Isis Developer Reference
Isis::BundleSettings Class Reference

Container class for BundleAdjustment settings. More...

#include <BundleSettings.h>

Collaboration diagram for Isis::BundleSettings:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  ConvergenceCriteria { Sigma0 , ParameterCorrections }
 This enum defines the options for the bundle adjustment's convergence. More...
enum  MaximumLikelihoodModel {
  NoMaximumLikelihoodEstimator , Huber , ModifiedHuber , Welsch ,
 This enum defines the options for maximum likelihood estimation. More...

Public Member Functions

 BundleSettings ()
 Constructs a BundleSettings object.
 BundleSettings (const BundleSettings &other)
 This copy constructor sets this BundleSettings' member data to match that of the 'other' given BundleSettings.
 ~BundleSettings ()
 Destroys the BundleSettings object.
BundleSettingsoperator= (const BundleSettings &other)
 Assignment operator to allow proper copying of the 'other' BundleSettings object to this one.
void setValidateNetwork (bool validate)
 Sets the internal flag to indicate whether to validate the network before the bundle adjustment.
bool validateNetwork () const
 This method is used to determine whether to validate the network before the bundle adjustment.
void setSolveOptions (bool solveObservationMode=false, bool updateCubeLabel=false, bool errorPropagation=false, bool solveRadius=false, SurfacePoint::CoordinateType coordTypeBundle=SurfacePoint::Latitudinal, SurfacePoint::CoordinateType coordTypeReports=SurfacePoint::Latitudinal, double globalPointCoord1AprioriSigma=Isis::Null, double globalPointCoord2AprioriSigma=Isis::Null, double globalPointCoord3AprioriSigma=Isis::Null)
 Set the solve options for the bundle adjustment.
void setOutlierRejection (bool outlierRejection, double multiplier=1.0)
 Set the outlier rejection options for the bundle adjustment.
void setObservationSolveOptions (QList< BundleObservationSolveSettings > obsSolveSettingsList)
 Add the list of solve options for each observation.
void setCreateInverseMatrix (bool createMatrix)
 Turn the creation of the inverse correlation matrix file on or off.
SurfacePoint::CoordinateType controlPointCoordTypeReports () const
 Indicates the control point coordinate type for reports.
SurfacePoint::CoordinateType controlPointCoordTypeBundle () const
 Indicates the control point coordinate type for the actual bundle adjust.
bool createInverseMatrix () const
 Indicates if the settings will allow the inverse correlation matrix to be created.
bool solveObservationMode () const
 This method is used to determine whether this bundle adjustment will solve for observation mode.
bool solveRadius () const
 This method is used to determine whether this bundle adjustment will solve for radius.
bool updateCubeLabel () const
 This method is used to determine whether this bundle adjustment will update the cube labels.
bool errorPropagation () const
 This method is used to determine whether this bundle adjustment will perform error propagation.
bool outlierRejection () const
 This method is used to determine whether outlier rejection will be performed on this bundle adjustment.
double outlierRejectionMultiplier () const
 Retrieves the outlier rejection multiplier for the bundle adjustment.
double globalPointCoord1AprioriSigma () const
 Retrieves global a priori sigma for 1st coordinate of points for this bundle.
double globalPointCoord2AprioriSigma () const
 Retrieves the global a priori sigma for 2nd coordinate of points for this bundle.
double globalPointCoord3AprioriSigma () const
 Retrieves the global a priori sigma 3rd coordinate of points for this bundle.
int numberSolveSettings () const
 Retrieves the number of observation solve settings.
BundleObservationSolveSettings observationSolveSettings (QString instrumentId) const
 Retrieves solve settings for the observation corresponding to the given observation number.
BundleObservationSolveSettings observationSolveSettings (int n) const
 Retrieves solve settings for the observation corresponding to the given index.
QList< BundleObservationSolveSettingsobservationSolveSettings () const
 Retrieves solve settings for the observation corresponding to the given index.
void setConvergenceCriteria (ConvergenceCriteria criteria, double threshold, int maximumIterations)
 Set the convergence criteria options for the bundle adjustment.
ConvergenceCriteria convergenceCriteria () const
 Retrieves the convergence criteria to be used to solve the bundle adjustment.
double convergenceCriteriaThreshold () const
 Retrieves the convergence threshold to be used to solve the bundle adjustment.
int convergenceCriteriaMaximumIterations () const
 Retrieves the maximum number of iterations allowed to solve the bundle adjustment.
void addMaximumLikelihoodEstimatorModel (MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::Model model, double cQuantile)
 Add a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) model to the bundle adjustment.
QList< QPair< MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::Model, double > > maximumLikelihoodEstimatorModels () const
 Retrieves the list of maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) models with their corresponding C-Quantiles.
void setBundleTargetBody (BundleTargetBodyQsp bundleTargetBody)
 Sets the target body for the bundle adjustment.
BundleTargetBodyQsp bundleTargetBody () const
 Retrieves a pointer to target body information for the bundle adjustment.
int numberTargetBodyParameters () const
 This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body pole position.
bool solveTargetBody () const
 This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body.
bool solvePoleRA () const
 This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body pole right ascension.
bool solvePoleRAVelocity () const
 This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body pole right ascension velocity.
bool solvePoleDec () const
 This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body pole declination.
bool solvePoleDecVelocity () const
 This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body pole declination velocity.
bool solvePM () const
 This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body prime meridian.
bool solvePMVelocity () const
 This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body prime meridian velocity.
bool solvePMAcceleration () const
 This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body prime meridian acceleration.
bool solveTriaxialRadii () const
 This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body triaxial radii.
bool solveMeanRadius () const
 This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body mean radius.
void setOutputFilePrefix (QString outputFilePrefix)
 Set the output file prefix for the bundle adjustment.
void setSCPVLFilename (QString SCParamFilename)
QString outputFilePrefix () const
 Retrieve the output file prefix.
void setCubeList (QString fileName)
QString cubeList () const
QString SCPVLFilename () const
void save (QXmlStreamWriter &stream, const Project *project) const
 This method is used to write a BundleSettings object in an XML format.
void readBundleSettings (QXmlStreamReader *xmlReader)

