings

Contains the solve settings.

Definition at line 465 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_cholmodNormal

cholmod_sparse* Isis::BundleAdjust::m_cholmodNormal

!< The CHOLMOD triplet representation of the sparse normal equations matrix.

Created from m_sparseNormals and then used to create m_cholmodNormal.

Definition at line 524 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_cholmodTriplet

cholmod_triplet* Isis::BundleAdjust::m_cholmodTriplet

!< The sparse block normal equations matrix.

Used to populate m_cholmodTriplet and for error propagation.

Definition at line 518 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_cleanUp

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::m_cleanUp

!< If the iteration summaries should be output to the log file.

Definition at line 489 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_cnetFileName

QString Isis::BundleAdjust::m_cnetFileName

The control net filename.

Definition at line 472 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_controlNet

ControlNetQsp Isis::BundleAdjust::m_controlNet

Output control net.

Definition at line 471 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_imageSolution

LinearAlgebra::Vector Isis::BundleAdjust::m_imageSolution

!< The lower triangular L matrix from Cholesky decomposition.

Created from m_cholmodNormal by cholmod_factorize.

Definition at line 533 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_iteration

int Isis::BundleAdjust::m_iteration

The current iteration.

Definition at line 493 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_L

cholmod_factor* Isis::BundleAdjust::m_L

!< The CHOLMOD sparse normal equations matrix used by cholmod_factorize to solve the system.

Created from m_cholmodTriplet.

Definition at line 529 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_normalInverse

boost::numeric::ublas::symmetric_matrix< double, boost::numeric::ublas::upper, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major > Isis::BundleAdjust::m_normalInverse

!< The lists of images used in the bundle.

Inverse of the normal equations matrix. Set by cholmodInverse.

Definition at line 508 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_numberOfImagePartials

int Isis::BundleAdjust::m_numberOfImagePartials

number of image-related partials.

Definition at line 494 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_previousNumberImagePartials

int Isis::BundleAdjust::m_previousNumberImagePartials

!< The image parameter solution vector.

Definition at line 536 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_printSummary

bool Isis::BundleAdjust::m_printSummary

!< Summary of the most recently completed iteration.

Definition at line 486 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_rank

int Isis::BundleAdjust::m_rank

!< If the serial number lists need to be deleted by the destructor.

The rank of the system.

Definition at line 492 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_RHS

LinearAlgebra::Vector Isis::BundleAdjust::m_RHS

!< Contains object parameters, statistics, and workspace used by the CHOLMOD library.

Definition at line 512 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_serialNumberList

SerialNumberList* Isis::BundleAdjust::m_serialNumberList

!< Vector of observations.

Each observation contains one or more images. List of image serial numbers.

Definition at line 480 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_sparseNormals

SparseBlockMatrix Isis::BundleAdjust::m_sparseNormals

!< The right hand side of the normal equations.

Definition at line 514 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_xResiduals

Statistics Isis::BundleAdjust::m_xResiduals

x residual statistics.

Definition at line 468 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_xyResiduals

Statistics Isis::BundleAdjust::m_xyResiduals

xy residual statistics.

Definition at line 470 of file BundleAdjust.h.

◆ m_yResiduals

Statistics Isis::BundleAdjust::m_yResiduals

y residual statistics.

Definition at line 469 of file BundleAdjust.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: