1#ifndef RenameProjectWorkOrder_H
2#define RenameProjectWorkOrder_H
The main project for ipce.
Change the project's GUI name.
virtual bool isExecutable(Context context)
This method returns true if the user clicked on the project name on the project tree,...
static bool isNameValid(QString nameToCheck)
Check the validity of the given (proposed) project name.
virtual bool setupExecution()
Setup this WorkOrder for execution.
RenameProjectWorkOrder(QString newName, Project *project)
Creates a work order to rename the project using the given new project name.
virtual RenameProjectWorkOrder * clone() const
This method clones the current RenameProjectWorkOrder and returns it.
virtual void undoExecution()
Changes the project name back to the old name.
bool dependsOn(WorkOrder *other) const
This WorkOrder is only dependent on another RenameProjectWorkOrder.
virtual void execute()
This will rename the project.
Provide Undo/redo abilities, serialization, and history for an operation.
Project * project() const
Returns the Project this WorkOrder is attached to.
This enumeration is for recording the context of the current Workorder (whether it is part of a proje...
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