16 class AdvancedStretch;
84 void deleteFromCube();
AdvancedStretch * p_bluStretch
Blue stretch pane.
CubeStretch getBluStretch()
This returns the advanced stretch's stretch for blue.
void updateHistograms(const Histogram &redHist, const Histogram &grnHist, const Histogram &bluHist)
This calls setHistogram on all of the advanced stretches.
void enable(bool enable)
Sets the enabled state to enable.
void restoreGrayStretch(CubeStretch stretch)
Restores a saved grayscale stretch from the cube.
void updateForRGBMode(Stretch &redStretch, Histogram &redHist, Stretch &grnStretch, Histogram &grnHist, Stretch &bluStretch, Histogram &bluHist)
Update the stretch and histogram for all the bands for All BandId option.
This destroys the advanced stretch dialog.
void updateHistogram(const Histogram &grayHist)
This calls setHistogram on the gray advanced stretches.
void enableRgbMode(Stretch &redStretch, Histogram &redHist, Stretch &grnStretch, Histogram &grnHist, Stretch &bluStretch, Histogram &bluHist)
This displays RGB advanced stretches.
CubeStretch getGrnStretch()
This returns the advanced stretch's stretch for green.
CubeStretch getGrayStretch()
This returns the advanced stretch's stretch for gray.
CubeStretch getRedStretch()
This returns the advanced stretch's stretch for red.
bool isRgbMode() const
Returns true if the dialog is displaying the RGB advanced stretches.
void destroyCurrentStretches()
This cleans up memory from currently displayed advanced stretches.
void hideEvent(QHideEvent *)
This is implemented to send a signal when visibility changes.
bool enabled()
Returns true if the advanced stretch is enabled.
void visibilityChanged()
Emitted when this dialog is shown or hidden.
void restoreRgbStretch(CubeStretch red, CubeStretch green, CubeStretch blue)
Restores a saved RGB stretch from the cube.
AdvancedStretch * p_grnStretch
Green stretch pane.
void updateStretch(CubeViewport *)
This calls setStretch on all applicable advanced stretches.
AdvancedStretch * p_grayStretch
Gray stretch pane.
AdvancedStretchDialog(QWidget *parent)
This constructs an advanced stretch.
void showEvent(QShowEvent *)
This is implemented to send a signal when visibility changes.
void enableGrayMode(Stretch &grayStretch, Histogram &grayHist)
This displays a gray advanced stretch.
bool p_enabled
True if advanced stretch should be used.
AdvancedStretch * p_redStretch
Red stretch pane.
void stretchChanged()
Emitted when an advanced stretch has changed.
Stores stretch information for a cube.
Widget to display Isis cubes for qt apps.
Container of a cube histogram.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.