class A >
class QVector;
48 int curSelectedTab()
53 void setSelected(
const int & index,
const bool & status);
71 QVector< Tab * > * tabs;
A TabBar is a QToolBar which is specifically designed to store and manage Tabs, which are specialized...
void tabClicked(const int &index)
SLOT which performs actions that need to be done when we get a SIGNAL from a Tab telling us that it h...
void setRadioStyle(const bool &radioStyle)
If set to true then the effect is that Tabs in the same radio group can only be selected one at a tim...
bool noOthersInGrpSelected(const int &index) const
void setSelected(const int &index, const bool &status)
Sets whether the Tab at the specified index is selected or not.
virtual ~TabBar()
destruct a TabBar
virtual void addTab(Tab *newTab)
Adds a Tab to the TabBar.
void deselectOthersInGrp(const int &index)
construct a TabBar
void setEnabled(bool)
Custom setEnabled method that also calls setEnabled for each of our Tabs.
bool isSelected(const int &index)
A Tab is a QAction which shows or hides some other QWidget, which we call associatedWidget.
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This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.