1#ifndef HistoryTreeWidget_H
2#define HistoryTreeWidget_H
void updateProgressWidgets()
We need to manually manage these progress widgets because QTreeWidget does a poor job of it.
void handleUndoIndexChanged(int)
The project's undo stack has changed.
void showHistory()
This resets the tree widget and re-initializes.
virtual ~HistoryTreeWidget()
Clean up allocated memory.
void markNotUndone(QTreeWidgetItem *)
Display the item as not an item that has been undone - it's working or done.
void addToHistory(QString historyEntry)
Add a non-workorder history to the display.
int sizeHintForColumn(int column) const
Get the preferred size of a given column.
QTreeWidgetItem * undoCommandToTreeItem(const QUndoCommand *)
Get the QTreeWidgetItem associated with the given undo command (work order).
void removeFromHistory(QObject *)
A work order was lost... compensate by removing it from the tree.
void markUndone(QTreeWidgetItem *)
Display the item as an item that has been undone.
HistoryTreeWidget(Project *project, QWidget *parent=0)
Construct a history tree widget.
void refit()
This resizes the columns to an okay width for viewing all of the data cleanly.
The main project for ipce.
Provide Undo/redo abilities, serialization, and history for an operation.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.