Static Public Member Functions

static ConvergenceCriteria stringToConvergenceCriteria (QString criteria)
 Converts the given string value to a BundleSettings::ConvergenceCriteria enumeration.
static QString convergenceCriteriaToString (ConvergenceCriteria criteria)
 Converts the given BundleSettings::ConvergenceCriteria enumeration to a string.

Detailed Description

Container class for BundleAdjustment settings.

This class contains all of the settings needed to run a bundle adjustment. A BundleSettings object is passed into the BundleAdjustment constructor.

2014-05-14 Jeannie Backer

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ConvergenceCriteria

This enum defines the options for the bundle adjustment's convergence.


The value of sigma0 will be used to determine that the bundle adjustment has converged.


All parameter corrections will be used to determine that the bundle adjustment has converged.

◆ MaximumLikelihoodModel

This enum defines the options for maximum likelihood estimation.


Do not use a maximum likelihood model.


Use a Huber maximum likelihood model.

This model approximates the L2 norm near zero and the L1 norm thereafter. This model has one continuous derivative.


Use a modified Huber maximum likelihood model.

This model approximates the L2 norm near zero and the L1 norm thereafter. This model has two continuous derivative.


Use a Welsch maximum likelihood model.

This model approximates the L2 norm near zero, but then decays exponentially to zero.


Use a Chen maximum likelihood model.

This is a highly aggressive model that intentionally removes the largest few percent of residuals.????

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BundleSettings() [1/2]

Isis::BundleSettings::BundleSettings ( )

Constructs a BundleSettings object.

Default values are set for all member variables. By default, BundleSettings allows creation of the inverse correlation matrix file.

See also

◆ BundleSettings() [2/2]

Isis::BundleSettings::BundleSettings ( const BundleSettings & other)

This copy constructor sets this BundleSettings' member data to match that of the 'other' given BundleSettings.

otherThe BundleSettings object to be copied.

