Isis 3 Programmer Reference
1#include "FileTool.h"
3#include <cmath>
5#include <QAction>
6#include <QApplication>
7#include <QFileDialog>
8#include <QFileInfo>
9#include <QImage>
10#include <QMenu>
11#include <QMessageBox>
12#include <QPainter>
13#include <QPixmap>
14#include <QPrinter>
15#include <QPrintDialog>
16#include <QToolBar>
18#include "Brick.h"
19#include "BrowseDialog.h"
20#include "CubeAttribute.h"
21#include "Enlarge.h"
22#include "FileDialog.h"
23#include "Interpolator.h"
24#include "MainWindow.h"
25#include "MdiCubeViewport.h"
26#include "OriginalLabel.h"
27#include "Portal.h"
28#include "ProcessRubberSheet.h"
29#include "ProcessByLine.h"
30#include "Pvl.h"
31#include "Reduce.h"
32#include "SaveAsDialog.h"
33#include "SubArea.h"
34#include "ViewportMainWindow.h"
35#include "Workspace.h"
37namespace Isis {
46 FileTool::FileTool(QWidget *parent) : Tool(parent) {
47 p_parent = parent;
48 p_dir.setPath("/thisDirDoesNotExist!");
49 p_open = new QAction(parent);
50 p_open->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_O);
51 p_open->setText("&Open...");
52 p_open->setIcon(QPixmap(toolIconDir() + "/fileopen.png"));
53 p_open->setToolTip("Open cube");
54 QString whatsThis =
55 "<b>Function:</b> Open an <i>Isis cube</i> in new viewport \
56 <p><b>Shortcut:</b> Ctrl+O\n</p> \
57 <p><b>Hint:</b> Use Ctrl or Shift in file dialog to open \
58 multiple cubes</p>";
59 p_open->setWhatsThis(whatsThis);
60 connect(p_open, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(open()));
62 p_browse = new QAction(parent);
63 p_browse->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_B);
64 p_browse->setText("&Browse...");
65 p_browse->setToolTip("Browse cubes");
66 whatsThis =
67 "<b>Function:</b> Browse a <i>Isis cubes</i> in new viewport \
68 <p><b>Shortcut:</b> Ctrl+B\n</p>";
69 p_browse->setWhatsThis(whatsThis);
70 connect(p_browse, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(browse()));
72 p_save = new QAction(parent);
73 p_save->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_S);
74 p_save->setText("&Save");
75 p_save->setIcon(QPixmap(toolIconDir() + "/filesave.png"));
76 p_save->setToolTip("Save");
77 whatsThis =
78 "<b>Function:</b> Save changes to the current Cube \
79 <p><b>Shortcut:</b> Ctrl+S</p>";
80 p_save->setWhatsThis(whatsThis);
81 connect(p_save, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(save()));
82 p_save->setEnabled(false);
84 p_saveAs = new QAction(parent);
85 p_saveAs->setText("Save &As...");
86 p_saveAs->setIcon(QPixmap(toolIconDir() + "/filesaveas.png"));
87 p_saveAs->setToolTip("Save As");
88 whatsThis =
89 "<b>Function:</b> Save the current Cube to the specified location";
90 p_saveAs->setWhatsThis(whatsThis);
91 connect(p_saveAs, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveAs()));
92 p_saveAs->setEnabled(false);
94 p_saveInfo = new QAction(parent);
95 p_saveInfo->setText("Save &Info...");
96 p_saveInfo->setIcon(QPixmap(toolIconDir() + "/filesaveas.png"));
97 p_saveInfo->setToolTip("Save Info");
98 whatsThis =
99 "<b>Function:</b> Save the current Cube's Whatsthis Info to the specified location";
100 p_saveInfo->setWhatsThis(whatsThis);
101 connect(p_saveInfo, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveInfo()));
102 p_saveInfo->setEnabled(false);
104 p_exportView = new QAction(parent);
105 p_exportView->setText("Export View");
106 p_exportView->setIcon(QPixmap(toolIconDir() + "/fileexport.png"));
107 p_exportView->setToolTip("Export View");
108 whatsThis =
109 "<b>Function:</b> Save visible contents of the active \
110 viewport as a png, jpg, tiff \
111 <p><b>Hint:</b> Your local installation of Qt may not support \
112 all formats. Reinstall Qt if necessary</p>";
113 p_exportView->setWhatsThis(whatsThis);
114 connect(p_exportView, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(exportView()));
115 p_exportView->setEnabled(false);
117 p_exportToList = new QAction(parent);
118 p_exportToList->setText("Export to List");
