1#ifndef ExportControlNetWorkOrder_H
2#define ExportControlNetWorkOrder_H
Maintains a list of Controls so that control nets can easily be copied from one Project to another,...
Write a project control network to a user-specified location.
virtual ExportControlNetWorkOrder * clone() const
Clones this work order.
virtual bool setupExecution()
Prepares for exporting a control net by soliciting information from the user.
virtual void execute()
Executes the work order.
bool isExecutable(ControlList *controls)
Determines if we can export a control net.
ExportControlNetWorkOrder(Project *project)
Creates a work order for exporting a control network from the project.
virtual void postExecution()
Display any warnings that occurred during the asynchronous computations.
QString m_warning
Stores any errors that may have occurred during export.
The main project for ipce.
Provide Undo/redo abilities, serialization, and history for an operation.
Project * project() const
Returns the Project this WorkOrder is attached to.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.