bool | Isis::toBool (const QString &string) |
| Global function to convert from a string to a boolean.
int | Isis::toInt (const QString &string) |
| Global function to convert from a string to an integer.
BigInt | Isis::toBigInt (const QString &string) |
| Global function to convert from a string to a "big" integer.
double | Isis::toDouble (const QString &string) |
| Global function to convert from a string to a double.
QString | Isis::toString (bool boolToConvert) |
| Global function to convert a boolean to a string.
QString | Isis::toString (char charToConvert) |
| Global function to convert a character to a string.
QString | Isis::toString (const int &intToConvert) |
| Global function to convert an integer to a string.
QString | Isis::toString (const unsigned int &intToConvert) |
| Global function to convert an unsigned integer to a string.
QString | Isis::toString (const BigInt &intToConvert) |
| Global function to convert a big integer to a string.
QString | Isis::toString (double doubleToConvert, int precision) |
| Global function to convert a double to a string with the given precision (significant figures).
static bool | Isis::nocase_compare (const char c1, const char c2) |
| Compare two characters without regard to case.
std::ostream & | Isis::operator<< (std::ostream &outputStream, const QString &string) |
| Print an ASCII representation of the given QString to a stl stream (most commonly cout, cerr).
std::ostream & | Isis::operator<< (std::ostream &outputStream, const QStringRef &string) |
| Print an ASCII representation of the given QStringRef to a stl stream (most commonly cout, cerr).