1#ifndef JigsawWorkOrder_H
2#define JigsawWorkOrder_H
This work order allows the user to run a bundle adjustment (jigsaw).
virtual JigsawWorkOrder * clone() const
This method clones the JigsawViewWorkOrder.
virtual bool isExecutable()
This method is no longer necessary and will remain commented out until it needs to be implemented.
BundleSettingsQsp m_bundleSettings
BundleSettings shared betweeen setup and execute.
virtual void execute()
Executes the work order by creating a jigsaw dialog that allows the user to run or re-setup the setti...
bool dependsOn(WorkOrder *other) const
This method returns true if other depends on a JigsawWorkOrder.
JigsawWorkOrder(Project *project)
Constructs a JigsawWorkOrder.
The main project for ipce.
Provide Undo/redo abilities, serialization, and history for an operation.
Project * project() const
Returns the Project this WorkOrder is attached to.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
QSharedPointer< BundleSettings > BundleSettingsQsp
Definition for a BundleSettingsQsp, a shared pointer to a BundleSettings object.