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1#ifndef SpiceRotation_h
2#define SpiceRotation_h
8/* SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 */
9#include <string>
10#include <vector>
12#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
13#include <ale/Orientations.h>
15#include "Angle.h"
16#include "Table.h"
18#include "Quaternion.h"
22#define J2000Code 1
24namespace Isis {
209 public:
210 // Constructors
211 SpiceRotation(int frameCode);
212 /* SpiceRotation( int NaifCode );
213 We would like to call refchg instead to avoid the strings. Currently Naif does
214 not have refchg_c, but only the f2c'd refchg.c.*/
215 SpiceRotation(int frameCode, int targetCode);
216 SpiceRotation(const SpiceRotation &rotToCopy);
218 // Destructor
219 virtual ~SpiceRotation();
221 // Change the frame (has no effect if cached)
222 void SetFrame(int frameCode);
223 int Frame();
225 void SetTimeBias(double timeBias);
276 INERTL = 1,
277 PCK = 2,
278 CK = 3,
279 TK = 4,
280 DYN = 5,
281 BPC = 6,
282 NOTJ2000PCK = 7
283 };
285 void SetEphemerisTime(double et);
286 double EphemerisTime() const;
288 std::vector<double> GetCenterAngles();
290 std::vector<double> Matrix();
291 std::vector<double> AngularVelocity();
293 // TC
294 std::vector<double> ConstantRotation();
295 std::vector<double> &ConstantMatrix();
296 void SetConstantMatrix(std::vector<double> constantMatrix);
298 // CJ
299 std::vector<double> TimeBasedRotation();
300 std::vector<double> &TimeBasedMatrix();
301 void SetTimeBasedMatrix(std::vector<double> timeBasedMatrix);
303 std::vector<double> J2000Vector(const std::vector<double> &rVec);
305 std::vector<Angle> poleRaCoefs();
307 std::vector<Angle> poleDecCoefs();
309 std::vector<Angle> pmCoefs();
311 std::vector<double> poleRaNutPrecCoefs();
313 std::vector<double> poleDecNutPrecCoefs();
315 std::vector<double> pmNutPrecCoefs();
317 std::vector<Angle> sysNutPrecConstants();
319 std::vector<Angle> sysNutPrecCoefs();
321 std::vector<double> ReferenceVector(const std::vector<double> &jVec);
323 std::vector<double> EvaluatePolyFunction();
325 void loadPCFromSpice(int CenterBodyCode);
326 void loadPCFromTable(const PvlObject &Label);
328 void MinimizeCache(DownsizeStatus status);
330 void LoadCache(double startTime, double endTime, int size);
332 void LoadCache(double time);
334 void LoadCache(Table &table);
336 void LoadCache(nlohmann::json &isd);
338 Table LineCache(const QString &tableName);
340 void ReloadCache();
342 Table Cache(const QString &tableName);
343 void CacheLabel(Table &table);
345 void LoadTimeCache();
347 std::vector<double> Angles(int axis3, int axis2, int axis1);
348 void SetAngles(std::vector<double> angles, int axis3, int axis2, int axis1);
350 bool IsCached() const;
352 void SetPolynomial(const Source type=PolyFunction);
354 void SetPolynomial(const std::vector<double> &abcAng1,
355 const std::vector<double> &abcAng2,
356 const std::vector<double> &abcAng3,
357 const Source type = PolyFunction);
359 void usePckPolynomial();
360 void setPckPolynomial(const std::vector<Angle> &raCoeff,
361 const std::vector<Angle> &decCoeff,
362 const std::vector<Angle> &pmCoeff);
364 void GetPolynomial(std::vector<double> &abcAng1,
365 std::vector<double> &abcAng2,
366 std::vector<double> &abcAng3);
368 void getPckPolynomial(std::vector<Angle> &raCoeff,
369 std::vector<Angle> &decCoeff,
370 std::vector<Angle> &pmCoeff);
372 // Set the polynomial degree
373 void SetPolynomialDegree(int degree);
374 Source GetSource();
375 void SetSource(Source source);
376 void ComputeBaseTime();
377 FrameType getFrameType();
378 double GetBaseTime();
379 double GetTimeScale();
381 void SetOverrideBaseTime(double baseTime, double timeScale);
382 void SetCacheTime(std::vector<double> cacheTime);
384 // Derivative methods
385 double DPolynomial(const int coeffIndex);
386 double DPckPolynomial(PartialType partialVar, const int coeffIndex);
388 std::vector<double> toJ2000Partial(const std::vector<double> &lookT,
389 PartialType partialVar, int coeffIndex);
390 std::vector<double> ToReferencePartial(std::vector<double> &lookJ,
391 PartialType partialVar, int coeffIndex);
392 void DCJdt(std::vector<double> &dRJ);
394 double WrapAngle(double compareAngle, double angle);
395 void SetAxes(int axis1, int axis2, int axis3);
396 std::vector<double> GetFullCacheTime();
397 void FrameTrace(double et);
399 // Return the frame chain for the constant part of the rotation (ends in target)
400 std::vector<int> ConstantFrameChain();
401 std::vector<int> TimeFrameChain();
402 void InitConstantRotation(double et);
403 bool HasAngularVelocity();
405 void ComputeAv();
406 std::vector<double> Extrapolate(double timeEt);
408 void checkForBinaryPck();
410 int cacheSize() {
411 if (m_orientation) {
412 return m_orientation->getRotations().size();
413 }
414 return 0;
415 }
417 protected:
418 void SetFullCacheParameters(double startTime, double endTime, int cacheSize);
425 std::vector<double> p_cacheTime;
430 ale::Orientations *m_orientation;
432 private:
433 // method
434 void setFrameType();
435 std::vector<int> p_constantFrames;
438 std::vector<int> p_timeFrames;
441 double p_timeBias;
443 double p_et;
444 Quaternion p_quaternion;
447 bool p_matrixSet;
448 bool m_tOrientationAvailable;
451 FrameType m_frameType;
452 Source p_source;
453 int p_axisP;
455 int p_axisV;
457 int p_targetCode;
459 double p_baseTime;
460 double p_timeScale;
461 bool p_degreeApplied;
464 std::vector<double> p_coefficients[3];
466 bool p_noOverride;
467 double p_overrideBaseTime;
468 double p_overrideTimeScale;
469 DownsizeStatus p_minimizeCache;
470 double p_fullCacheStartTime;
471 double p_fullCacheEndTime;
472 int p_fullCacheSize;
473 std::vector<double> p_TC;
476 std::vector<double> p_CJ;
478 std::vector<double> p_av;
479 bool p_hasAngularVelocity;
481 std::vector<double> StateTJ();
483 // The remaining items are only used for PCK frame types. In this case the
484 // rotation is stored as a cache, but the coefficients are available for display
485 // or comparison, and the first three coefficient sets can be solved for and
486 // updated in jigsaw. The initial coefficient values are read from a Naif PCK.
487 //
488 // The general equation for the right ascension of the pole is
489 //
490 // raPole = raPole[0] + raPole[1]*Time + raPole[2]*Time**2 + raNutPrec,
491 // where
492 // raNutPrec = raNutPrec1[0]*sin(sysNutPrec[0][0] + sysNutPrec[0][1]*Time) +
493 // raNutPrec1[1]*sin(sysNutPrec[1][0] + sysNutPrec[1][1]*Time) + ...
494 // raNutPrec1[N-1]*sin(sysNutPrec[N-1][0] + sysNutPrec[N-1][1]*Time) +
495 // (optional for multiples of nutation precession angles)
496 // raNutPrec2[0]*sin(2*(sysNutPrec[0][0] + sysNutPrec[0][1]*Time)) +
497 // raNutPrec2[1]*sin(2*(sysNutPrec[1][0] + sysNutPrec[1][1]*Time)) + ...
498 // raNutPrec2[N-1]*sin(2*(sysNutPrec[N-1][0] + sysNutPrec[N-1][1]*Time)) +
499 // raNutPrecM[0]*sin(M*(sysNutPrec[0][0] + sysNutPrec[0][1]*Time)) +
500 // raNutPrecM[1]*sin(M*(sysNutPrec[1][0] + sysNutPrec[1][1]*Time)) + ...
501 // raNutPrecM[N-1]*sin(M*(sysNutPrec[N-1][0] + sysNutPrec[N-1][1]*Time)) +
502 //
503 // The general equation for the declination of the pole is
504 //
505 // decPole = p_decPole[0] + p_decPole[1]*Time + p_decPole[2]*Time**2 + decNutPrec,
506 // where
507 // decNutPrec = decNutPrec1[0]*cos(sysNutPrec[0][0] + sysNutPrec[0][1]*Time) +
508 // decNutPrec1[1]*cos(sysNutPrec[1][0] + sysNutPrec[1][1]*Time) + ...
509 // decNutPrec1[N-1]*cos(sysNutPrec[N-1][0] + sysNutPrec[N-1][1]*Time) +
510 // decNutPrec2[0]*cos(2*(sysNutPrec[0][0] + sysNutPrec[0][1]*Time)) +
511 // decNutPrec2[1]*cos(2*(sysNutPrec[1][0] + sysNutPrec[1][1]*Time)) + ...
512 // decNutPrec2[N-1]*cos(2*(sysNutPrec[N-1][0] + sysNutPrec[N-1][1]*Time)) +
513 // (optional for multiples of nutation precession angles)
514 // decNutPrecM[0]*sin(M*(sysNutPrec[0][0] + sysNutPrec[0][1]*Time)) +
515 // decNutPrecM[1]*sin(M*(sysNutPrec[1][0] + sysNutPrec[1][1]*Time)) + ...
516 // decNutPrecM[N-1]*sin(M*(sysNutPrec[N-1][0] + sysNutPrec[N-1][1]*Time))
517 //
518 // and Time is julian centuries since J2000.
519 //
520 // The general equation for the prime meridian rotation is
521 //
522 // pm = p_pm[0] + p_pm[1]*Dtime + p_pm[2]*Dtime**2 + pmNutPrec,
523 // where
524 // pmNutPrec = pmNutPrec1[0]*sin(sysNutPrec[0][0] + sysNutPrec[0][1]*Time) +
525 // pmNutPrec1[1]*sin(sysNutPrec[1][0] + sysNutPrec[1][1]*Time) + ...
526 // pmNutPrec1[N-1]*sin(sysNutPrec[N-1][0] + sysNutPrec[N-1][1]*Time) +
527 // (optional for multiples of nutation precession angles)
528 // pmNutPrec2[0]*sin(2*(sysNutPrec[0][0] + sysNutPrec[0][1]*Time)) +
529 // pmNutPrec2[1]*sin(2*(sysNutPrec[1][0] + sysNutPrec[1][1]*Time)) + ...
530 // pmNutPrec2[N-1]*sin(2*(sysNutPrec[N-1][0] + sysNutPrec[N-1][1]*Time)) +
531 // pmNutPrecM[0]*sin(M*(sysNutPrec[0][0] + sysNutPrec[0][1]*Time)) +
532 // pmNutPrecM[1]*sin(M*(sysNutPrec[1][0] + sysNutPrec[1][1]*Time)) + ...
533 // pmNutPrecM[N-1]*sin(M*(sysNutPrec[N-1][0] + sysNutPrec[N-1][1]*Time))
534 //
535 // Time is interval in Julian centuries since the standard epoch,
536 // dTime is interval in days from the standard epoch (J2000),
537 //
538 // N is the number of nutation/precession terms for the planetary system of the target
539 // body, (possibly including multiple angles as unique terms,
540 // ie. 2*sysNutPrec[0][0] + sysNutPrec[][1]*Time).
541 //
542 // Many of the constants in this equation are 0. for a given body.
543 //
544 // M is included as an option for future improvements. M = highest multiple (period)
545 // of any of the nutation/precession angles included in the equations.
546 //
547 // ***NOTE*** Currently Naif stores multiples (amplitudes) as if they were additional
548 // nutation/precession terms (periods) in the equation. This method works as
549 // long as jigsaw does not solve for those values. In order to solve for
550 // those values, the multiples will need to be known so that the partial
551 // derivatives can be correctly calculated. Some possible ways of doing this
552 // are 1) Convince Naif to change their data format indicating the relation
553 // 2) Make an Isis version of the PCK data and have Isis software to
554 // calculate the rotation and partials.