119 p_exportToList->setIcon(QPixmap(toolIconDir() + "/fileexport.png"));
120 p_exportToList->setToolTip("Export active cubes to a .lis file");
121 whatsThis =
122 "<b>Function:</b> Save all open cubes \
123 to a .lis file containing their file names";
124 p_exportToList->setWhatsThis(whatsThis);
125 connect(p_exportToList, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(exportToList()));
126 p_exportToList->setEnabled(false);
128 p_print = new QAction(parent);
129 p_print->setText("&Print...");
130 p_print->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_P);
131 p_print->setIcon(QPixmap(toolIconDir() + "/fileprint.png"));
132 p_print->setToolTip("Print");
133 whatsThis =
134 "<b>Function:</b> Print visible contents of the active viewport \
135 <p><b>Shortcut:</b> Ctrl+P</b>";
136 p_print->setWhatsThis(whatsThis);
137 connect(p_print, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(print()));
138 p_print->setEnabled(false);
140 p_closeAll = new QAction(parent);
141 p_closeAll->setText("&Close All...");
142 p_closeAll->setToolTip("Close All");
143 whatsThis =
144 "<b>Function:</b> Close all cube viewports.";
145 p_closeAll->setWhatsThis(whatsThis);
147 p_exit = new QAction(this);
148 p_exit->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Q);
149 p_exit->setText("E&xit");
150 p_exit->setIcon(QPixmap(toolIconDir() + "/fileclose.png"));
151 whatsThis =
152 "<b>Function:</b> Quit qview \
153 <p><b>Shortcut:</b> Ctrl+Q</p>";
154 p_exit->setWhatsThis(whatsThis);
155 connect(p_exit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(exit()));
157 p_lastViewport = NULL;
159 p_saveAsDialog = NULL;
160 activate(true);
161 }
169 void FileTool::addTo(QMenu *menu) {
170 menu->addAction(p_open);
171 menu->addAction(p_browse);
172 menu->addAction(p_save);
173 menu->addAction(p_saveAs);
174 menu->addAction(p_saveInfo);
175 menu->addAction(p_exportView);
176 menu->addAction(p_exportToList);
177 menu->addAction(p_print);
178 menu->addAction(p_closeAll);
179 menu->addAction(p_exit);
180 }
189 p_workSpace = ws;
190 Tool::addTo(ws);
191 connect(this, SIGNAL(fileSelected(QString)),
192 ws, SLOT(addCubeViewport(QString)));
194 connect(p_closeAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), ws->mdiArea(), SLOT(closeAllSubWindows()));
195 }
204 perm->addAction(p_open);
205 perm->addAction(p_exportView);
206 perm->addAction(p_print);
207 perm->addAction(p_exit);
208 }
216 //Set up the list of filters that are default with this dialog.
217 if (!p_filterList.contains("Isis cubes (*.cub)")) {
218 p_filterList.append("Isis cubes (*.cub)");
219 p_filterList.append("All files (*)");
220 }
221 if (!p_dir.exists()) {
222 p_dir = QDir::current();
223 }
225 FileDialog *fileDialog = new FileDialog("Open", p_filterList, p_dir, (QWidget *)parent());
226 fileDialog->show();
227 connect(fileDialog, SIGNAL(fileSelected(QString)),
228 p_workSpace, SLOT(addCubeViewport(QString)));
229 }
237 //Set up the list of filters that are default with this dialog.
238 if (!p_filterList.contains("Isis cubes (*.cub)")) {
239 p_filterList.append("Isis cubes (*.cub)");
240 p_filterList.append("All files (*)");
241 }
242 if (!p_dir.exists()) {
243 p_dir = QDir::current();
244 }
245 BrowseDialog *browser = new BrowseDialog("Browse", p_filterList, p_dir, (QWidget *)parent());
246 browser->show();
247 connect(browser, SIGNAL(fileSelected(QString)),
248 p_workSpace, SLOT(addBrowseView(QString)));
249 }
259 //If the current viewport is null (safety check), return from this method
260 if (cubeViewport() == NULL) {
261 QMessageBox::information((QWidget *)parent(), "Error", "No active cube to save");
262 return;
263 }
266 p_save->setEnabled(false);
268 cubeViewport()->cube()->reopen("rw");
269 }
285 //If the current viewport is null (safety check), return from this method
286 if (cubeViewport() == NULL) {
287 QMessageBox::information((QWidget *)parent(), "Error", "No active cube to save");
288 return;
289 }
290 //Set up the list of filters that are default with this dialog.