◆ ~BundleSettings()

Isis::BundleSettings::~BundleSettings ( )

Destroys the BundleSettings object.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addMaximumLikelihoodEstimatorModel()

void Isis::BundleSettings::addMaximumLikelihoodEstimatorModel ( MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::Model model,
double maxModelCQuantile )

Add a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) model to the bundle adjustment.

modelThe enumeration for the model to be used.
maxModelCQuantileThe C-Quantile of the residual to be used to compute the tweaking constant.
Isis::Exception::Programmer"For bundle adjustments with multiple maximum likelihood estimators, the first model must be of type HUBER or HUBER_MODIFIED."

References _FILEINFO_, Isis::MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::HuberModified, and Isis::IException::Programmer.

◆ bundleTargetBody()

BundleTargetBodyQsp Isis::BundleSettings::bundleTargetBody ( ) const

Retrieves a pointer to target body information for the bundle adjustment.

BundleTargetBodyQsp A pointer to the BundleTargetBody object for the bundle adjustment to be run.

Referenced by setBundleTargetBody().

◆ controlPointCoordTypeBundle()

SurfacePoint::CoordinateType Isis::BundleSettings::controlPointCoordTypeBundle ( ) const

Indicates the control point coordinate type for the actual bundle adjust.

This method returns the control point coordinate setting for performing the bundle adjust.

SurfacePoint::CoordinateType Returns the control point coordinate type setting
See also

Referenced by readBundleSettings(), and save().

◆ controlPointCoordTypeReports()

SurfacePoint::CoordinateType Isis::BundleSettings::controlPointCoordTypeReports ( ) const

Indicates the control point coordinate type for reports.

This method returns the control point coordinate setting for reporting control points.

SurfacePoint::CoordinateType Returns the control point coordinate type setting

Referenced by readBundleSettings(), and save().

◆ convergenceCriteria()

BundleSettings::ConvergenceCriteria Isis::BundleSettings::convergenceCriteria ( ) const

Retrieves the convergence criteria to be used to solve the bundle adjustment.

ConvergenceCriteria The enumeration of the convergence criteria.

Referenced by readBundleSettings(), and save().

◆ convergenceCriteriaMaximumIterations()

int Isis::BundleSettings::convergenceCriteriaMaximumIterations ( ) const

Retrieves the maximum number of iterations allowed to solve the bundle adjustment.

maximumIterationsThe maximum number of iterations allowed before the bundle adjustment determines that the data is not converging.

Referenced by save().

◆ convergenceCriteriaThreshold()

double Isis::BundleSettings::convergenceCriteriaThreshold ( ) const

Retrieves the convergence threshold to be used to solve the bundle adjustment.

double The threshold that determines convergence.

Referenced by save().

◆ convergenceCriteriaToString()

QString Isis::BundleSettings::convergenceCriteriaToString ( BundleSettings::ConvergenceCriteria criteria)

Converts the given BundleSettings::ConvergenceCriteria enumeration to a string.

This method is used to print the type of convergence criteria used in the bundle adjustment.

criteriaThe ConvergenceCriteria enumeration to be converted.
QString The name associated with the given convergence criteria.
Isis::Exception::Programmer"Unknown bundle convergence criteria enum."

References _FILEINFO_, ParameterCorrections, Isis::IException::Programmer, Sigma0, and Isis::toString().

Referenced by save().

◆ createInverseMatrix()

bool Isis::BundleSettings::createInverseMatrix ( ) const

Indicates if the settings will allow the inverse correlation matrix to be created.

This method is used to determine if the inverse correlation matrix file will be created when creating error propagation information in the bundle adjust. If error propagation is not turned on, then the inverse correlation matrix file will not be created.

bool Returns whether or now the inverse correlation matrix is allowed to be created.
See also

Referenced by readBundleSettings(), and save().

◆ cubeList()

QString Isis::BundleSettings::cubeList ( ) const


QString The name/path of the cube list.

Referenced by setCubeList().

◆ errorPropagation()

bool Isis::BundleSettings::errorPropagation ( ) const

This method is used to determine whether this bundle adjustment will perform error propagation.

bool Indicates whether to perform error propagation.

Referenced by readBundleSettings(), save(), and setSolveOptions().

◆ globalPointCoord1AprioriSigma()

double Isis::BundleSettings::globalPointCoord1AprioriSigma ( ) const

Retrieves global a priori sigma for 1st coordinate of points for this bundle.

double The global a priori sigma for point coordinate 1.