555 // 3) Have an Isis addendum file that identifies the repeated periods
556 // and software to apply them when calculating the rotation and partials.
557 //
558 // For now this software will handle any terms with the same period and different
559 // amplitudes as unique terms in the equation (raNutPrec, decNutPrec,
560 // and pmNutPrec).
561 //
562 // The next three vectors will have length 3 (for a quadratic polynomial) if used.
563 std::vector<Angle>m_raPole;
564 std::vector<Angle>m_decPole;
565 std::vector<Angle>m_pm ;
566 //
567 // Currently multiples (terms with periods matching other terms but varying amplitudes)
568 // are handled as additional terms added to the end of the vector as Naif does (see
569 // comments in any of the standard Naif PCK.
570 std::vector<double>m_raNutPrec;
571 std::vector<double>m_decNutPrec;
572 std::vector<double>m_pmNutPrec;
574 // The periods of bodies in the same system are modeled with a linear equation
575 std::vector<Angle>m_sysNutPrec0;
576 std::vector<Angle>m_sysNutPrec1;
578 // The following scalars are used in the IAU equations to convert p_et to the appropriate time
579 // units for calculating target body ra, dec, and w. These need to be initialized in every
580 // constructor.
582 static const double m_centScale;
584 static const double m_dayScale;
586 };
Contains Pvl Groups and Pvl Objects.
Definition PvlObject.h:61
Provide operations for quaternion arithmetic.
Definition Quaternion.h:36
Obtain SPICE rotation information for a body.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:208
std::vector< double > toJ2000Partial(const std::vector< double > &lookT, PartialType partialVar, int coeffIndex)
Given a direction vector in the reference frame, compute the derivative with respect to one of the co...
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1594
void setEphemerisTimePolyFunction()
When setting the ephemeris time, updates the rotation according to a polynomial that defines the thre...
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:3419
std::vector< double > GetFullCacheTime()
Return full listing (cache) of original time coverage requested.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2695
void SetPolynomial(const Source type=PolyFunction)
Set the coefficients of a polynomial fit to each of the three camera angles for the time period cover...
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1726
void loadPCFromTable(const PvlObject &Label)
Initialize planetary orientation constants from an cube body rotation label.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1090
void SetConstantMatrix(std::vector< double > constantMatrix)
Set the constant 3x3 rotation TC matrix from a vector of length 9.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2892
void SetFullCacheParameters(double startTime, double endTime, int cacheSize)
Set the full cache time parameters.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:3152
double GetTimeScale()
Accessor method to get the rotation time scale.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2420
int Frame()
Accessor method that returns the frame code.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:225
void setPckPolynomial(const std::vector< Angle > &raCoeff, const std::vector< Angle > &decCoeff, const std::vector< Angle > &pmCoeff)
Set the coefficients of a polynomial fit to each of the three planet angles for the time period cover...
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2015
int cacheSize()
Definition SpiceRotation.h:410
FrameType getFrameType()
Accessor method to get the rotation frame type.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2379
int p_degree
Degree of fit polynomial for angles.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:426
void setEphemerisTimePckPolyFunction()
When setting the ephemeris time, updates the rotation state based on the PcK polynomial.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:3515
void CacheLabel(Table &table)
Add labels to a SpiceRotation table.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1169
void SetTimeBasedMatrix(std::vector< double > timeBasedMatrix)
Set the time-based 3x3 rotation CJ matrix from a vector of length 9.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2927
std::vector< double > Matrix()
Return the full rotation TJ as a matrix.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2852
double EphemerisTime() const
Accessor method to get current ephemeris time.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:306
void SetAxes(int axis1, int axis2, int axis3)
Set the axes of rotation for decomposition of a rotation matrix into 3 angles.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2437
double GetBaseTime()
Accessor method to get the rotation base time.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2410
std::vector< double > EvaluatePolyFunction()
Evaluate the polynomial fit function for the three pointing angles for the current ephemeris time.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:3385
std::vector< double > ToReferencePartial(std::vector< double > &lookJ, PartialType partialVar, int coeffIndex)
Compute the derivative with respect to one of the coefficients in the angle polynomial fit equation o...