291 if (!p_filterList.contains("Isis cubes (*.cub)")) {
292 p_filterList.append("Isis cubes (*.cub)");
293 }
294 if (!p_dir.exists()) {
295 p_dir = QDir(p_lastDir);
296 }
297 if (p_saveAsDialog) {
298 delete p_saveAsDialog;
299 p_saveAsDialog = NULL;
300 }
302 p_saveAsDialog = new SaveAsDialog("Save As", p_filterList, p_dir, (QWidget *)parent());
303 connect(p_saveAsDialog, SIGNAL(fileSelected(QString)), this, SLOT(saveAsCubeByOption(QString)));
305 p_saveAsDialog->show();
306 }
317 void FileTool::saveAsCubeByOption(QString psOutFile) {
318 //If the current viewport is null (safety check), return from this method
319 if (cubeViewport() == NULL) {
320 QMessageBox::information((QWidget *)parent(), "Error",
321 "No active cube to save");
322 return;
323 }
325 //If the filename is empty, return
326 if (psOutFile.isEmpty() || (p_saveAsDialog==NULL)){
327 QMessageBox::information((QWidget *)parent(), "Error",
328 "No output file selected");
329 return;
330 }
332 //Check if the output file is already opened
333 QVector< MdiCubeViewport *> *vwportList = p_workSpace->cubeViewportList();
335 for (it = vwportList->begin(); it != vwportList->end(); ++it){
336 if (QString((*it)->cube()->fileName()) == psOutFile) {
337 QMessageBox::information((QWidget *)parent(), "Error",
338 "Output File is already open\n\""+ psOutFile + "\"");
339 return;
340 }
341 }
343 //If the filename is the same as the current cube's filename, just save it
344 if (p_saveAsDialog->getSaveAsType() == SaveAsDialog::FullImage &&
345 psOutFile == cubeViewport()->cube()->fileName()) {
346 save();
347 return;
348 }
350 //Save the current cube's changes by reopening it, and open an input cube
351 //from the current cube's location
352 Cube *icube = new Cube();
353 icube->open(cubeViewport()->cube()->fileName(), "rw");
354 Cube *ocube = NULL;
356 // The output cube needs to be created if the scale is 1 since saveAs_FullResolution will be
357 // called, which expects a cube.
358 // NOTE: This really should be cleaned up and the cube should be created in 1 place.
359 if (p_saveAsDialog->getSaveAsType() != SaveAsDialog::ExportAsIs ||
360 p_lastViewport->scale() == 1) {
361 //Create the output cube
362 ocube = new Cube;
363 }
365 if (p_saveAsDialog->getSaveAsType() == SaveAsDialog::FullImage) {
366 copyCubeDetails(psOutFile, icube, ocube, icube->sampleCount(),
367 icube->lineCount(), icube->bandCount());
368 saveAsFullImage(icube, ocube);
369 ocube->close();
370 }
371 else {
372 // start and end Samples and Lines
373 double dStartSample=0, dEndSample=0, dStartLine=0, dEndLine=0;
374 p_lastViewport->getCubeArea(dStartSample, dEndSample, dStartLine, dEndLine);
376 if (p_saveAsDialog->getSaveAsType() == SaveAsDialog::ExportFullRes ||
377 p_lastViewport->scale() == 1) {
378// int numSamples = (int)ceil(dEndSample-dStartSample);
379// int numLines = (int)ceil(dEndLine-dStartLine);
380 int numSamples = (int)((dEndSample - dStartSample + 1) + 0.5);
381 int numLines = (int)((dEndLine - dStartLine + 1) + 0.5);
382 copyCubeDetails(psOutFile, icube, ocube, numSamples, numLines, icube->bandCount());
383 saveAs_FullResolution(icube, ocube, numSamples, numLines);
384 ocube->close();
385 }
386 else if (p_saveAsDialog->getSaveAsType() == SaveAsDialog::ExportAsIs ) {
387 saveAs_AsIs(icube, psOutFile);
388 }
389 }
391 emit(fileSelected(psOutFile));
393 //Disable the save action
394 p_save->setEnabled(false);
396 p_lastDir = psOutFile;
397 }
410 void FileTool::saveAsEnlargedCube(Cube *icube, const QString & psOutFile) {
411 double dScale = p_lastViewport->scale();
413 // start and end Samples and Lines
414 double dStartSample=0, dEndSample=0, dStartLine=0, dEndLine=0;
415 p_lastViewport->getCubeArea(dStartSample, dEndSample, dStartLine, dEndLine);
417 double ins = dEndSample - dStartSample + 1;
418 double inl = dEndLine - dStartLine + 1;
420 double ons = (int)(ins * dScale + 0.5);
421 double onl = (int)(inl * dScale + 0.5);
423 try {
425 p.SetInputCube (icube);
426 Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube(psOutFile, CubeAttributeOutput(" "),
427 ons, onl, icube->bandCount());
429 Interpolator *interp = new Interpolator(Interpolator::NearestNeighborType);
431 Enlarge *imgEnlarge = new Enlarge(icube, dScale, dScale);
432 imgEnlarge->SetInputArea((int)dStartSample, (int)dEndSample, (int)dStartLine, (int)dEndLine);
434 p.StartProcess(*imgEnlarge, *interp);
435 imgEnlarge->UpdateOutputLabel(ocube);
436 p.EndProcess();
438 delete imgEnlarge;
439 delete interp;
441 } catch(IException &e) {
442 // Stacks error message from Cube's create method
443 throw IException(e,
445 QObject::tr("The cube could not be saved, unable to create the cube"),
446 _FILEINFO_);
447 }
448 }
460 void FileTool::saveAsReducedCube(Cube *icube, const QString & psOutFile) {
