QString | Isis::Message::ArraySubscriptNotInRange (int index) |
| This error should be used when an Isis object or application is checking array bounds and the legal range has been violated.
QString | Isis::Message::KeywordAmbiguous (const QString &key) |
| This error should be used when a supplied keyword for an Isis application parameter does not contain enough characters to distinguish it from another keyword.
QString | Isis::Message::KeywordUnrecognized (const QString &key) |
| This error should be used when a supplied keyword for an Isis application parameter does not match any of the parameters for that application.
QString | Isis::Message::KeywordDuplicated (const QString &key) |
| This error should be used when a supplied keyword for an Isis application parameter is the same as one previously supplied.
QString | Isis::Message::KeywordNotArray (const QString &key) |
| This error should be used when a supplied keyword is being used as an array (i.e., with a subscript) but is only a scaler entity.
QString | Isis::Message::KeywordNotFound (const QString &key) |
| This error should be used when a supplied keyword is not defined in the application.
QString | Isis::Message::KeywordBlockInvalid (const QString &block) |
| This error has been deprecated and should not be used in new code.
QString | Isis::Message::KeywordBlockStartMissing (const QString &block, const QString &found) |
| This error has been deprecated and should not be used in new code.
QString | Isis::Message::KeywordBlockEndMissing (const QString &block, const QString &found) |
| This error has been deprecated and should not be used in new code.
QString | Isis::Message::KeywordValueBad (const QString &key) |
| This error should be used when a supplied keyword does not appear in the list (e.g., an Isis cube label).
QString | Isis::Message::KeywordValueBad (const QString &key, const QString &value) |
| This error should be used when the value of a supplied keyword is incorrect.
QString | Isis::Message::KeywordValueExpected (const QString &key) |
| This error should be used when the value of a supplied keyword was expected but not present.
QString | Isis::Message::KeywordValueNotInRange (const QString &key, const QString &value, const QString &range) |
| This error should be used when the value of a supplied keyword is not within a specific range.
QString | Isis::Message::KeywordValueNotInList (const QString &key, const QString &value, const std::vector< QString > &list) |
| This error should be used when the value of a supplied keyword is not one of a specific list of possible values.
QString | Isis::Message::MissingDelimiter (const char delimiter) |
| This error should be used when a delimiter is missing.
QString | Isis::Message::MissingDelimiter (const char delimiter, const QString &near) |
| This error should be used when a delimiter is missing.
QString | Isis::Message::FileOpen (const QString &filename) |
| This error should be used when a file could not be opened.
QString | Isis::Message::FileCreate (const QString &filename) |
| This error should be used when a file could not be created.
QString | Isis::Message::FileRead (const QString &filename) |
| This error should be used when an error accrues during a read of a file.
QString | Isis::Message::FileWrite (const QString &filename) |
| This error should be used when an error accrues during a write to a file.
QString | Isis::Message::MemoryAllocationFailed () |
| This error should be used when an error accrues during a memory allocation such as "new".