Referenced by readBundleSettings(), save(), and setSolveOptions().

◆ globalPointCoord2AprioriSigma()

double Isis::BundleSettings::globalPointCoord2AprioriSigma ( ) const

Retrieves the global a priori sigma for 2nd coordinate of points for this bundle.

double The global a priori sigma for point coordinate 2.

Referenced by readBundleSettings(), save(), and setSolveOptions().

◆ globalPointCoord3AprioriSigma()

double Isis::BundleSettings::globalPointCoord3AprioriSigma ( ) const

Retrieves the global a priori sigma 3rd coordinate of points for this bundle.

double The global a priori sigma for point coordinate 3.

Referenced by readBundleSettings(), save(), and setSolveOptions().

◆ maximumLikelihoodEstimatorModels()

QList< QPair< MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::Model, double > > Isis::BundleSettings::maximumLikelihoodEstimatorModels ( ) const

Retrieves the list of maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) models with their corresponding C-Quantiles.

QList< QPair< MaximumLikelihoodWFunctions::Model, double > > The list of tuples of the form (model, quantile) to be used for the bundle adjustment.

◆ numberSolveSettings()

int Isis::BundleSettings::numberSolveSettings ( ) const

Retrieves the number of observation solve settings.

int The number of solve settings object for this run of the bundle adjustment.

Referenced by observationSolveSettings(), and observationSolveSettings().

◆ numberTargetBodyParameters()

int Isis::BundleSettings::numberTargetBodyParameters ( ) const

This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body pole position.

bool Indicates whether to solve for target pole position. Retrieves the number of target body parameters. If the BundleTargetBody associated with this bundle adjustment is NULL, this method returns 0.
int The number of target body parameters.

◆ observationSolveSettings() [1/3]

QList< BundleObservationSolveSettings > Isis::BundleSettings::observationSolveSettings ( ) const

Retrieves solve settings for the observation corresponding to the given index.

QList<BundleObservationSolveSettings> The QList of BundleObservationSolveSettings objects

◆ observationSolveSettings() [2/3]

BundleObservationSolveSettings Isis::BundleSettings::observationSolveSettings ( int n) const

Retrieves solve settings for the observation corresponding to the given index.

nThe index of the BundleObservationSolveSettings object to be accessed.
BundleObservationSolveSettings The observation settings object corresponding to the given index.
IException::Unknown"Unable to find BundleObservationSolveSettings with given index"

References _FILEINFO_, numberSolveSettings(), Isis::toString(), and Isis::IException::Unknown.

◆ observationSolveSettings() [3/3]

BundleObservationSolveSettings Isis::BundleSettings::observationSolveSettings ( QString observationNumber) const

Retrieves solve settings for the observation corresponding to the given observation number.

If no corresponding settings object exists, return a new solve settings with no related observation numbers.

observationNumberThe observation number associated with the BundleObservationSolveSettings object to be accessed.
BundleObservationSolveSettings The observation settings object that contains the observation number passed.

References numberSolveSettings().

◆ operator=()

BundleSettings & Isis::BundleSettings::operator= ( const BundleSettings & other)

Assignment operator to allow proper copying of the 'other' BundleSettings object to this one.

otherThe BundleSettings object to be copied.
BundleSettings& A reference to the copied BundleSettings object.

◆ outlierRejection()

bool Isis::BundleSettings::outlierRejection ( ) const

This method is used to determine whether outlier rejection will be performed on this bundle adjustment.

bool Indicates whether to perform automatic outlier rejection during the bundle adjustment.

Referenced by readBundleSettings(), save(), and setOutlierRejection().

◆ outlierRejectionMultiplier()

double Isis::BundleSettings::outlierRejectionMultiplier ( ) const

Retrieves the outlier rejection multiplier for the bundle adjustment.

double The outlier rejection multiplier.

Referenced by readBundleSettings(), and save().

◆ outputFilePrefix()

QString Isis::BundleSettings::outputFilePrefix ( ) const

Retrieve the output file prefix.

This string will be appended to all of the output files created by the bundle adjustment.