462 double dScale = p_lastViewport->scale();
463 // start and end Samples and Lines
464 double dStartSample=0, dEndSample=0, dStartLine=0, dEndLine=0;
465 p_lastViewport->getCubeArea(dStartSample, dEndSample, dStartLine, dEndLine);
467 double ins = dEndSample - dStartSample + 1;
468 double inl = dEndLine - dStartLine + 1;
470 double ons = (int)(ins * dScale + 0.5);
471 double onl = (int)(inl * dScale + 0.5);
473 CubeAttributeInput cai(icube->fileName());
474 std::vector<QString> bands = cai.bands();
475 int inb = bands.size();
477 if (inb == 0) {
478 inb = cubeViewport()->cube()->bandCount();
479 for(int i = 1; i <= inb; i++) {
480 bands.push_back(toString(i));
481 }
482 }
484 try {
486 p.SetInputCube (icube);
487 Cube *ocube = NULL;
488 ocube = p.SetOutputCube(psOutFile, CubeAttributeOutput(""), ons, onl, inb);
489 // Our processing routine only needs 1
490 // the original set was for info about the cube only
491 p.ClearInputCubes();
493 Cube *tempcube=new Cube;
494 tempcube->open(cubeViewport()->cube()->fileName(), "r");
495 Nearest *near = new Nearest(tempcube, ins/ons, inl/onl);
496 near->setInputBoundary((int)dStartSample, (int)dEndSample, (int)dStartLine, (int)dEndLine);
498 p.ProcessCubeInPlace(*near, false);
499 near->UpdateOutputLabel(ocube);
500 p.EndProcess();
502 delete near;
503 near=NULL;
504 }
505 catch(IException &e) {
506 // If there is a problem, catch it and close the cube so it isn't open next time around
507 icube->close();
508 // Stacks error message from Cube's create method
509 throw IException(e,
511 QObject::tr("The cube could not be saved, unable to create the cube"),
512 _FILEINFO_);
513 }
514 }
525 void FileTool::saveAs_AsIs(Cube *icube, const QString & psOutFile) {
526 double dScale = p_lastViewport->scale();
527 // Enlarge the cube area
528 if (dScale > 1) {
529 saveAsEnlargedCube(icube, psOutFile);
530 }
531 // Reduce the cube area
532 else {
533 saveAsReducedCube(icube, psOutFile);
534 }
535 }
552 void FileTool::copyCubeDetails(const QString & psOutFile, Cube *icube,
553 Cube *ocube, int piNumSamples, int piNumLines, int piNumBands) {
554 //Create the default output attribute with the output filename
555 CubeAttributeOutput outAtt(psOutFile);
557 //Propagate all labels, tables, blobs, etc from the input to output cube
558 try {
559 ocube->setDimensions(piNumSamples, piNumLines, piNumBands);
560 ocube->setByteOrder(outAtt.byteOrder());
561 ocube->setFormat(outAtt.fileFormat());
562 ocube->setLabelsAttached(outAtt.labelAttachment() == AttachedLabel);
564 if (outAtt.propagatePixelType()) {
565 ocube->setPixelType(icube->pixelType());
566 }
567 else {
568 ocube->setPixelType(outAtt.pixelType());
569 }
571 if (outAtt.propagateMinimumMaximum()) {
572 if (ocube->pixelType() == Real) {
573 ocube->setBaseMultiplier(0.0, 1.0);
574 }
575 else if (ocube->pixelType() >= icube->pixelType()) {
576 double base = icube->base();
577 double mult = icube->multiplier();
578 ocube->setBaseMultiplier(base, mult);
579 }
580 else if ((ocube->pixelType() != Real) &&
581 (ocube->pixelType() != UnsignedByte) &&
582 (ocube->pixelType() != SignedWord) &&
583 (ocube->pixelType() != UnsignedWord) &&
584 (ocube->pixelType() != Isis::UnsignedInteger) &&
585 (ocube->pixelType() != Isis::SignedInteger)) {
586 QString msg = "Looks like your refactoring to add different pixel types";
587 msg += " you'll need to make changes here";
588 throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);
589 }
590 else {
591 QString msg = "You've chosen to reduce your output PixelType for [" +
592 psOutFile + "] you must specify the output pixel range too";
593 throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
594 }
595 }
596 else {
597 // Not propagating so either the user entered or the programmer did
598 ocube->setMinMax(outAtt.minimum(), outAtt.maximum());
599 }
601 int needLabBytes = icube->labelSize(true) + (1024 * 6);
602 if (needLabBytes > ocube->labelSize()) {
603 ocube->setLabelSize(needLabBytes);
604 }
606 // Allocate the cube
607 ocube->create(psOutFile);
609 // Transfer labels from the first input cube
610 PvlObject &incube = icube->label()->findObject("IsisCube");
611 PvlObject &outcube = ocube->label()->findObject("IsisCube");
612 for(int i = 0; i < incube.groups(); i++) {
613 outcube.addGroup(;
614 }
616 // Transfer tables from the first input cube
617 Pvl &inlab = *icube->label();
618 for(int i = 0; i < inlab.objects(); i++) {
619 if (inlab.object(i).isNamed("Table")) {
620 Blob t((QString)inlab.object(i)["Name"], inlab.object(i).name());
621 icube->read(t);
622 ocube->write(t);
623 }
624 }
626 // Transfer blobs from the first input cube
627 inlab = *icube->label();
628 for(int i = 0; i < inlab.objects(); i++) {
629 if (inlab.object(i).isNamed("Polygon")) {
