Isis 3 Programmer Reference
1 #ifndef FeatureNomenclature_h
2 #define FeatureNomenclature_h
11 class QNetworkAccessManager;
13 class QNetworkRequest;
18 template <
typename T>
class QList;
127 QString
QString approvalDate() const
QString originatingEthnicity() const
void queryFeatures(QString target, Latitude startLat, Longitude startLon, Latitude endLat, Longitude endLon)
Makes sure the longitudinal ranges are correct.
QString westernLongitudeString() const
QUrl referenceUrl() const
Distance diameter() const
Latitude centerLatitude() const
QString lastUpdated() const
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Latitude.
Feature nomenclature database querier.
QString referenceUrlString() const
QString northernLatitudeString() const
QString approvalStatus() const
QString displayName() const
void swap(FeatureNomenclature &other)
Swap the instances *this and other.
Latitude northernLatitude() const
QString controlNet() const
Construct a feature with no data.
@ NoStatus
When this status is assigned to a feature, there will be no status displayed and the feature will not...
Longitude westernLongitude() const
Clean up allocated memory by this feature.
A named feature on a target.
bool hasResult() const
Test if any understandable results have been received from the nomenclature database.
Distance measurement, usually in meters.
This class is designed to encapsulate the concept of a Longitude.
Longitude centerLongitude() const
QNetworkAccessManager * m_networkMgr
Network manager does request.
QNetworkRequest * m_request
Network request sent.
void requestFinished(QNetworkReply *)
This is called when a query is done.
Latitude southernLatitude() const
QString featureType() const
@ Approved
When this status is assigned to a feature, the displayed status will be "Adopted by the IAU" and the ...
QString diameterString() const
static bool featureDiameterGreaterThan(const FeatureNomenclature::Feature &lhs, const FeatureNomenclature::Feature &rhs)
Compare the diameter of two features.
QList< Feature > * m_features
These are the features identified by the nomenclature database.
bool m_lastQuery
True if all queries have finished.
Feature & operator=(const Feature &rhs)
Assign the values of this feature from the values of rhs.
@ Dropped
When this status is assigned to a feature, the displayed status will be "Dropped, disallowed" and the...
void readSearchResults(QDomElement)
This is a helper method for requestFinished.
QList< Feature > features() const
This gives you the features found in all of the queries so far.
void runQuery(QString target, Latitude startLat, Longitude startLon, Latitude endLat, Longitude endLon)
Query the nomenclature database for features inside the given range on the target.
Frees allocated memory.
void featuresIdentified(FeatureNomenclature *)
This is emitted when a query is completed.
Enumeration of approval statuses.
Instantiate a feature nomenclature.
@ Unapproved
When this status is assigned to a feature, the displayed status will be "Never approved by the IAU" a...
FeatureNomenclature & operator=(const FeatureNomenclature &other)
This takes on the data from rhs.
QString easternLongitudeString() const
IAUStatus m_approvalStatus
The approval status of the feature.
QDomElement * m_xmlRepresenation
This is the XML returned by the nomenclature DB.
void swap(Feature &other)
Swap the member data of this feature with another feature.
QString cleanName() const
QString centerLongitudeString() const
IAUStatus m_statusApproval
The approval status of the feature from the database.
QWidget * toWidget() const
This converts the data in this feature to a widget.
QString originatingContinent() const
QString referenceString() const
QString centerLatitudeString() const
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
QString southernLatitudeString() const
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Isis::PlotWindow *)
We have plot windows as QVariant data types, so here it's enabled.
Longitude easternLongitude() const
QString getTagText(QString tagName) const
Get the string value of an element of the XML.