QString A string containing a prefix and/or directory path to be appended to all output files.

Referenced by save(), and setOutputFilePrefix().

◆ readBundleSettings()

◆ save()

◆ SCPVLFilename()

QString Isis::BundleSettings::SCPVLFilename ( ) const

◆ setBundleTargetBody()

void Isis::BundleSettings::setBundleTargetBody ( BundleTargetBodyQsp bundleTargetBody)

Sets the target body for the bundle adjustment.

bundleTargetBodyA pointer to the BundleTargetBody object for the bundle adjustment to be run.

References bundleTargetBody().

◆ setConvergenceCriteria()

void Isis::BundleSettings::setConvergenceCriteria ( BundleSettings::ConvergenceCriteria criteria,
double threshold,
int maximumIterations )

Set the convergence criteria options for the bundle adjustment.

criteriaAn enumeration for the convergence criteria to be used for this bundle adjustment.
thresholdThe convergence threshold for this bundle adjustment.
maximumIterationsThe maximum number of iterations allowed before the bundle adjustment determines that the data is not converging.

◆ setCreateInverseMatrix()

void Isis::BundleSettings::setCreateInverseMatrix ( bool createMatrixFile)

Turn the creation of the inverse correlation matrix file on or off.

Note that the inverse correlation matrix is created in BundleAdjust, and will only be created if error propagation is turned on. By default, BundleSettings allows the inverse matrix to be created. This requires stand-alone applications (e.g. jigsaw) to call this method to turn of the correlation matrix creation.

createMatrixFileBoolean indicating whether or not to allow the inverse matrix file to be created.
See also

◆ setCubeList()

void Isis::BundleSettings::setCubeList ( QString cubeList)



References cubeList().

◆ setObservationSolveOptions()

void Isis::BundleSettings::setObservationSolveOptions ( QList< BundleObservationSolveSettings > obsSolveSettingsList)

Add the list of solve options for each observation.

observationSolveSettingsA list of BundleObservationSolveSettings objects to indicate the settings for each observation of the bundle adjustment.

◆ setOutlierRejection()

void Isis::BundleSettings::setOutlierRejection ( bool outlierRejection,
double multiplier = 1.0 )

Set the outlier rejection options for the bundle adjustment.

outlierRejectionIndicates whether to perform automatic outlier rejection during the bundle adjustment.
mutliplierThe outlier rejection multiplier.

References outlierRejection().

◆ setOutputFilePrefix()

void Isis::BundleSettings::setOutputFilePrefix ( QString outputFilePrefix)

Set the output file prefix for the bundle adjustment.

outputFilePrefixA string containing a prefix and/or directory path

References outputFilePrefix().

◆ setSCPVLFilename()

void Isis::BundleSettings::setSCPVLFilename ( QString SCParamFilename)

◆ setSolveOptions()

void Isis::BundleSettings::setSolveOptions ( bool solveObservationMode = false,
bool updateCubeLabel = false,
bool errorPropagation = false,
bool solveRadius = false,
SurfacePoint::CoordinateType coordTypeBundle = SurfacePoint::Latitudinal,
SurfacePoint::CoordinateType coordTypeReports = SurfacePoint::Latitudinal,
double globalPointCoord1AprioriSigma = Isis::Null,
double globalPointCoord2AprioriSigma = Isis::Null,
double globalPointCoord3AprioriSigma = Isis::Null )

Set the solve options for the bundle adjustment.

solveObservationModeA boolean value indicating whether to solve for observation mode.
updateCubeLabelA boolean value indicating whether to update the cube labels after the bundle adjustment is completed.
errorPropagationA boolean value indicating whether to use the cholmod library's error propagation.
solveRadiusA boolean value indicating whether to solve for radius.
coordTypeThe type of coordinates used for control points
globalPointCoord1AprioriSigmaThe global a priori sigma for latitude.
globalPointCoord2AprioriSigmaThe global a priori sigma for longitude.
globalPointCoord3AprioriSigmaThe global a priori sigma for radius.