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2219
void ReloadCache()
Cache J2000 rotation over existing cached time range using polynomials.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:728
std::vector< Angle > poleDecCoefs()
Return the coefficients used to calculate the target body pole dec.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1464
double WrapAngle(double compareAngle, double angle)
Wrap the input angle to keep it within 2pi radians of the angle to compare.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2302
std::vector< double > GetCenterAngles()
Return the camera angles at the center time of the observation.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1277
void setEphemerisTimeNadir()
When setting the ephemeris time, uses spacecraft nadir source to update the rotation state.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:3287
Source GetSource()
Accessor method to get the rotation source.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2389
void LoadTimeCache()
Load the time cache.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2459
std::vector< double > & TimeBasedMatrix()
Return time-based 3x3 rotation CJ matrix as a vector of length 9.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2917
std::vector< double > Angles(int axis3, int axis2, int axis1)
Return the camera angles (right ascension, declination, and twist) for the time-based matrix CJ.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1296
void InitConstantRotation(double et)
Initialize the constant rotation.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2938
int p_axis1
Axis of rotation for angle 1 of rotation.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:427
int p_axis3
Axis of rotation for angle 3 of rotation.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:429
Table Cache(const QString &tableName)
Return a table with J2000 to reference rotations.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:855
void LoadCache(double startTime, double endTime, int size)
Cache J2000 rotation quaternion over a time range.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:349
std::vector< double > ConstantRotation()
Return the constant 3x3 rotation TC matrix as a quaternion.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2867
std::vector< double > ReferenceVector(const std::vector< double > &jVec)
Given a direction vector in J2000, return a reference frame direction.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1687
std::vector< double > AngularVelocity()
Accessor method to get the angular velocity.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1352
std::vector< Angle > sysNutPrecCoefs()
Return the coefficients used to calculate the target body system nut/prec angles.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1570
void SetOverrideBaseTime(double baseTime, double timeScale)
Set an override base time to be used with observations on scanners to allow all images in an observat...
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2097
Table LineCache(const QString &tableName)
Return a table with J2000 to reference rotations.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:819
std::vector< double > J2000Vector(const std::vector< double > &rVec)
Given a direction vector in the reference frame, return a J2000 direction.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1395
double DPckPolynomial(PartialType partialVar, const int coeffIndex)
Evaluate the derivative of the fit polynomial defined by the given coefficients with respect to the c...
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2159
void SetEphemerisTime(double et)
Return the J2000 to reference frame quaternion at given time.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:260
void SetFrame(int frameCode)
Change the frame to the given frame code.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:214
std::vector< int > TimeFrameChain()
Accessor method to get the frame chain for the rotation (begins in J2000).
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1373
SpiceRotation(int frameCode)
Construct an empty SpiceRotation class using a valid Naif frame code to set up for getting rotation f...
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:58
std::vector< Angle > sysNutPrecConstants()
Return the constants used to calculate the target body system nut/prec angles.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1552
std::vector< double > Extrapolate(double timeEt)
Extrapolate pointing for a given time assuming a constant angular velocity.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:3123
std::vector< double > poleRaNutPrecCoefs()
Return the coefficients used to calculate the target body pole ra nut/prec coefficients.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1501
std::vector< double > p_cacheTime
iTime for corresponding rotation
Definition SpiceRotation.h:425
Status of downsizing the cache.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:265
@ Done
Cache is downsized.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:267
@ No
Do not downsize the cache.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:268
@ Yes
Downsize the cache.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:266
void checkForBinaryPck()
Check loaded pck to see if any are binary and set frame type to indicate binary pck.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:3167
std::vector< Angle > poleRaCoefs()
Return the coefficients used to calculate the target body pole ra.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1444
void setEphemerisTimePolyFunctionOverSpice()
When setting the ephemeris time, updates the rotation state based on a polynomial fit over spice kern...
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:3469
void SetCacheTime(std::vector< double > cacheTime)
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2104
void SetSource(Source source)
Resets the source of the rotation to the given value.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2399
void setEphemerisTimeSpice()
When setting the ephemeris time, updates the rotation state based on data read directly from NAIF ker...
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:3326
void GetPolynomial(std::vector< double > &abcAng1, std::vector< double > &abcAng2, std::vector< double > &abcAng3)
Return the coefficients of a polynomial fit to each of the three camera angles for the time period co...
