Abstract class for complex stretch objects.
Stretch stretch()
This method returns the stretch.
QString name()
This method returns the name of this QStretch.
virtual QStretch * clone()=0
Abstract method to clone a QStretch in order to retain its parameters and stretch pairs.
QGroupBox * p_parametersBox
The QGroupBox that holds this QStretch's parameters.
void update()
Signal to emit when this QStretch has been updated.
virtual void setMinMax(double min, double max)
Abstract method to set the minimum and maximum values that stretch input pairs can be set to.
QString p_name
The name of this QStretch.
Stretch p_stretch
The stretch that this QStretch modifies.
virtual void connectTable(QTableWidget *widget)
Abstract method to connect the AdvancedStretchTool's table of stretch pairs in order to modify it if ...
double p_min
The minimum value a stretch input pair can be set to.
virtual void disconnectTable(QTableWidget *widget)
Abstract method to disconnect the AdvancedStretchTool's table of stretch pairs.
virtual QGroupBox * getParameters()=0
Abstract method to return a QGroupBox of this QStretch's parameters.
double p_max
The maximum value a stretch input pair can be set to.
const StretchTool * p_stretchTool
The StretchTool that created this QStretch.
QStretch(const StretchTool *stretchTool, QString name)
QStretch Constructor.
void SetNull(const double value)
Sets the mapping for NULL pixels.
void SetHrs(const double value)
Sets the mapping for HRS pixels.
void SetHis(const double value)
Sets the mapping for HIS pixels.
void SetLis(const double value)
Sets the mapping for LIS pixels.
void SetLrs(const double value)
Sets the mapping for LRS pixels.
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