References errorPropagation(), globalPointCoord1AprioriSigma(), globalPointCoord2AprioriSigma(), globalPointCoord3AprioriSigma(), Isis::SurfacePoint::Latitudinal, Isis::Null, Isis::SurfacePoint::Rectangular, solveObservationMode(), solveRadius(), and updateCubeLabel().

◆ setValidateNetwork()

void Isis::BundleSettings::setValidateNetwork ( bool validate)

Sets the internal flag to indicate whether to validate the network before the bundle adjustment.

See also
validateIndicates whether the network should be validated by BundleAdjust.

References Isis::validate().

◆ solveMeanRadius()

bool Isis::BundleSettings::solveMeanRadius ( ) const

This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body mean radius.

See also
bool Indicates whether to solve for target mean radius.

◆ solveObservationMode()

bool Isis::BundleSettings::solveObservationMode ( ) const

This method is used to determine whether this bundle adjustment will solve for observation mode.

bool Indicates whether to solve for observation mode.

Referenced by readBundleSettings(), save(), and setSolveOptions().

◆ solvePM()

bool Isis::BundleSettings::solvePM ( ) const

This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body prime meridian.

See also
bool Indicates whether to solve for target PM.

◆ solvePMAcceleration()

bool Isis::BundleSettings::solvePMAcceleration ( ) const

This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body prime meridian acceleration.

See also
bool Indicates whether to solve for target PM acceleration.

◆ solvePMVelocity()

bool Isis::BundleSettings::solvePMVelocity ( ) const

This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body prime meridian velocity.

See also
bool Indicates whether to solve for target PM velocity.

◆ solvePoleDec()

bool Isis::BundleSettings::solvePoleDec ( ) const

This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body pole declination.

See also
bool Indicates whether to solve for target pole declination.

◆ solvePoleDecVelocity()

bool Isis::BundleSettings::solvePoleDecVelocity ( ) const

This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body pole declination velocity.

See also
bool Indicates whether to solve for target pole declination velocity.

◆ solvePoleRA()

bool Isis::BundleSettings::solvePoleRA ( ) const

This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body pole right ascension.

See also
bool Indicates whether to solve for target pole RA.

◆ solvePoleRAVelocity()

bool Isis::BundleSettings::solvePoleRAVelocity ( ) const

This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body pole right ascension velocity.

See also
bool Indicates whether to solve for target pole RA velocity.

◆ solveRadius()

bool Isis::BundleSettings::solveRadius ( ) const

This method is used to determine whether this bundle adjustment will solve for radius.

bool Indicates whether to solve for radius.

Referenced by readBundleSettings(), save(), and setSolveOptions().

◆ solveTargetBody()

bool Isis::BundleSettings::solveTargetBody ( ) const

This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body.

bool Indicates whether to solve for target body.

◆ solveTriaxialRadii()

bool Isis::BundleSettings::solveTriaxialRadii ( ) const

This method is used to determine whether the bundle adjustment will solve for target body triaxial radii.

See also
bool Indicates whether to solve for target triaxial radii.

◆ stringToConvergenceCriteria()

BundleSettings::ConvergenceCriteria Isis::BundleSettings::stringToConvergenceCriteria ( QString criteria)

Converts the given string value to a BundleSettings::ConvergenceCriteria enumeration.

Currently accepted inputs are listed below. This method is case insensitive.

  • Sigma0
  • ParameterCorrections
criteriaConvergence criteria name to be converted.
ConvergenceCriteria The enumeration corresponding to the given name.
Isis::Exception::Programmer"Unknown bundle convergence criteria."

References _FILEINFO_, ParameterCorrections, Isis::IException::Programmer, and Sigma0.

Referenced by readBundleSettings().

◆ updateCubeLabel()

bool Isis::BundleSettings::updateCubeLabel ( ) const

This method is used to determine whether this bundle adjustment will update the cube labels.

bool Indicates whether to update the cube labels after the bundle adjustment is completed.

Referenced by readBundleSettings(), save(), and setSolveOptions().

◆ validateNetwork()

bool Isis::BundleSettings::validateNetwork ( ) const

This method is used to determine whether to validate the network before the bundle adjustment.

See also
bool Indicates whether the network should be validated by BundleAdjust.

Referenced by readBundleSettings(), and save().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: