Isis 3 Programmer Reference
1 #ifndef ReseauDistortionMap_h
2 #define ReseauDistortionMap_h
10 #include "CameraDistortionMap.h"
std::vector< double > p_msamps
Master Reseau Locations.
double p_undistortedSamps
Dimensions of undistorted cube.
virtual bool SetUndistortedFocalPlane(const double ux, const double uy)
Finds the distorted x/y position of the given undistorted point.
int p_numRes
Number of Reseaus.
double p_distortedSamps
Dimensions of distorted cube.
Container for cube-like labels.
Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates.
virtual bool SetFocalPlane(const double dx, const double dy)
Finds the undistorted x/y position of the given distorted point.
ReseauDistortionMap(Camera *parent, Pvl &labels, const QString &fname)
Creates a ReseauDistortionMap object.
double p_pixelPitch
Pixel Pitch of parent Camera.
Distort/undistort focal plane coordinates.
std::vector< double > p_rsamps
Refined Reseau Locations.
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