630 Blob t((QString)inlab.object(i)["Name"], inlab.object(i).name());
631 icube->read(t);
632 ocube->write(t);
633 }
634 }
636 // Transfer tables from the first input cube
637 inlab = *icube->label();
638 for(int i = 0; i < inlab.objects(); i++) {
639 if (inlab.object(i).isNamed("OriginalLabel")) {
640 OriginalLabel ol = icube->readOriginalLabel();
641 ocube->write(ol);
642 }
643 }
644 }
645 catch(IException &) {
646 delete ocube;
647 throw;
648 }
649 }
662 void FileTool::saveAsFullImage(Cube *icube, Cube *ocube) {
663 //Start the copy process line by line
664 Brick ibrick(*icube, icube->sampleCount(), 1, 1);
665 Brick obrick(*ocube, ocube->sampleCount(), 1, 1);
667 int numBricks;
668 if (ibrick.Bricks() > obrick.Bricks()) {
669 numBricks = ibrick.Bricks();
670 }
671 else {
672 numBricks = obrick.Bricks();
673 }
675 // Loop and let the app programmer work with the bricks
676 ibrick.begin();
677 obrick.begin();
678 for(int i = 0; i < numBricks; i++) {
679 icube->read(ibrick);
680 //Copy the contents to the output cube
681 copy(ibrick, obrick);
682 ocube->write(obrick);
683 ibrick++;
684 obrick++;
685 }
686 }
701 Cube *pOutCube, int pNumSamples, int pNumLines) {
702 // start and end Samples and Lines
703 double dStartSample=0, dEndSample=0, dStartLine=0, dEndLine=0;
704 p_lastViewport->getCubeArea(dStartSample, dEndSample, dStartLine, dEndLine);
705 int iNumBands = pInCube->bandCount();
707 PvlGroup results("Results");
708 results += PvlKeyword("InputLines", toString(pInCube->lineCount()));
709 results += PvlKeyword("InputSamples", toString(pInCube->sampleCount()));
710 results += PvlKeyword("StartingLine", toString(dStartLine));
711 results += PvlKeyword("StartingSample", toString(dStartSample));
712 results += PvlKeyword("EndingLine", toString(dEndLine));
713 results += PvlKeyword("EndingSample", toString(dEndSample));
714 results += PvlKeyword("LineIncrement", toString(1));
715 results += PvlKeyword("SampleIncrement", toString(1));
716 results += PvlKeyword("OutputLines", toString(pNumLines));
717 results += PvlKeyword("OutputSamples", toString(pNumSamples));
718 SubArea subArea;
719 subArea.SetSubArea(pInCube->lineCount(), pInCube->sampleCount(), dStartLine, dStartSample,
720 dEndLine, dEndSample, 1.0, 1.0);
721 subArea.UpdateLabel(pInCube, pOutCube, results);
723 Portal iPortal (pNumSamples, 1, pInCube->pixelType());
724 Portal oPortal (pNumSamples, 1, pOutCube->pixelType());
726 for(int iBand=1; iBand<=iNumBands; iBand++) {
727 int ol=1;
728 for(int iLine=(int)dStartLine; iLine<=(int)dEndLine; iLine++) {
729 iPortal.SetPosition(dStartSample, iLine, iBand);
730 pInCube->read(iPortal);
732 oPortal.SetPosition(1, ol++, iBand);
733 pOutCube->read(oPortal);
735 oPortal.Copy(iPortal);
736 pOutCube->write(oPortal);
737 }
738 }
739 }
749 {
750 if (cubeViewport() == NULL) {
751 QMessageBox::information((QWidget *)parent(), "Error", "No active cube to save info");
752 return;
753 }
755 //Get the new cube's filename
756 QString output =
757 QFileDialog::getSaveFileName((QWidget *)parent(),
758 "Choose output file",
759 p_lastDir,
760 QString("PVL Files (*.pvl)"));
762 //If the filename is empty, return
763 if (output.isEmpty()) {
764 return;
765 }
766 else if (!output.endsWith(".pvl")) {
767 output += ".pvl";
768 }
770 Pvl whatsThisPvl;
771 cubeViewport()->getAllWhatsThisInfo(whatsThisPvl);
772 whatsThisPvl.write(output);
773 }
782 void FileTool::copy(Buffer &in, Buffer &out) {
783 out.Copy(in);
784 }
794 }
802 if (cubeViewport() == NULL) {
803 QMessageBox::information((QWidget *)parent(), "Error", "No active cube to export");
804 return;
805 }
807 QString output =
808 QFileDialog::getSaveFileName((QWidget *)parent(),
809 QString("Choose output file"),
810 p_lastDir,
811 QString("PNG (*.png);;JPG (*.jpg);;TIF (*.tif)"));
812 if (output.isEmpty()) return;
814 p_lastDir = output;
816 QString format = QFileInfo(output).suffix();
818 if (format.isEmpty()) {
819 if (output.endsWith('.')) {
820 output.append(QString("png"));
821 }
822 else {
823 output.append(QString(".png"));
824 }
825 }
826 else if ("png", Qt::CaseInsensitive) &&
827"jpg", Qt::CaseInsensitive) &&
828"tif", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
830 QMessageBox::information((QWidget *)parent(), "Error", format + " is an invalid extension.");
831 return;
832 }
834 QPixmap pm = cubeViewport()->viewport()->grab();
836 //if (!cubeViewport()->pixmap().save(output,format)) {
838 if (! {
839 QMessageBox::information((QWidget *)parent(), "Error", "Unable to save " + output);
840 return;
841 }
842 }
854 if (cubeViewport() == NULL) {
855 QMessageBox::information((QWidget *)parent(), "Error", "No active cubes to export");
856 return;
857 }
859 // The ViewportMainWindow is the parent container to the FileTool.
