1#ifndef ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap_h
2#define ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap_h
12#include "ApolloPanIO.h"
13#include "LineScanCameraDetectorMap.h"
55 virtual bool SetParent(
const double sample,
const double line);
57 virtual bool SetDetector(
const double sample,
const double line);
Calculates a series of affine transformations from the measured coordinates of the up to 90 fiducial ...
double maxResiduals()
Accessor for the mean (average) of the residual vector lenghts Call after computeInteriorOrienation()...
double stdevResiduals()
Accessor for the standard deviation of the residual vector lenghts Call after computeInteriorOrienati...
double meanResiduals()
Accessor for the mean (average) of the residual vector lenghts Call after computeInteriorOrienation()...
Convert between parent image (aka encoder aka machine) coordinates and detector coordinates.
double m_lineRate
line exposure duration
int initializeInteriorOrientation()
This method uses the ApolloPanIO class to compute transforamtion from cube to image (aka fiducial coo...
ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap(Camera *parent, double etMiddle, double lineRate, Pvl *lab)
Construct a detector map for line scan cameras.
virtual bool SetParent(const double sample, const double line)
This method sets dector sample line coordinates from given cube coordinates.
double maxResidual()
Max interior orientation residual vector length, accesor.
double stdevResidual()
Standard deviation of interior orientation residual vector lengths, accesor.
double m_etMiddle
Ephemeris time at the middle line.
virtual bool SetDetector(const double sample, const double line)
This method sets cube sample line coordinates from given Dector coordinates.
Pvl * m_lab
Image label used to construct camera object.
virtual ~ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap()
Destroys ApolloPanoramicDetectorMap object.
double meanResidual()
Mean (average) of interior orientation residual vector lengths, accesor.
double LineRate() const
Return the time in seconds between scan lines.
void SetLineRate(const double lineRate)
Reset the line rate.
ApolloPanIO p_intOri
Class to preform transformations from cube coordiantes to image coordinates.
Convert between parent image coordinates and detector coordinates.
Container for cube-like labels.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.