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2038
The rotation can come from one of 3 places for an Isis cube.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:243
@ PolyFunction
From nth degree polynomial.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:247
@ Spice
Directly from the kernels.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:244
@ Nadir
Nadir pointing.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:245
@ PckPolyFunction
Quadratic polynomial function with linear trignometric terms.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:249
@ Memcache
From cached table.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:246
@ PolyFunctionOverSpice
Kernels plus nth degree polynomial.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:248
This enumeration indicates whether the partial derivative is taken with respect to Right Ascension,...
Definition SpiceRotation.h:256
@ WRT_RightAscension
With respect to Right Ascension.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:257
@ WRT_Twist
With respect to Twist or Prime Meridian Rotation.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:259
@ WRT_Declination
With respect to Declination.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:258
void loadPCFromSpice(int CenterBodyCode)
Initialize planetary orientation constants from Spice PCK.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:978
ale::Orientations * m_orientation
Definition SpiceRotation.h:430
void setEphemerisTimeMemcache()
Updates rotation state based on the rotation cache.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:3255
void ComputeAv()
Compute the angular velocity from the time-based functions fit to the pointing angles This method com...
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2969
double DPolynomial(const int coeffIndex)
Evaluate the derivative of the fit polynomial defined by the given coefficients with respect to the c...
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2124
void ComputeBaseTime()
Compute the base time using cached times.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2074
void SetPolynomialDegree(int degree)
Set the degree of the polynomials to be fit to the three camera angles for the time period covered by...
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2330
void MinimizeCache(DownsizeStatus status)
Set the downsize status to minimize cache.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:326
void SetAngles(std::vector< double > angles, int axis3, int axis2, int axis1)
Set the rotation angles (phi, delta, and w) for the current time to define the time-based matrix CJ.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1323
bool HasAngularVelocity()
Checks whether the rotation has angular velocities.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1383
void DCJdt(std::vector< double > &dRJ)
Compute the derivative of the 3x3 rotation matrix CJ with respect to time.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:3014
void SetTimeBias(double timeBias)
Apply a time bias when invoking SetEphemerisTime method.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:242
std::vector< int > ConstantFrameChain()
Accessor method to get the frame chain for the constant part of the rotation (ends in target)
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1363
void FrameTrace(double et)
Compute frame trace chain from target frame to J2000.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2727
int p_axis2
Axis of rotation for angle 2 of rotation.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:428
std::vector< double > & ConstantMatrix()
Return the constant 3x3 rotation TC matrix as a vector of length 9.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2882
void getPckPolynomial(std::vector< Angle > &raCoeff, std::vector< Angle > &decCoeff, std::vector< Angle > &pmCoeff)
Return the coefficients of a polynomial fit to each of the three planet angles.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2060
std::vector< double > pmNutPrecCoefs()
Return the coefficients used to calculate the target body pm nut/prec coefficients.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1535
Enumeration for the frame type of the rotation.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:274
See Naif Frames.req document for.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:276
@ CK
Definition SpiceRotation.h:278
@ TK
Definition SpiceRotation.h:279
Definition SpiceRotation.h:277
Definition SpiceRotation.h:280
PCK frame not referenced to J2000.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:282
Isis specific code for unknown frame type.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:275
Isis specific code for binary pck.
Definition SpiceRotation.h:281
bool IsCached() const
Checks if the cache is empty.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:316
std::vector< double > poleDecNutPrecCoefs()
Return the coefficients used to calculate the target body pole dec nut/prec coefficients.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1518
std::vector< Angle > pmCoefs()
Return the coefficients used to calculate the target body prime meridian.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1483
virtual ~SpiceRotation()
Destructor for SpiceRotation object.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:200
void usePckPolynomial()
Set the coefficients of a polynomial fit to each of the three planet angles for the time period cover...
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:1935
std::vector< double > TimeBasedRotation()
Return time-based 3x3 rotation CJ matrix as a quaternion.
Definition SpiceRotation.cpp:2902
Class for storing Table blobs information.
Definition Table.h:61
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition Apollo.h:16

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File Modified: 03/27/2024 15:35:44