860 // We need to grab that object so that we can loop through it's children
861 // To find the active cube viewports.
862 ViewportMainWindow* window = dynamic_cast<ViewportMainWindow*>(parent());
864 if (window == NULL) {
865 QMessageBox::critical((QWidget *)parent(), "Error", "There was an error reading the viewport window.");
866 return;
867 }
869 QList<CubeViewport*> openCubes = window->findChildren<CubeViewport*>();
870 QList<QString> cubeFilePaths;
872 for (int i = 0; i < openCubes.size(); i++) {
874 CubeViewport* cubeViewport = openCubes.value(i);
876// QString cubeFileName(cubeViewport->cube()->fileName());
877 QFileInfo cubeFileName(cubeViewport->cube()->fileName());
879 cubeFilePaths.append(cubeFileName.absoluteFilePath());
880 }
882 QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName((QWidget *) parent(),
883 "Export to cube list",
884 ".",
885 "Cube List (*.lis)");
887 if (!fileName.contains(".lis")) {
888 fileName.append(".lis");
889 }
891 QFile outputFile(fileName);
892 | QIODevice::Text);
894 QTextStream out(&outputFile);
896 // Write each cube filename onto it's own line inside of that file.
897 for (int i = 0; i < cubeFilePaths.size(); i++){
898 out << cubeFilePaths.value(i) << "\n";
899 }
900 outputFile.close();
901 }
909 // Is there anything to print
910 if (cubeViewport() == NULL) {
911 QMessageBox::information((QWidget *)parent(), "Error", "No active cube to print");
912 return;
913 }
915 // Initialize a printer
916 static QPrinter *printer = NULL;
917 if (printer == NULL) printer = new QPrinter;
918 QPageSize pageSize(QPageSize::Letter);
919 printer->setPageSize(pageSize);
920 printer->setColorMode(QPrinter::GrayScale);
921 if (cubeViewport()->isColor()) printer->setColorMode(QPrinter::Color);
923 QPrintDialog printDialog(printer, (QWidget *)parent());
924 if (printDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
925 // Get display widget as a pixmap and convert to an image
926 QPixmap pixmap = cubeViewport()->viewport()->grab();
927 QImage img = pixmap.toImage();
929 // C++ Gui Programmign with Qt, page 201
930 QPainter painter(printer);
931 QRect rect = painter.viewport();
932 QSize size = img.size();
933 size.scale(rect.size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
934 painter.setViewport(rect.x(), rect.y(),
935 size.width(), size.height());
936 painter.setWindow(img.rect());
937 painter.drawImage(0, 0, img);
938 }
939 }
946 // Close all cubes
947 // We must create a temporary list. If not the actual
948 // list size gets modified when a close occurs and not all
949 // windows were being closed.
