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Import PDS formatted Rosetta OSIRIS image into an ISIS cube

Overview Parameters


This program will import and convert a PDS-formatted Rosetta OSIRIS image into an ISIS cube. The input file can be in compressed or decompressed form, and can be from OSIRIS's Wide-Angle Camera (WAC) or its Narrow-Angle Camera (NAC.) Input PDS files are converted to 32-bit if they are not already 32-bit.


  • Input PDS file (.img) (FROM)
  • Output ISIS file name (.cub) (TO)

Instrument Overview

OSIRIS contains a high-resolution Narrow-Angle Camera (NAC) and a Wide-Angle Camera (WAC) that share a common shutter, filter wheel, and detector. The detector is a custom backside-illuminated 2048 x 2048 CCD with a UV-antireflection coating. OSIRIS-NAC has an off-axis three mirror system that minimizes the stray light hitting the CCD, and a field of view of 2.20 x 2.22 degrees. OSIRIS-WAC has an off-axis two mirror system which is also designed to minimize stray light and has a wider field of view of 11.34 x 12.11 degrees. OSIRIS-NAC has 12 filters that cover wavelengths 250-1000 nm at a resolution of 18.6 microradians/pixel, and OSIRIS-WAC has 14 filters over 240 - 720 nm at a resolution of 101 microradians/pixel. More detailed filter specifications are provided in the tables below.

Narrow-Angle Filters

The following table provides the specifications for each of the 16 OSIRIS-NAC filters.

OSIRIS NAC Filter Specifications
Name Wavelength (nm) FWHM (nm)
FFP-UV 600 600
FFP-IR 600 600
Neutral 640 520
NFP-Vis 600 600
Far-UV 269.3 53.6
Near-UV 360.0 51.1
Blue 480.7 74.9
Green 535.7 62.4
FFP-Vis 600 600
Orange 649.2 84.5
Hydra 701.2 22.1
Red 743.7 64.1
Ortho 805.3 40.5
Near-IR 882.1 65.9
Fe203 931.9 34.9
IR 989.3 38.2

Wide-Angle Filters

The following table provides the specifications for each of the 14 OSIRIS-WAC filters. One of the filter wheels is always set to Empty because of hardware constraints. The wavelengths and full-width half maximums (FWHMs) for the Empty filters are set to 0 in the ISIS cube label.

OSIRIS WAC Filter Specifications
Name Wavelength (nm) FWHM (nm)
Empty - allow use of filter wheel 2 None (set to 0 in ISIS label ) None (set to 0 in ISIS label )
Empty - allow use of filter wheel 1 None (set to 0 in ISIS label ) None (set to 0 in ISIS label )
UV245 246.2 14.1
CS 259.0 10.9
UV295 295.9 10.9
OH-WAC 309.7 4.1
UV325 325.8 10.7
NH 335.9 4.1
UV375 375.6 9.8
CN 388.4 5.2
Green 537.2 63.2
NH2 572.1 11.5
Na 590.7 4.7
VIS610 612.6 9.8
OI 631.6 4.0
R 629.8 156.8

Data Archive

The Rosetta data are available from the NASA PDS Small Bodies Node.

The file-naming convention for OSIRIS images on the PDS archive is: {C}{YYYYMM DD}T{HHMMSSUUU}{FF}{L}{I}F{A}{B}.img, where: {C} is set to either N or W to indicate a NAC or WAC image, respectively, {YYYYMM DD} is the year, month, and day, of image acquisition; T is a separator that stands for "Time", and {HHMMSSUUU} is the hour, minute, second, and milli-second of acquisition. {FF} indicates the image file type: ID is a normal image, TH is a thumbnail image, and PA, PB, and OL indicate different kinds of calibration data; {L} is the processing level of the image; {I} is the instance id of the image, F is a separator that stands for "Filter", {A} indicates the position of filter wheel #1, and {B} indicates the position of filter wheel #2.


Hviid, Stubbe F. "Osiris Experiment Data Record and Software Interface Specification (EDR/SIS) " Issue 3, 04/04/2011
H. U. Keller et al. "OSIRIS - The Scientific Camera System Onboard Rosetta." Space Science Reviews. Volume 128, Issue 1-4, pp 433-506.



Sasha Brownsberger2015-05-01 Original Version
Kristin Berry2016-03-29 Update to work with WAC images, in addition to NAC. Significantly expanded documentation. Fixes #1900.
Kristin Berry2016-04-25 Renamed application to rososiris2isis to disambiguate from osiris-rex mission utilities.
Jeannie Backer2018-03-29 Fixed typo of FilterName from Fe203 to Fe2O3 (letter O, not zero). Improved error messages. Moved hard-coded FilterName comparisons out of code to translation file osirisFilters.trn. Fixes #5369.

Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input PDS formatted Rosetta Osiris image file
TO Output Isis cube

Files: FROM


Use this parameter to select the Rosetta Osiris filename.

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.imq *.img
Close Window

Files: TO


Use this parameter to select the output filename.

Type cube
File Mode output
Filter *.cub
Close Window