951 QVector< MdiCubeViewport * > tempList(*cubeViewportList());
952 for(int i = 0; i < (int)tempList.size(); i++) {
953 d =;
954 //Set the current viewport to the one being closed
957 if (!d->parentWidget()->close()) {
958 return false;
959 }
960 }
961 return true;
962 }
974 QWidget *mainWindow = qobject_cast<QWidget *>(p_parent);
976 if (mainWindow)
977 mainWindow->close();
978 }
985 void FileTool::enableSave(bool enable) {
986 p_save->setEnabled(enable);
987 }
994 if (cubeViewport() == NULL) {
995 if (p_lastViewport != NULL) {
996 p_lastViewport = NULL;
997 }
998 p_print->setEnabled(false);
999 p_save->setEnabled(false);
1000 p_exportView->setEnabled(false);
1001 p_exportToList->setEnabled(false);
1002 p_saveAs->setEnabled(false);
1003 p_saveInfo->setEnabled(false);
1004 }
1005 else {
1006 if (p_lastViewport == NULL) {
1007 //Set the last viewport to the current viewport and connect signals to save and discard
1009 connect(p_lastViewport, SIGNAL(saveChanges(CubeViewport *)), this, SLOT(save()));
1010 }
1011 else {
1012 if (p_lastViewport != cubeViewport()) {
1013 //If the viewport has changes made to it enable the save action
1014 if (cubeViewport()->parentWidget()->windowTitle().endsWith("*")) {
1015 p_save->setEnabled(true);
1016 }
1017 //Else disable it
1018 else {
1019 p_save->setEnabled(false);
1020 }
1021 //disconnect signals from the old viewport and connect them to the new viewport
1022 disconnect(p_lastViewport, SIGNAL(saveChanges(CubeViewport *)), this, SLOT(save()));
1023 disconnect(p_lastViewport, SIGNAL(discardChanges(CubeViewport *)), this, SLOT(discard()));
1025 connect(p_lastViewport, SIGNAL(saveChanges(CubeViewport *)), this, SLOT(save()));
1026 connect(p_lastViewport, SIGNAL(discardChanges(CubeViewport *)), this, SLOT(discard()));
1027 }
1028 }
1029 p_print->setEnabled(true);
1030 p_exportView->setEnabled(true);
1031 p_exportToList->setEnabled(true);
1032 p_saveAs->setEnabled(true);
1033 p_saveInfo->setEnabled(true);
1034 }
1035 }
Buffer for containing a three dimensional section of an image.
Definition Brick.h:45
Class for browsing cubes.
Buffer for reading and writing cube data.
Definition Buffer.h:53
Manipulate and parse attributes of input cube filenames.
Manipulate and parse attributes of output cube filenames.
IO Handler for Isis Cubes.
Definition Cube.h:168
void open(const QString &cfile, QString access="r")
This method will open an existing isis cube for reading or reading/writing.
Definition Cube.cpp:623
virtual QString fileName() const
Returns the opened cube's filename.
Definition Cube.cpp:1570
virtual int bandCount() const
Returns the number of virtual bands for the cube.
Definition Cube.cpp:1417
void reopen(QString access="r")
This method will reopen an isis sube for reading or reading/writing.
Definition Cube.cpp:781
Widget to display Isis cubes for qt apps.
void getAllWhatsThisInfo(Pvl &pWhatsThisPvl)
Get All WhatsThis info - viewport, cube, area in PVL format.
Cube * cube() const
Enlarge the pixel dimensions of an image.
Definition Enlarge.h:34
Class for browsing cubes.
Definition FileDialog.h:32
virtual void save()
This method saves any changes made to the current cube, these changes are finalized!...
Definition FileTool.cpp:258
virtual void saveAs()
SaveAs Action - Displays the FileDialog with the filterlist (*.cub) to select the output cube.
Definition FileTool.cpp:284
void saveAsFullImage(Cube *icube, Cube *ocube)
Saves the cube as a full image.
Definition FileTool.cpp:662
virtual void open()
This method allows the user to navigate and open a cube with a file dialog.
Definition FileTool.cpp:215
virtual void exportToList()
Definition FileTool.cpp:853
virtual bool closeAll()
Try to close all open cubes and save/discard if necessary.
Definition FileTool.cpp:945
FileTool(QWidget *parent)
Constructs a FileTool object.
Definition FileTool.cpp:46
virtual void exportView()
This method allows the user to export the current view as an image file.
Definition FileTool.cpp:801
QPointer< QAction > p_saveInfo
Action to save the current cube's Whatsthis info.
Definition FileTool.h:126
QPointer< Workspace > p_workSpace
The workspace being used.
Definition FileTool.h:133
void updateTool()
Updates the tool.
Definition FileTool.cpp:993
void print()
This method allows the user to print the current viewport.
Definition FileTool.cpp:908
QPointer< QAction > p_closeAll
Action to close all windows.
Definition FileTool.h:129
QPointer< SaveAsDialog > p_saveAsDialog
SaveAs Dialog with different save options.
Definition FileTool.h:135
QPointer< QAction > p_print
Action to print the current view.
Definition FileTool.h:123
QPointer< QAction > p_exportToList
Action to export active cubes to a cube list.
Definition FileTool.h:128
QDir p_dir
Definition FileTool.h:76
void enableSave(bool enable)
This slot enables or disables save and save as.
Definition FileTool.cpp:985
QPointer< QAction > p_saveAs
Action save the current cube as a user specified file.
Definition FileTool.h:125
QPointer< MdiCubeViewport > p_lastViewport
The last cubeviewport that was used.
Definition FileTool.h:134
void saveAsEnlargedCube(Cube *icube, const QString &psOutFile)
Save image AsIs Enlarged into output.
Definition FileTool.cpp:410
void addToPermanent(QToolBar *perm)
Adds the file tool's actions to the permanent toolbar.
Definition FileTool.cpp:203
QString p_lastDir
The last directory opened.
Definition FileTool.h:132
static void copy(Buffer &in, Buffer &out)
This method copies from the input buffer to the output buffer.
Definition FileTool.cpp:782
void fileSelected(QString)
This signal is called when a file is selected.
QPointer< QAction > p_save
Action to save the current cube.
Definition FileTool.h:124
QPointer< QAction > p_exit
Action to exit qview.
Definition FileTool.h:130
void discardChanges(CubeViewport *vp)
This signal is called when changes should be discarded.
virtual void exit()
Exit the program, this slot called when the exit is chosen from the File menu.
Definition FileTool.cpp:973
QPointer< QAction > p_open
Action to open a file.
Definition FileTool.h:121
void discard()
This slot emits a signal to discard all changes to the current viewport.
Definition FileTool.cpp:792
void addTo(QMenu *menu)
Adds the file tool's actions to the menu.
Definition FileTool.cpp:169
void saveChanges(CubeViewport *vp)
This signal is called when changes should be saved.
void saveAs_FullResolution(Cube *pInCube, Cube *pOutCube, int pNumSamples, int pNumLines)
Save image Full Resolution (image viewed in the viewport window) into output.
Definition FileTool.cpp:700
QPointer< QAction > p_exportView
Action to export the view as a picture.
Definition FileTool.h:127
void saveAsCubeByOption(QString)
Save as Isis Cube (FullImage, AsIs, FullRes)
Definition FileTool.cpp:317
virtual void saveInfo()
Saves the whatsthis info of the cubeviewport.
Definition FileTool.cpp:748
QPointer< QWidget > p_parent
The parent widget of this object.
Definition FileTool.h:131
void copyCubeDetails(const QString &psFileName, Cube *icube, Cube *ocube, int piNumSamples, int piNumLines, int piNumBands)
Copy input cube details into output file given its dimensions.
Definition FileTool.cpp:552
QStringList p_filterList
Filter List.
Definition FileTool.h:75
QPointer< QAction > p_browse
Action to browse and open files.
Definition FileTool.h:122
void saveAs_AsIs(Cube *icube, const QString &psOutFile)
Save image AsIs (As viewed in the viewport window) into output file.
Definition FileTool.cpp:525
void saveAsReducedCube(Cube *icube, const QString &psOutFile)
For AsIs option, save the reduced input image visible in the viewport window using the Reduce functio...
Definition FileTool.cpp:460
virtual void browse()
This method allows the user to navigate and browse cubes with a file dialog .
Definition FileTool.cpp:236
Isis exception class.
Definition IException.h:91
@ User
A type of error that could only have occurred due to a mistake on the user's part (e....
Definition IException.h:126
@ Programmer
This error is for when a programmer made an API call that was illegal.
Definition IException.h:146
@ Io
A type of error that occurred when performing an actual I/O operation.
Definition IException.h:155
Pixel interpolator.
Cube display widget for certain Isis MDI applications.
Functor for reduce using near functionality.
Definition Reduce.h:88
Read and store original labels.
Buffer for containing a two dimensional section of an image.
Definition Portal.h:36
Process cubes by line.
Isis::Cube * SetInputCube(const QString &parameter, const int requirements=0)
Opens an input cube specified by the user and verifies requirements are met.
virtual Isis::Cube * SetInputCube(const QString &parameter, const int requirements=0)
Opens an input cube specified by the user and verifies requirements are met.
Definition Process.cpp:139
Derivative of Process, designed for geometric transformations.
Contains multiple PvlContainers.
Definition PvlGroup.h:41
Container for cube-like labels.
Definition Pvl.h:119
A single keyword-value pair.
Definition PvlKeyword.h:87
Contains Pvl Groups and Pvl Objects.
Definition PvlObject.h:61
PvlObjectIterator findObject(const QString &name, PvlObjectIterator beg, PvlObjectIterator end)
Find the index of object with a specified name, between two indexes.
Definition PvlObject.h:276
Widget to save(Save As) Isis cubes(used in qview) to display the FileDialog to select the output cube...
Apply corrections to a cube label for subarea extraction.
Definition SubArea.h:47
void SetSubArea(const int orignl, const int origns, const int sl, const int ss, const int el, const int es, const double linc, const double sinc)
Defines the subarea.
Definition SubArea.cpp:60
Base class for the Qisis tools.
Definition Tool.h:67
void addTo(ViewportMainWindow *mw)
Adds the tool to the application.
Definition Tool.cpp:78
void activate(bool)
Activates the tool.
Definition Tool.cpp:131
CubeViewportList * cubeViewportList() const
Return the list of cubeviewports.
Definition Tool.cpp:390
void setCubeViewport(MdiCubeViewport *cvp)
Sets the current viewport to the given cvp.
Definition Tool.cpp:160
MdiCubeViewport * cubeViewport() const
Return the current cubeviewport.
Definition Tool.h:197
QString toolIconDir() const
returns the path to the icon directory.
Definition Tool.h:113
This was called the Qisis MainWindow.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition Calculator.h:18
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Definition Apollo.h:16
QString toString(bool boolToConvert)
Global function to convert a boolean to a string.
Definition IString.cpp:211
@ AttachedLabel
The input label is embedded in the image file.